Lock 7-Day Campaigns, Free 30-Day

  • Ranger209
    How, in an environment classified as AvAvA, can you view any other thing than each alliance as a team. By the very definition it is Alliance vs Alliance vs Alliance, that's it. The alliances are the teams by its very nature. Small scalers have BG's and ICS as a more open world experience to basically do as they wish without regard to alliance loyalty or commitment. They also have the 7 day CP campaign. The only place to large scale siege warfare style pvp is Cyrodiil. Why must that too cater to small scalers and people that wish to disregard the AvAvA aspect that it provides?
    Edited by Ranger209 on July 2, 2019 10:30PM
  • Rianai
    I don't care much about how something is classified on paper. What matters to me is how it plays out in reality. And it case of Cyrodiil the reality looks much more like an open world sand box PvP mode than competitive team vs team (vs team).
  • Dutchessx
    Hashtag_ wrote: »

    I’m not sure but I hear you defend ghost division who is the primary cause of the campaign being dead.

    Not sure what you’ve heard but anyone who knows me will tell you I am very practical in my thinking. For that matter why should it matter, what I say or do? However, I will answer your question with a question. Does it make sense to blame a guild who only plays twice weekly? Simple, right? No it doesn’t make sense. I am but one person with my own opinions which matter very little in the grand scheme of things. I suggest if you are looking to place blame to anyone perhaps look to see who is on and if it is a guild group or not.

    Sense I do not know you, I wonder why you are asking this. I tend to be to darn observant sometimes and not other times, so I wonder what you will gain from asking this question. I don’t know if I know you in game or not, since I don’t recognize your name. However, I hope that clears up anything you may have heard. If not well, I guess I can’t help you then. I am sort of surprised this wasn’t picked up by the moderators, as I thought we weren’t to name individual players on the forums. I will say this I greatly appreciate ZRT and the rest of Ghost Division among others as well who play DC on Sotha. They took in a former guild leader from an enemy faction and made the game fun for me again. I have sense gone home to EP whether I stay there or not is not something I will discuss here as it is nobody’s business but my own.

    Be blessed and best wishes in your game.
    Former Guild Leader Darkest Requiem
    Dutchessx - Sorcerer - EP NA
    Dütchess - Templar - DC NA
    Dutchess of Lost Souls - DC NA
    The Dark Dutchess- Sorcerer - DC NA
    Ðutchess - Templar - DC NA
    Always beware the sound of hooves in the night
    Remember Haderus
    Remember Azura's Star
  • ATomiX96

    If the faction hoppers really cared about playing with their friends, they would join the 7 day campaign as is. But the faction hoppers don't really wanna play with friends, they want Cyrodil to be something they can "farm". ZOS has decided that if you want to farm Cyrodil, you're gonna have to work extra hard for it.

    Guide on how to work "extra hard":
    1. type "/zone"
    2. type "lfg"
    3. slap that enter button to let everyone know youre in need of a group
    4. accept the group invite that the random dude you never heared of threw you
    5. [snip]
    6. run to crown
    7. zergsurf and PvDoor until you get bored
    8. log off

    [edited for non-constructive/baiting comment]
    Edited by ZOS_RogerJ on July 5, 2019 12:38AM
  • Marcus684

    If the faction hoppers really cared about playing with their friends, they would join the 7 day campaign as is. But the faction hoppers don't really wanna play with friends, they want Cyrodil to be something they can "farm". ZOS has decided that if you want to farm Cyrodil, you're gonna have to work extra hard for it.

    So much this. Small-scale faction-hoppers thrived on the hordes on PvEers coming into the 30-day campaign with their PvE gear to farm AP and ego points, and now they're the ones flooding the forums with their QQ.
  • Gilvoth
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    If the faction loyalists truly care for faction lock, they will move to the 7 days

    i don't know anyone that is a faction loyalist,
    i have never heard anyone asking for faction loyalty neither on this forum nor ingame.
    faction locks have nothing to do with faction loyalty.
    the reason for faction locks is to stop all the problems and cheats and exploits that are a very very very long list that were happening Because of unlocked factions.
    don't bother asking about them for us to list and talk about on this forum, because it is against the forum rules for us to talk about cheats and game exploits and can get you warnings and even forum account banns.

    please keep the faction locks on 30 day campaigns.
  • Gilvoth

    If the faction hoppers really cared about playing with their friends, they would join the 7 day campaign as is. But the faction hoppers don't really wanna play with friends, they want Cyrodil to be something they can "farm". ZOS has decided that if you want to farm Cyrodil, you're gonna have to work extra hard for it.

    well said.
    all truth.
  • Royalthought
    "Faction hoppers"
    "Faction Loyalists"

    Any category for players that simply want to use all the characters they maxed out?

    Faction lock SHOULD mean ALL our alt characters can only log in on that faction.

    This current system isnt a faction lock, its an alt lock.
  • usmcjdking
    "Faction hoppers"
    "Faction Loyalists"

    Any category for players that simply want to use all the characters they maxed out?

    Faction lock SHOULD mean ALL our alt characters can only log in on that faction.

    This current system isnt a faction lock, its an alt lock.

    This is really all I want - I should be locked to a faction for that campaign and my characters chosen faction at creation should have *** all to do with what server I can play on.
  • ZOS_RogerJ
    While we completely understand everyone has their own opinions, thoughts, feelings and even frustrations, we want the forums to be a civil and constructive platform for the game and it's community as a whole. So please be mindful of the community rules when posting.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • IronWooshu
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    If the faction loyalists truly care for faction lock, they will move to the 7 days

    Same could be said for non faction lock loyalists.....
  • angeleda
    I actually want everything to be faction locked. I want a "horde vs alliance" feeling. But give everyone a 1-time-use-per-char token to change each char to specific factions they want...

    I don't care if my friends have reds or yellows or blues... i can still BG with them or go to another campaign... So yeah, faction "loyalty" (not the toxic one, but the one that you feel you just choose something that you keep on your char and actually has impact is what I want and welcome)...

    So yeah, keep areas faction specific, give people a chance to change to their alliance of choice (whether they want to turn all their chars to one faction or simply swap them to multiple ones that's their choice and they take the responsibility for it) and keep going with the faction lock
  • angeleda
    PS. i mean't on existing chars to give token changes to their accounts like it was done with race changes when new racial passives were introduced!
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    angeleda wrote: »
    I actually want everything to be faction locked. I want a "horde vs alliance" feeling.

    WoW never had a faction lock on PvE servers -- which are most like the ESO Megaserver. There are specific open world PvP Zones, as well as battlegrounds, just like in ESO. WoW additionally has the option to flag for open world PvP in even on PvE servers, which ESO does not.

    WoW PvP servers initially had a faction lock, but they got rid of it waaaay back in 2009. Even though the ESO Megaserver works nothing like WoW PvP servers because ESO only has open world PvP in one zone. The WoW PvP servers are even more competitive and PvP oriented than ESO and still they got rid of faction locks 10 years ago!

    But even when the PvP servers did have faction locks, there were dozens of populated servers where you could play another faction. Not just one like ESO.

    So yes, let's make it like WoW. Where there are no faction locks. Where faction locks were discarded as an awful idea a decade ago.

    I imagine if WoW tried to re-implement faction locks after all this time, all holy hell would break loose.
    Edited by josh.lackey_ESO on July 5, 2019 10:02AM
  • del9

    If the faction hoppers really cared about playing with their friends, they would join the 7 day campaign as is. But the faction hoppers don't really wanna play with friends, they want Cyrodil to be something they can "farm". ZOS has decided that if you want to farm Cyrodil, you're gonna have to work extra hard for it.

    I don't appreciate when people think they can read our minds and tell us what our motivations are. I can farm Cyrodiil on any of the factions, even with locks.

    What I WOULD appreciate, as a customer of ZOS, is to be able to use the full product that I've paid for many times over. I would appreciate being able to use all the characters that I have spend countless hours of my life ( I only have one) leveling and building. I'd appreciate the ability to PvP with more than just a fraction of my game friends.

    There was never any warning that one day, I could be locked out of playing my characters. I didn't sign up for locks when I purchased and pumped hours into this product.

    Unlocked factions don't hurt anyone except those that think that locking factions gives their alliance a better chance to "win" the campaign. Which is not true.

  • Royalthought
    IronWooshu wrote: »

    Same could be said for non faction lock loyalists.....

    Incorrect. The current implementation of faction lock is asinine because it prevents alts from being playable.

    At the very least 7 days would be a shorter wait. Making it 30 days just adds insult to the injury.

    30 day cp non lock was always the most popular. They could've added a NEW campaign with a lock for those who care for it. Something for everyone.

    But thats not what they did. The took away what we had and gutted alts from the ONLY 30 day cp campaign available. Clueless decision making.
  • LuciusOctavio
    Console Xbox NA its fine, its actually working out quite well.

    The problems are mostly server issues and maintenance, left for other threads.

    I enjoy faction locks, keep them into play. 30 day CP is the prime event, and the only serious campaign, you want to go change your toon every 5 seconds to another alliance then go do it in the 7 day.
  • Mr_Walker
    Console Xbox NA its fine, its actually working out quite well.

    The problems are mostly server issues and maintenance, left for other threads.

    I enjoy faction locks, keep them into play. 30 day CP is the prime event, and the only serious campaign, you want to go change your toon every 5 seconds to another alliance then go do it in the 7 day.

    How the hell is it working out fine? EP zerg the map off peak with a (baked in) population imbalance, won last campaign by an enormous amount, and smart money is on them doing it again this campaign, because other factions can't mount a defense. That's not healthy for the game.

    Prime time, zone chat's still full of the victims of backyard lobotomies, and the campaign is still full of blisters running around leeching AP ticks rather than playing the map. Hell, it'd just be nice if some of these nitwits would lay down siege, sick of going to siege a keep and having 20 tools running around in circles until I place down 5 or 6 ballistas.

  • NBrookus
    yodased wrote: »

    Can we at least to agree to stop with the nonsense of "I just want good fights"?

    Those people don't exist in this game. Really be honest with yourself, if you wanted "good fair fights" you would either play battleground death match exclusively or you would find another game.

    This game is not, has not and never will be balanced around "fair 1v1 me bro" or even guild v guild. It's a AvAvA game and thats how it is set up.

    Why do people go to the 30 day? Because thats where the best rewards are, so thats where the "ultra-casual" go, so thats where the uber-pro l33t go to stroke their own egos fighting said casuals.

    If there actually were players that only cared about "fighting fair" and "good fights" none of these conversations would ever happen, those people would not care about the level of rewards, would not care about the adulation they get from lesser skilled players when they are witnessed 1v6 around a tree.

    If you are reading this and you are thinking: Nooooo I just want good fights bro. You are lying to yourself, if that was the motivation there wouldn't be that pushback, you would be campaigning to find good fights, not make it easier to find easy fights on the populated campaigns.

    I call total BS. You are making up motivations for people you apparently know nothing about. Today, my group lost every engagement with another guild. <insert excuses>. They were still good fights. We sought them out, even though we were losing. If our 8 man group had gone to the 7 day camp we would have steamrolled the 4 or 5 players there, which would have been insanely boring for us and unpleasant for them.

    If the "good fights" players wanted easy mode, they wouldn't be on the 30 day camps to begin with.
  • SippingPotions

    If the faction hoppers really cared about playing with their friends, they would join the 7 day campaign as is. But the faction hoppers don't really wanna play with friends, they want Cyrodil to be something they can "farm". ZOS has decided that if you want to farm Cyrodil, you're gonna have to work extra hard for it.

    I went to that dead 7 day for about an hour before canceling ESO plus and moving on to other games. There simply isn't enough PVP population in this old mess of a game to populate that many servers at once. In fact a couple hours ago when I logged in to play the 30 day CP campaign had 2 bars AD 1 bar EP 1 bar DC. On the bright side I've actually been having enough fun playing League and Apex to justify spending the money I've saved on skins in those games instead :smile:
  • Sandman929
    Console Xbox NA its fine, its actually working out quite well.

    The problems are mostly server issues and maintenance, left for other threads.

    I enjoy faction locks, keep them into play. 30 day CP is the prime event, and the only serious campaign, you want to go change your toon every 5 seconds to another alliance then go do it in the 7 day.

    I wish I could play on the only "serious" campaign, since I only have DC characters it seems like that's perfect for me, unfortunately I like playing more than I like ridiculous load screens, being unable to bar swap in a fight, and getting disconnected constantly.
    The 30 day is great off-peak though.
  • LuciusOctavio
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    How the hell is it working out fine? EP zerg the map off peak with a (baked in) population imbalance, won last campaign by an enormous amount, and smart money is on them doing it again this campaign, because other factions can't mount a defense. That's not healthy for the game.

    Prime time, zone chat's still full of the victims of backyard lobotomies, and the campaign is still full of blisters running around leeching AP ticks rather than playing the map. Hell, it'd just be nice if some of these nitwits would lay down siege, sick of going to siege a keep and having 20 tools running around in circles until I place down 5 or 6 ballistas.

    EP ZERG is due to the time of the year (School Holidays) and vigorous recruitment of low level toons by Sterling Powell and other guilds like Nothern Blizzard. They put players on the ground, Zerg wins.

    CP30 is a war of attrition (takes time). Not a run of the mill 7 day in and out EMP push.

    I do understand where you coming from about the lack of siege, hard to make players put it down. Hard to motivate such a negative circle of players whose ego's are unchecked.

    I run groups everyday, 30 days I have to repeat myself to our guild members about placing siege down. About staying together, not chasing hit & run builds. All apart of the game.
  • LuciusOctavio
    Sandman929 wrote: »

    I wish I could play on the only "serious" campaign, since I only have DC characters it seems like that's perfect for me, unfortunately I like playing more than I like ridiculous load screens, being unable to bar swap in a fight, and getting disconnected constantly.
    The 30 day is great off-peak though.

    Hell of a lot of problems, left for other threads.

    But yes I feel out of all the other Campaigns, CP30 is the only serious one. Like if there was a competitive side to Cyrodiil then this campaign would be it.

    For me its the most challenging.
  • Enkil
    As a huge advocate of faction lock, I must agree with this. The 30-day campaigns are TOO LONG to be locked, so others are forced to play on lop-sided campaigns.

    As originally suggested over and over, lock a 7-day campaign, and leave the rest unlocked PLEASE.

    Edited by Enkil on July 13, 2019 11:28PM
  • Marcus684
    Enkil wrote: »
    As a huge advocate of faction lock, I must agree with this. The 30-day campaigns are TOO LONG to be locked, so others are forced to play on lop-sided campaigns.

    As originally suggested over and over, lock a 7-day campaign, and leave the rest unlocked PLEASE.

    I'd be ok with this, as long as the 7-day locked campaign is the first one listed in the campaigns tab. I don't think 1st-time pvpers know are even care about campaign length, they just pick the 1st one in the list, especially if it's the most populated. This way, the noobs are still allowed to dip a toe into pvp without being endlessly farmed by the multi-faction AP farmers that care about nothing except their leaderboard position, which I think is the unspoken reason that ZOS locked the most popular campaign. This, plus server performance, are the 2 biggest things that drive new players out of Cyrodiil, and I think we can all agree that keeping new blood flowing in the Alliance War is vital for its continuation.
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