AcadianPaladin wrote: »Heh, if the PTS nerfs to resto go live, changing to dps is exactly what my main (magplar healer) will do. Losing healers will help the pug queues, right? Oh, wait. . . .
VaranisArano wrote: »How are you enjoying the much longer DD queue time?
That's the main reason that even my DDs equip a resto staff or Sword&Board to play healer or tank.
For some reason when queuing with a friend deeps, the longest wait we have hit has been 15 minutes. Usually it's under 5, so not a bother at all.
Ever get tired of DPS just standing in stupid?
DPS forgetting to eat food?
Trying to cluelessly face tank the whole dungeon?
Low DPS, no matter how many buffs you dish out?
Well I came her today to share a little secret. Seriously, this is revolutionary. When I let you in, it's going to blow your mind.
I've rolled as a DPS, and now I never need to worry about these things again. 100% fix to all those pesky problems. Enjoy your life of nuking and stabby stabby action time!
Your welcome my tormented healer friends, I'm here for you.
VaranisArano wrote: »How are you enjoying the much longer DD queue time?
That's the main reason that even my DDs equip a resto staff or Sword&Board to play healer or tank.
Healers can DPS pretty well anyway. Back when I used to heal dungeons - if groups refused to position themselves correctly or tanks refused to be actual tanks (which was often) what I would usually end up doing is just proceed to solo the dungeon. It made life so much easier.
Though this strategy won't work on the more difficult DLC dungeons. It works fine on most dungeons. I would just raise them when it was convenient so they could speed the place up a bit for me. Healing is absolutely miserable on this game if you attempt to heal fake tanks or DPS who don't don't know how to dodge anything but your heals. So that's my advice if you are going through hell trying to heal dungeons (trust me I've been there). Just buff your healer up some so he can solo them adequately and think of your wayward teammates as time savers and don't stress yourself trying to keep them alive when they make it next to impossible to do so.
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »ESO is probably the easiest MMO to reach the skill floor for healing. Everything is AoE and/or smart healing. I wouldn't call DPS brain dead comming from the healing role in this game.
Now if your talking about skillcap, I still think healing still far easyer then DPS skillcap.3
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Why? Why bother? Just go as a good dps and queue as a healer. I do like that every single time and carry randoms. And when they all lay on the ground I'm the last man standing soloing the boss while laughing at them.
I wish there was a "put pillow on the ground" emote so that I could give my fallen teammates a pillow while they lay dead.
david_m_18b16_ESO wrote: »ESO is probably the easiest MMO to reach the skill floor for healing. Everything is AoE and/or smart healing. I wouldn't call DPS brain dead comming from the healing role in this game.
Now if your talking about skillcap, I still think healing still far easyer then DPS skillcap.3