jetplane_18 wrote: »And right after introducing Lokkestiiz. What are the poor stamcros gonna do?
MojaveHeld wrote: »It's astonishing that someone who actually gets paid to design this stuff actually thought this was okay. It's like they've never played their own game, even at low levels. No even semi-knowledgeable person would have ever signed off on this. It's unbelievable, a seventh grader who plays on their parent's PC could have avoided this incredibly boneheaded misstep. How did ZOS let this happen?
The orb change is crazy. Orbs are what set apart the good and the bad healers, theres nothing better than helping your group sustain and helping them output good damage, with the changes to springs too what should a healer do now? One springs, one orb and one Combat Prayer? Heavy attack until that orb is consumed and the group is ready for another? Ridiculous.......