Fixing Cast Time Ultimates

Adjusted the animations and cast times for many Ultimates that are meant to have high impact to better synchronize their attacks to their animations.

This is the reasoning Zenimax has given us (officialy) as to why they added cast times to ults. So we can see the animations better.

So lets unpack this, the plan here is to upend how the game plays and feels to make it look more aestheticly pleasing? Ok, i get the want for aesthetics, but thier has to be a better answer than "lets just change how the games feels to play!"

Well here it is,
Zenimax should rework ultimate animations they they have more front end snap and LOOK GOOD when you cancel them. Why does it have to be an either or when we can have the aesthetics and the gameplay? Should we stop at just ultimates?

Zenimax has said many times animation cancelling is part of the game and here to stay, so why not just rework animations to match your combat system? ESO is 5 years old, i think an animation facelift would be a much better aproach then butchering gameplay.

I have often wondered what ESO would look like if the games animations were designed to be canceled, maybe add an after animation effect to each skill that plays out after the cancel but ends before your skill gcd is done? I mean they could atleast get creative and come up with something better than "lets butcher gameplay because we dont like how our outdated animations work with it".

Im just trying to give Zenimax any ideas before they go ahead and make these bad changes, love to hear what you guys think to!
Edited by JackDaniell on July 14, 2019 2:16AM
Ebonheart Templar
  • leepalmer95
    Careful the pug brigade is gonna come and tell you how much of a bad person you are for exploiting and how you're gonna cry because you won't be able to kill people or whatever weird excuses they come up with.

    Then they fail to acknowledge the poll with 87% of people hating the changes.

    Then they'll give some weird excuse about how if somehow EVERYONE playing the game voted it would be in favour of keeping, don't ask how they know this they just do.

    But yeah horrible unneeded change.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • jcm2606
    Careful the pug brigade is gonna come and tell you how much of a bad person you are for exploiting and how you're gonna cry because you won't be able to kill people or whatever weird excuses they come up with.

    Then they fail to acknowledge the poll with 87% of people hating the changes.

    Then they'll give some weird excuse about how if somehow EVERYONE playing the game voted it would be in favour of keeping, don't ask how they know this they just do.

    But yeah horrible unneeded change.

    Then they'd completely derp and say that animation cancelling is what allows their Sub Assault / HA / Dawnbreaker / spin2win combo to one shot people, while completely ignoring the massive 3s delay on Sub Assault that actually allows everything to hit at once.

    Pug brigade doesn't even begin to describe some of these people.
  • killingspreeb16_ESO
    Careful the pug brigade is gonna come and tell you how much of a bad person you are for exploiting and how you're gonna cry because you won't be able to kill people or whatever weird excuses they come up with.

    Then they fail to acknowledge the poll with 87% of people hating the changes.

    Then they'll give some weird excuse about how if somehow EVERYONE playing the game voted it would be in favour of keeping, don't ask how they know this they just do.

    But yeah horrible unneeded change.

    Exploiting?kek you plebs.

    Join the hack team we can fire 15 skill in one gcd thanks to the animation cancel :wink:
  • ProzTh3Almighty
    I once ani cancelled a global cool down. It was magnificent
  • delichon
    Well, that's true. I believe with 1 second global cooldown they have enough time to play animation and let animation canceling be. While damage still can be delayed if they want to give some kind of telegraph to counter it.
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