You are just not gimping yourself, you are making that character borderline useless as DPS. Stamina does not exist without bow.
DocFrost72 wrote: »
Im interested, when did you last try it?
To the OP; You're going to lose some damage. How much depends on how much you can already pull. Normal dungeons you can do naked. I'd bet 1,000,000 gold that a well built 2h/dw would break 20k, and I'd bet 50,000 it'd break 25k. With those numbers you're clear for any normal trial and vet dungeon I know of.
Again, you will be behind others with bow, but it depends on what you're looking to do.
Lol a one bar dw build in BiS gear will break 25k..... so what. 25k is an ultra low bar to set.
barbarian340 wrote: »what is considered average dps, and what is considered good?
You are just not gimping yourself, you are making that character borderline useless as DPS. Stamina does not exist without bow.
DocFrost72 wrote: »
Im interested, when did you last try it?
To the OP; You're going to lose some damage. How much depends on how much you can already pull. Normal dungeons you can do naked. I'd bet 1,000,000 gold that a well built 2h/dw would break 20k, and I'd bet 50,000 it'd break 25k. With those numbers you're clear for any normal trial and vet dungeon I know of.
Again, you will be behind others with bow, but it depends on what you're looking to do.
barbarian340 wrote: »what is considered average dps, and what is considered good?
Bladerunner1 wrote: »I tried 2H/DW on the PTS and I really don't think it's very far behind other builds at all. I got 75k on the iron atronach on my Nightblade with an extremely sloppy rotation, which is about the same DPS as my best ranged bow/bow parse. It could probably go a lot higher with practice but it's not really my playstyle, I just tried it 3 times to see what would happen, and the DPS went up each time as I tightened the rotation.
Bows do have the best dots, but they slow down your rotation if you weave light attacks and they have less weapon damage.
Build tested:
I placed an infused berserker enchantment on the 2H greatsword and used skills 6 times on the bar to keep the weapon damage enchant buff going. The dual wield bar had Nirn Axe /Precise Dagger with crafted double poisons, 1 Rapid Strikes in the rotation kept the poison procced fairly well. There were plenty of DOTs to use: carve, rending slashes, deadly cloak, caltrops, rearming trap, dark shade.
Overall I like the faster pace, but not the in-your-face requirement because a lot of bosses in this game tend to push you away with mechanics. Maybe giant brawler shields and deadly cloak mitigation can make up for it.
SienneYviete wrote: »Just as a comparison to your cmx running Dw and a maelstrom bow with this exact gear setup would net you around 20k+ extra on the same dummy.
Lol a one bar dw build in BiS gear will break 25k..... so what. 25k is an ultra low bar to set.
barbarian340 wrote: »i understand i'm gimping myself by not using a bow...but it just doesnt fit one of my characters...she is a huge nord with a 2h would look silly to have her pull out a bow...i tried, but it looks so silly it ruins my i want to know how much behind is the dps of a 2h/dw build in pve (stamsorc)?
also do u know any good builds for it?
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »@Bladerunner1 try using 2h as front bar, with either executioner or Killers blade, that will probably give you better DPS, the use master daggers/axes on your back bar, with deadly cloak.
Hate this dps bull.... most players in this game will very rarely see high end vet trials for obtaining perfected versions... most groups capable of doing this are guild runs with a set team.
Dps isn't all about hitting that perfect target dummy cant put a price on stupid....
A dead dps is no dps sorcs doing dummy rotations with no shield, stam with no vigor, idiots the lot of them..... what happens when that build makes it's way into vet scalecaller? and they just cant stop standing in stupid because to them it's about staying still and running a static rotation...either the healer gets to occupied picking you up or you lose dps regardless cos the other dd in there that actually moved out the red ring on the floor and didnt get 1 tapped has to pick ya up.
This game is has problems with balance and easy pve... zos's answer was to incorporate % phases in fights.veering more towards mechanics rather then your traditional tank and spank. High dps can actually make wiping easier in some content.....
Dont worry about your dps, any half decent build with good weaving is more then capable of clearing 99% of end game content.. focus on your weaving and keeping dots, hell I believe a 2h execute is actually more dps and cheaper then spin to win,
You are just not gimping yourself, you are making that character borderline useless as DPS. Stamina does not exist without bow.
This thread is a bit old but didn't want to start a new one. So has 2h/dw builds been decimated with the Dragonhold update? I was getting somewhere with my stam dk in Scalebreaker with rele+deadly, but now I can't really figure out how to implement "poop rocks" with my rotation and the dots have been nerfed quite badly. I really enjoy the 2h and dw combination playstyle and can't work out any setups with bows that would suit me.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
If anything I think they would be better in comparison (to the original comments in this thread, 2H/BOW and DW/BOW are still BIS). You just need a different set than deadly since DOTs are kind of meh.
Volley and Poison Injection are quite weak now. Volley is mainly for Berserker uptime which you can do easily with Stampede. Carve is also weak though. I'd maybe use something else if your looking to use 2 abilities back bar. A lot of people have removed Poison Injection too.
A lot of current meta is Direct damage from your execute/spammable, so in theory, DW/2H should actually be better than before (in regards to earlier comments made in this thread before Dragonhold).
The main hinderence is not being able to attack from range, but Stampede is a gap closer you activate every 10s so it's not a huge deal.
Finally, if you aren't doing end game content like Vet HM Trials, who cares. It's better to be alive, be aware of mechanics and have fun then to play something you don't want to play. Even if you get like 25k dps which easy enough to obtain in a pug group, people will praise you. At only 40k dps with some of my builds I'm 50-70% of the group dps and things fly bye.
Yeah, I for myself don't really like spammable builds, they get really boring fast. Dots have been closer to heart always. I saw Xynodes Dragonhold stamdk build with dw/bow and he still used deadly, so it shouldn't be that bad since he did get quite high numbers.
I think I need to go back with pure dot build and just train more. I've gotten over 30k to 3m dummy but hacking those dummies is soo boring...
stampede with vMA is da bomb. the DoT survived the DoT-purge-patch and on my heavy armor it's an always-crit, AoE burn, PLUS big single-target DoT.
That sounds like PvP. I'm thinking mostly PvE and there I've also been using vMA 2hander. Running with Deadly+Rele now with vMA weapons.
both actually. PvP it's great. But PvE, it's still more single-target DPS than Carve, which is my other go-to DoT starter.