(Videos) Ball Group - Some truly PvP experience.

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Hi! We are casual questers, and we would like to share with you some good PvP content(aka Xv1). I personaly hope you will enjoy this High-end PvP videos.



Who we are:
PC EU players
Main: Kaalgrontiid
We are hardcore questing guild(cause made 40ppl kill quest in raid is hard). Our main focus - pugsurf, some open GvGs and ofc Xv1. #wedonotrepairdoors

Special tnx:
Wipe inc(aka Zergbusters)
Joining Forces
Dragon guard(is it right translation?)
Meridia Vanguard (aka stupid zerg)
Five guys(sry, our rt always starts with your kill on roe farm)
And every Pug, who send us flaming /w

Toxicity is welcome!

P.s. this topic could be updated
  • psypanda
    President of the official Lucina Civello Fanclub
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Congratulations on your very original name XD btw what days/times do you guys play normally?
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • LoreToo
    Congratulations on your very original name XD btw what days/times do you guys play normally?

    Usualy Tuesday/Thursday around 19-00 CET (for 2-3 hours), sometimes saturday in pug format(any builds just for fun).
    Edited by LoreToo on July 2, 2019 9:31AM
  • Zer0_CooL
    Must be hard to smash that tornado that many times :|
  • WoppaBoem
    Very nice!!! :)
    Edited by WoppaBoem on July 2, 2019 9:38AM
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • Rin_Senya
    lol I agree that the name is op XD should have also called your chars someting like "Heal-bot", "Purge Monkey", "One button spammer", "Smash-that-tornado-that-many-times" etc
    Also cool to see some GVG type of fights! :smile:
    Anairi ~ EP | NA | AR50 - Dracarys
    Anaire ~ AD/EP | EU | AR50 - Banana Squad/Zerg Squad/AOE Rats

  • Papachico
    Just imagine spamming 1 skill and even failing to LA weave or anim cancel even that...we've all been there and done our part of zerging but I never understood why someone would feel the need to make a video to share with others about it. Nothing special to see. Get good or ball group ;)
  • Durham
    LoreToo wrote: »
    Hi! We are casual questers, and we would like to share with you some good PvP content(aka Xv1). I personaly hope you will enjoy this High-end PvP videos.



    Who we are:
    PC EU players
    Main: Kaalgrontiid
    We are hardcore questing guild(cause made 40ppl kill quest in raid is hard). Our main focus - pugsurf, some open GvGs and ofc Xv1. #wedonotrepairdoors

    Special tnx:
    Wipe inc(aka Zergbusters)
    Joining Forces
    Dragon guard(is it right translation?)
    Meridia Vanguard (aka stupid zerg)
    Five guys(sry, our rt always starts with your kill on roe farm)
    And every Pug, who send us flaming /w

    Toxicity is welcome!

    P.s. this topic could be updated

    First thank you for the lag !!!

    Second you are not outnumbered you out number everyone else's group... See most people run around solo or small groups. Your just farming pugs not that hard to do.

    Seriously we do not need anymore of this type of play in North America this style of play just lags the crap out of ZOS's servers. This style of play makes almost impossiable for anyone that actually has to bar swap or use certian abilities that highy affected by lag.

    This is not highend PVP. Its PVP on easy Im sorry. Stacking heals and just AOEing the crap out of everything nothing to see here ... Try small man 4 to 8 not 24 then comback :) We get these ball group players running with us sometimes and they are horrid they are like deer in headlights. If we can get our small group of 6 running ball groups are easy to avoid and never wipe us out. I just really hate the lag that they create!! We have been basically down for the last 2 weeks becouse of crap performance of the servers.

    Edited by Durham on July 2, 2019 7:03PM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • LoreToo
    Rin_Senya wrote: »
    lol I agree that the name is op XD should have also called your chars someting like "Heal-bot", "Purge Monkey", "One button spammer", "Smash-that-tornado-that-many-times" etc
    Also cool to see some GVG type of fights! :smile:

    Is it enouth that 3 of my chars called "Nice-Zerg-Dude"?)
    Durham wrote: »

    First thank you for the lag !!!

    you always welcome! #inlagwedie
    And yeah, smallscalers are useless imho, 95% of them running around 1 rock focusing some single pugs with 2H and warden combo, kinda stupid
    Edited by LoreToo on July 2, 2019 7:56PM
  • Durham
    LoreToo wrote: »

    Is it enouth that 3 of my chars called "Nice-Zerg-Dude"?)
    you always welcome! #inlagwedie
    And yeah, smallscalers are useless imho, 95% of them running around 1 rock focusing some single pugs with 2H and warden combo, kinda stupid

    Your style of play is nothing special and is right up the ally for someone just comming to Cyrodiil. Many of us played that way 4 years ago. One day you might graduate.

    Small man is not solo. LOL who said anything about a warden? We far more out number then your group of 24 lol... We might on typical night run with 4 to 8 and we will hit groups like yours and then scatter so your tactics never truely take us down. You might stun lag one of us, and kill one of us. But we never wipe! We spend most of the time fare behind oppositions keeps and will stay there most of the time.
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Mr_Walker
    Papachico wrote: »
    Just imagine spamming 1 skill and even failing to LA weave or anim cancel even that...

    Do you even PvP? Our guild is starting to recommend one bar builds because the lag is so bad. LA weaving and ani-cancelling? ROFLMAO! Happy if the game will let my character maintain a sprint some days.
  • Papachico
    Mr_Walker wrote: »

    Do you even PvP? Our guild is starting to recommend one bar builds because the lag is so bad. LA weaving and ani-cancelling? ROFLMAO! Happy if the game will let my character maintain a sprint some days.

    Do I even PvP? Suppose I should say Welcome to Cyrodiil kids!
  • Julibomb
    *Cough* I will just leave this here
    Edited by Julibomb on July 3, 2019 8:00PM
    PC EU - EP - CP Campaign

    - Raid leader of Retaliatíon -
  • Zer0_CooL
    Julibomb wrote: »
    *Cough* I will just leave this here

    is this a pc exclusive thing, a bug, or how do you guys manage to block while casting an ability?
  • ox_CROUCH_xo
    Soul Shriven
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »

    is this a pc exclusive thing, a bug, or how do you guys manage to block while casting an ability?

    it's a visual bug on PC, block symbol gets stuck on screen but not actually blocking
  • coletas
    You can be with the shield icon there for hours. Even after revive several times
  • LoreToo
    Some updates. As before, only 1 buttom spaming, healboting, and top 1vX content. Enjoy!

    P.s. special tnx to Sanct16 and co for some good and solid fights
  • InvictusApollo
    Lag and ballgroups... why do I even consider coming back to ESO?
  • zyk
    Lag and ballgroups... why do I even consider coming back to ESO?

  • Avnr
    Ball group and PVP in the same sentence...Heal bots Tornedo spawn Ignite(need to press x)...

    Zos have no fix for ball groups for years , the tools to kill Ball groups used by them :) out of control
    Time pass and players got used to see ball groups on dalily

    But to call that pvp?
  • Nitribit
    Lag and ballgroups... why do I even consider coming back to ESO?

    Pls don't. Go play Vanilla. We don't need more players. More players, more laggs. So stay away pls.
  • Nitribit
    Avnr wrote: »
    Ball group and PVP in the same sentence...Heal bots Tornedo spawn Ignite(need to press x)...

    Zos have no fix for ball groups for years , the tools to kill Ball groups used by them :) out of control
    Time pass and players got used to see ball groups on dalily

    But to call that pvp?

    You call it PvP to do an easy warden combo and beeing tanky as hell the same time?
    You call it PvP staying in hide and pressing two buttons, like NB's are doing and when its not working, running away like a chicken?
    Yeah, that's a thing only true PvP masters can handle.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    Recently we've had to remove a few posts for a bit of flaming and baiting, both being against the Forum Rules. For further posts be sure to stay constructive and respectful to avoid thread derailment.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Staff Post
  • coletas
    Fix the game and people won't even login in the forums
  • LoreToo
    Avnr wrote: »
    Ball group and PVP in the same sentence...Heal bots Tornedo spawn Ignite(need to press x)...

    Zos have no fix for ball groups for years , the tools to kill Ball groups used by them :) out of control
    Time pass and players got used to see ball groups on dalily

    But to call that pvp?

    Ball grouping is the only way to go. Solo pvp rip primetime, small-scalers can not coop 95% of time.
    You can not fix ball groups, cause its more about adapting to current patch rather then just spam s2w/proxi3-2-1 ect... And you need way more knowledge and skill then in "high-end" pve in terms of building, movenent, coordination and timing, so yeah its the only true experience
  • Iskiab
    You should see no-CP cyrodiil on PC-NA. You guys would be considered small scalers.

    I’ll see 4 guilds of 24 fighting side by side on EP during prime time.
    Edited by Iskiab on July 23, 2019 9:45PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Xarc
    there is absolutely No Merit to play in a ballgroup. Eveybody is able to do it with a guild+vocal. It's not hard to spam a key.


    I don't know if they know it.
    As a player playing alone (without guild) it's hard to defend a place against this kind of guild ruining cyrodiil for ages.

    The fact is : guilds vs guilds are rares. Theses ballgroups prefere to go against random and lfg groups.

    Edited by Xarc on July 24, 2019 2:46AM
    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    Please visit my house ingame !
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank49
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Xaljaa - breton NB - now EP - AvA rank39
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank28
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    - in game since April 2014
    - on the forum since December 2014
  • Durham
    Thank you for lagging everyone else play with your game play !

    Nothing to see here !!

    No respect for ball group players
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Nermy
    You just can't please some people... ;)
    Ex-Leader of The Wabbajack [EU EP PvP guild - Now stood down from active duty]

    Nermden - EP Warden, Nerm-in'a'tor - EP Dragon Knight, N'erm - EP Sorcerer, D'arkness - EP Nightblade, Nermy - EP Templar

    “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.” ― Oscar Wilde

    "An Army is a team; lives, sleeps, eats, fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is a lot of crap." -General George S. Patton
  • Avnr
    Xarcus wrote: »

    The fact is : guilds vs guilds are rares. Theses ballgroups prefere to go against random and lfg groups.


    And the call that pvp...

    Never could learn to drink that blood; And call it wine
    Never could learn to be part of ball ;And call it (NEED A WORD)
This discussion has been closed.