SaucyMcSauceface wrote: »While it is nice from a parsing perspective to gain access to fracture some of the time on my StamSorc, in real terms, in any group context, this is just a flat nerf, and a huge one at that - 60%. The nerf to the mag equivalent, blockade, consists of a small damage reduction, but a buff to the explosion, and leaves the option of replacing blockade with the improved mages guild options. or one of the many mag aoes in the game. As another class, I can replace caltrops with something useful. On my stamsorc, it is just a nerf without a clear replacement. This game is supposed to be based on choice between options. I am struggling to see the options here. Caltrops is not meta for stam because it is OP, it is simply one of the only stam aoes that is not a class ability.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Have you seen what they did to endless hail, it does damage 1 a second now, not .5 a second, meaning it lost 50% of it's damage there.
Didn´t they buff the vMA bow at the same time, so damage wise there shouldn´t be a huge difference?
SaucyMcSauceface wrote: »Looks like they are pushing a shift to barrage, it will still be lower than live, but the 20% buff per tick for barrage will compensate somewhat.
So if some one dont have the bow...
Didn´t they buff the vMA bow at the same time, so damage wise there shouldn´t be a huge difference?
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Have you seen what they did to endless hail, it does damage 1 a second now, not .5 a second, meaning it lost 50% of it's damage there.
Thunderous Volley: Increased the damage bonus of this set to be nearly double the original value, since Volley and its morphs only tick once every 1 second, instead of every half second.
this is also relative to the skill costYou are only getting 8 ticks of damage, vs 10 ticks for hail, so the damage per cast is about the same.
2808/8=351reduced the base cost to 2808 from 3510.
SaucyMcSauceface wrote: »Ok, calmed down, I ran the numbers on replacing caltrops with the updated deadly cloak in the rotation, and it looks as though it will work out to being only a 200 or so dps loss. Memo to me: check the numbers and probably the PTS before freaking out....