Murador178 wrote: »CP are actually the problem for any openworld content. ESOs openworld doesnt even feel dangerous without any CP - but with CP its just a flat out joke.
Lord_Eomer wrote: »
Lord_Eomer wrote: »Murador178 wrote: »CP are actually the problem for any openworld content. ESOs openworld doesnt even feel dangerous without any CP - but with CP its just a flat out joke.
Well CP are not problem if you can do even harder contents without CP.
Problem lies somewhere else and this patch is fixing that
killingspreeb16_ESO wrote: »Lord_Eomer wrote: »
Because if something get nerfed because CP(pve or pvp) nocp is the one to suffer.
Cp need to be revamped or replaced,cp is one of the main reason for nerf and power creep.
Lord_Eomer wrote: »Can not believe if a group has successfully cleared VMOL and VMA (even flawless run) without CP:
Soundinfinite wrote: »I was actually going to do a post on how CP has never been a true problem in the power creep. Yet then there is this post stating the opposite and it is tickling my funny bone.
For 3 patches now CP has been kept off in terms of raising the bar. Yet, DPS has continued to raise. I'm far past the 810 cap myself and early on realized that once I passed the 400 to 500 Mark I was basically as strong as I was going to get. You start to hit a barrier where 25 and more CP only give you maybe 1% outgoing damage because of its deminishing return design.
Now CP does make you more well rounded. It helps in making tanky builds more powerful dps wise while also taking glass cannons and making them more sturdy as well as filling in some sustain gaps with cost reductions and increased regeneration.
Sets are the main factor in the power creep and always have been. The game is designed around it. And this year has shown it more than those before since the CP system has been put in place.
The game wants ACTIVE users. This is the whole point of daily rewards. They also want players to invest in new content and expansions by either purchasing eso+ or outright buying them. Also, they need the player base to run the content and spend time in the new mechanations. This creates login and time spent in game. It forces people to farm new gear and likey also transmute stones to get the gear in bis traits. This is done by changing meta. And meta only changes if the new is better than the old.
I believe it was the first dungeon dlc of this year where the class reps were asked if any of the new sets changed the meta, and they were dissapointed at the response of no.
Look at Elsweyr and it's trial sets. The light, heavy, and medium are each now Meta sets and DPS has risen yet again.
These Meta sets become more important as the game then goes back and nerfs skills and classes to counterbalance the potency of the new builds, putting the old metas further behind. The player base continues to "chase the carrot" of top tier DPS and thus spend time in game farming and running content with a slight overall gain DPS output. It is a constant repeating cycle.
Unfortunately, CP is already in the works of being. Redesigned....again....I believe it's the 4th time since it being added to the game...even though it truly doesn't need it. And if the game continues long enough, it will be redesigned again in the future itself being part of another cycle.
The point is, power will continue to raise, it will always creep.Nerfs will be used to counter balance and progression will be revised to keep a sense of always working towards something. It is how it is.