Darkhorse1975 wrote: »Perhaps they migrate?
wrothgar is pretty far to the north
SantieClaws wrote: »Well .. the story goes that way back a hungry Khajiit was travelling in green toothy land. Lost and alone he found some eggs and picked them up - put them in his bag just in case he had an unquenchable desire for an omelette later on.
Well he arrived finally in green toothy city place where he found they serve the best omelettes in all Tamriel.
His craving for eggs and cheese now totally satisfied he continued on his way … forgetting all about the eggs in his backpack.
He was almost home again in Elsweyr when some cracking noises from his bag began to concern him. Louder now they became so he threw away his bag and ran!
This is how Wrothgar harpies came to Elsweyr.
Or Wandering Claws Bane as we call them yes …
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
redgreensunset wrote: »
So what you're telling us is that harpies in Elsweyr is an invasive species and we're helping the ecosystem by killing them?
SantieClaws wrote: »Well .. the story goes that way back a hungry Khajiit was travelling in green toothy land. Lost and alone he found some eggs and picked them up - put them in his bag just in case he had an unquenchable desire for an omelette later on.
Well he arrived finally in green toothy city place where he found they serve the best omelettes in all Tamriel.
His craving for eggs and cheese now totally satisfied he continued on his way … forgetting all about the eggs in his backpack.
He was almost home again in Elsweyr when some cracking noises from his bag began to concern him. Louder now they became so he threw away his bag and ran!
This is how Wrothgar harpies came to Elsweyr.
Or Wandering Claws Bane as we call them yes …
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Darkhorse1975 wrote: »
I'd say this wraps up the case of the harpie conundrum! BTW, you wouldn't happen to be distantly related to M'aiq the Liar?