Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »Congratulations on your very original name XD btw what days/times do you guys play normally?
Hi! We are casual questers, and we would like to share with you some good PvP content(aka Xv1). I personaly hope you will enjoy this High-end PvP videos.https://youtu.be/xo-z28HCx5c
Who we are:
PC EU players
Main: Kaalgrontiid
We are hardcore questing guild(cause made 40ppl kill quest in raid is hard). Our main focus - pugsurf, some open GvGs and ofc Xv1. #wedonotrepairdoors
Special tnx:
Wipe inc(aka Zergbusters)
Joining Forces
Dragon guard(is it right translation?)
Meridia Vanguard (aka stupid zerg)
Five guys(sry, our rt always starts with your kill on roe farm)
And every Pug, who send us flaming /w
Toxicity is welcome!
P.s. this topic could be updated
lol I agree that the name is op XD should have also called your chars someting like "Heal-bot", "Purge Monkey", "One button spammer", "Smash-that-tornado-that-many-times" etc
Also cool to see some GVG type of fights!
Is it enouth that 3 of my chars called "Nice-Zerg-Dude"?)
you always welcome! #inlagwedie
And yeah, smallscalers are useless imho, 95% of them running around 1 rock focusing some single pugs with 2H and warden combo, kinda stupid
Just imagine spamming 1 skill and even failing to LA weave or anim cancel even that...
Do you even PvP? Our guild is starting to recommend one bar builds because the lag is so bad. LA weaving and ani-cancelling? ROFLMAO! Happy if the game will let my character maintain a sprint some days.
*Cough* I will just leave this herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbEqeIQ1Wu0
is this a pc exclusive thing, a bug, or how do you guys manage to block while casting an ability?
InvictusApollo wrote: »Lag and ballgroups... why do I even consider coming back to ESO?
InvictusApollo wrote: »Lag and ballgroups... why do I even consider coming back to ESO?
Ball group and PVP in the same sentence...Heal bots Tornedo spawn Ignite(need to press x)...
Zos have no fix for ball groups for years , the tools to kill Ball groups used by themout of control
Time pass and players got used to see ball groups on dalily
But to call that pvp?
Ball group and PVP in the same sentence...Heal bots Tornedo spawn Ignite(need to press x)...
Zos have no fix for ball groups for years , the tools to kill Ball groups used by themout of control
Time pass and players got used to see ball groups on dalily
But to call that pvp?