baronzilch wrote: »It's been much worse this past year. I don't understand the philosophy behind the all the proc sets. They are continually upping the complexity and, on paper, some might seem neat.
Stacking sets, multiple triggers, that's a whole lot of extra calculations the server has to process. And many sets have such common triggers, I have to wonder why is there a trigger at all? That's just using up server resources for no reason and a lot of sets with common triggers could be aggregated to static sets based on their average uptimes and current values.
(Procs can add variety and 'spice' to a game, but, they should be used in moderation. ZOS seem to mainline procs, though. It may be a serious proc addiction problem and I worry for them)
Then there are the animations. Geez, does everything have to be extra glowy and sparkly and big? The necro stuff was way over the top. Is all that really necessary? Coupled with the server lag you also add unnecessary load to everyone's GPUs and gameplay-wise there is no reason for it. Animations could be a lot more efficient.
It's interesting that ZOS is now considering gutting some of the actual gameplay (like no more tearing down towers apparently, not a huge loss, but I can't believe that is a core problem) in order to alleviate the server overload created by the stuff that is supposed to be only cosmetic and auxiliary to the gameplay. That's backwards thinking and a pretty bad sign for things to come.
Personally, I would gladly give up some of the razzle dazzle and set variety for smooth performance. Am I alone in this?
xMovingTarget wrote: »
Like this? there should have been blastbones where the circles are. But instead it isnt because the skill did not fire
Yes, the game is often unplayable in PvP combat.
Several of the worst things in PvP:
1) can't switch bars in combat. My build requires me to switch bars, or I'm dead.
2) Try to dodge roll and my character just abruptly moves forward a foot or so then stops.
3) Ultimates won't fire. They just won't. Mash the button again and again , nothing happens. Particularly bad for my stam DK who needs the Battle roar passive.
4) Immovable pots that don't work. Use a pot and immediately get cc'ed
5) Break free that doesn't work. Particularly bad with fear.
6) No cc immunity. Get cc'ed, break free, immediately cc'ed again.
InvictusApollo wrote: »It is a l2p issue! As in: learn to play some other game and don't bother yourself with this bugfest called ESO.