While it definitely is a buff to raw healing, it is a substantial nerf to sustain, something Necromancer Healers already have issues with.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »I mean, the healing was increased by 90%, while the cost only went up 77%. In terms of raw healing output, this is plainly a buff.
It doesn't nerf ones ability to keep Undead Confederate up, you're still going to have a 100% uptime with Undead Confederate. The issue is that even with the 100% uptime, Undead Confederate still provides fewer resources than the cost of the Spirit Mender. Thus, if you're having issues with sustain it is more beneficial to not cast Spirit Mender at all and just cast another spell.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »It may nerf one’s ability to keep Undead Confederate up, but just prioritize keeping it up over casting something else if you’re having trouble with sustain.
Even by using Intensive Mender, Undead Confederate doesn't match the cost. And that's with the ideal circumstances you mentioned in your post.RiskyChalice863 wrote: »And that’s not even mentioning Intensive Mender—which now heals for more than before (about 27% more) and is cheaper than before (about 11% cheaper). Intensive Mender got a large buff. Try using that instead.
PyrrhicJordan wrote: »While it definitely is a buff to raw healing, it is a substantial nerf to sustain, something Necromancer Healers already have issues with.
It doesn't nerf ones ability to keep Undead Confederate up, you're still going to have a 100% uptime with Undead Confederate. The issue is that even with the 100% uptime, Undead Confederate still provides fewer resources than the cost of the Spirit Mender. Thus, if you're having issues with sustain it is more beneficial to not cast Spirit Mender at all and just cast another spell.
Even by using Intensive Mender, Undead Confederate doesn't match the cost. And that's with the ideal circumstances you mentioned in your post.
The main point I'm trying to convey is that with the increase in the cost of these abilities, the sustain of the Necromancer Healer may suffer as the Undead Confederate passive don't make up the cost of the ability. I understand this is quite a small issue compared to other changes coming with this patch, but I feel it shouldn't be overlooked.
I feel that if these changes are to go live, both the Spirit Mender and the Undead Confederate passive will become useless to Necromancer Healers.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »The healing tether doesn't cost anything anymore, just got to have a body, there's your sustain.
And it'll still have issues in PvP, as I've mentioned previously. Mystic Siphon will be roughly half the Magicka return of a Templar's Rune or Warden's Netch over the same duration, but requires a corpse (the targeting of which can be finnicky at times), can be broken by LOS or a targeted player respawning, doesn't buff resistances, doesn't provide Major Sorcery, doesn't cleanse, and has fairly weak damage that is incredibly easy to avoid in almost all situations.Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »The healing tether doesn't cost anything anymore, just got to have a body, there's your sustain.
PyrrhicJordan wrote: »While it definitely is a buff to raw healing, it is a substantial nerf to sustain, something Necromancer Healers already have issues with.
It doesn't nerf ones ability to keep Undead Confederate up, you're still going to have a 100% uptime with Undead Confederate. The issue is that even with the 100% uptime, Undead Confederate still provides fewer resources than the cost of the Spirit Mender. Thus, if you're having issues with sustain it is more beneficial to not cast Spirit Mender at all and just cast another spell.
Even by using Intensive Mender, Undead Confederate doesn't match the cost. And that's with the ideal circumstances you mentioned in your post.
The main point I'm trying to convey is that with the increase in the cost of these abilities, the sustain of the Necromancer Healer may suffer as the Undead Confederate passive don't make up the cost of the ability. I understand this is quite a small issue compared to other changes coming with this patch, but I feel it shouldn't be overlooked.
I feel that if these changes are to go live, both the Spirit Mender and the Undead Confederate passive will become useless to Necromancer Healers.