You're on PC NA. You don't know lag. I'm serious. Come over to PC EU and watch things turn into a slide show or be booted off the server and unable to reconnect, because your character is located in an overpopulated area of the map. These are the extreme cases, sure, but on average PC EU is worse than NA. I play on both, by the way.For all those saying it makes more lag? We all know Cyrodiil is eternally laggy. So what's the difference?
What keeps me playing in Cyro is my guild. You form friendships while you're still learning the game and you don't know any better. In the long run that's what keeps you hanging on, not the game.Your still playing right? No one is making us.
Just to elaborate on that, the way to keep the hammer forever is (was?) for the person who holds it to log out / disconnect just before expiry, at which point the timer resets and the hammer can be picked up by another. You can imagine how that's easier for the overpopulated team, who can protect the location at that time.In the very few occasions where it actually ends up helping the underdogs take back a few homekeeps, its nice. But mostly the hammer ends up in the already winning or overpopulated team anyway and they just get an even easier time taking the entire map.
At first I didn't like the hammer but with all of the changes they made to the game the hammer is needed to crown emperor as it would be impossible otherwise. I also like how it makes certain guilds who would otherwise go off on their own stack with PUGs. I still wonder if it's too strong for nightcappers, though.