Yes, our assistants are apparently feeling unruly again. Could've sworn that this got fixed in an earlier patch...
redspecter23 wrote: »Agreed. I hate that the very first thing my assistants do after they are summoned is walk around behind me so I have to rotate as I interact with them. Why do they even have to move at all if I'm standing still?
It started again straight after Elsweyr for me as well on Xbox.
I summon them, wait for them to walk past me, unsummon them and then summon them again! I'm not moving for them! The second time you summon them they start from further out so it is easy to select them before they walk straight through you or past you.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »You haven't had them teleport on you?
Sometimes when their landing zone is somehow invalid, they immediately break off dialog because they blink-port to a valid destination.
The assistants I want are D&D throwbacks -- Bag of Holding (banker) and Bag of Devouring (merchant). Don't even call up an assistant npc -- just open the appropriate interface.
No, YOU may have no need for their moving, others do .. I agree with your complaint about their immediate walking past you, especially if you've already started to interact with them, but making them immobile is not a solution.I ask that assistants be made immobile. There is no need for them to follow the player around,
I had a standoff with Tythis last night. He was standing several yards away from me, perfectly still, writing in his book. I stood there for 2 min hoping he would come closer to me because I was afraid to go to him, knowing what would happen.
Finally I broke down and took a few steps towards him. What did he do? Did he stay put? Did he come to me, or even meet me halfway? Nope, he sprinted past me to go where I had been standing before I moved. So I turned around and he ran past me again, still out of reach. I was finally able to open the menu as he zipped by, but the he keeps moving and the window closed. I’m on the verge of believing that they coded this behavior intentionally, so we would be willing to drop another 5k crowns on a new banker. This something so sketchy about that skinny dunmer.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »You haven't had them teleport on you?
Sometimes when their landing zone is somehow invalid, they immediately break off dialog because they blink-port to a valid destination.
The assistants I want are D&D throwbacks -- Bag of Holding (banker) and Bag of Devouring (merchant). Don't even call up an assistant npc -- just open the appropriate interface.