Guys, lets remember that sometimes mistakes happen and just relax, guild history will get fixed.

I know a lot of you guys are really upset about the guild history bug and addon issue but I am sure that ZeniMax will have a solution for us soon. Mistakes happen and while this one seems a little severe we just have to remember that they are working day and night to get it back to function. So everyone please just relax and enjoy the content while they come up with a solution!
  • rumple9
    Yee-hah killing it
  • LiraTaurwen
    I don't care about the guild history and addons, but that is not the only issue with ESO right now...faaaaaaar from it!
  • Haenk
    Knowledge wrote: »
    ZeniMax will have a solution for us soon

    You mean that "soon" or the other "soon", or rather "soonish" or "sometime soon"?
    After all, what a letdown.
  • MJallday
    the guild history issue is one of about 50 things wrong right now.

    do we still say "mistakes happen" ?
    are they still working "day and night" to fix those?

    personally id have more faith if communication is forthcoming, but it isnt - so its no wonder the entire community is up in arms.
  • Knowledge
    MJallday wrote: »
    the guild history issue is one of about 50 things wrong right now.

    do we still say "mistakes happen" ?
    are they still working "day and night" to fix those?

    personally id have more faith if communication is forthcoming, but it isnt - so its no wonder the entire community is up in arms.

    I am certain that they are working to fix those problems. They want us to have fun and enjoy a working game.
  • daemonios
    So what I'm hearing is:

  • Demra
    But they don't always fix stuff. Like so many skills are still bugy, so many early dungeons are full of bugs, performance is not great since release, tons of glitches that never get addressed like for example weapon under feet. How do you know this will get fixed? Them saying so proved to be unreliable and the history points to a very different outcome. Also them working on it doesnt necessarily mean they will fix it if they don't know how or have the skills or time to do so.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Knowledge wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    the guild history issue is one of about 50 things wrong right now.

    do we still say "mistakes happen" ?
    are they still working "day and night" to fix those?

    personally id have more faith if communication is forthcoming, but it isnt - so its no wonder the entire community is up in arms.

    I am certain that they are working to fix those problems. They want us to have fun and enjoy a working game.

    For me it looks like they are utterly under-staffed, they don't understand what's going and now just looking for some miracle way to fix all this mess randomly brainstorming different ideas. Basically, I have zero complaint to ZOS line staff, I bet they are doing all they can. It's simply somebody from management don't want to spend more money to sustain game and focuses on sales, i.e. cosmetics and new DLCs.
  • leepalmer95
    Knowledge wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    the guild history issue is one of about 50 things wrong right now.

    do we still say "mistakes happen" ?
    are they still working "day and night" to fix those?

    personally id have more faith if communication is forthcoming, but it isnt - so its no wonder the entire community is up in arms.

    I am certain that they are working to fix those problems. They want us to have fun and enjoy a working game.

    For me it looks like they are utterly under-staffed, they don't understand what's going and now just looking for some miracle way to fix all this mess randomly brainstorming different ideas. Basically, I have zero complaint to ZOS line staff, I bet they are doing all they can. It's simply somebody from management don't want to spend more money to sustain game and focuses on sales, i.e. cosmetics and new DLCs.

    They can bring out $120 houses though.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • MJallday
    Knowledge wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    the guild history issue is one of about 50 things wrong right now.

    do we still say "mistakes happen" ?
    are they still working "day and night" to fix those?

    personally id have more faith if communication is forthcoming, but it isnt - so its no wonder the entire community is up in arms.

    I am certain that they are working to fix those problems. They want us to have fun and enjoy a working game.

    whilst the 2nd part of that statement may be true, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest the 1st part is happening - hardly any of the other issues have been acknowledged.

  • Knowledge
    daemonios wrote: »
    So what I'm hearing is:


    I don't think anyone was saying it was fine. But all we can do is hope they are putting out the fire (referencing your comic image).
  • West1389
    What's the word I'm looking for, you know when they nerf everything into the ground? Oh ya ADAPT hahahaha
    Edited by West1389 on June 16, 2019 9:22PM
  • Girl_Number8
    daemonios wrote: »
    So what I'm hearing is:


    True. When they really start communicating with the players on more of a regular basis that would help but it has gotten worse, not better.

    Better communication from Zos employees would go a long way, rather then the vague answers like "We are looking at it." :|
  • LiraTaurwen
    Knowledge wrote: »
    daemonios wrote: »
    So what I'm hearing is:


    I don't think anyone was saying it was fine. But all we can do is hope they are putting out the fire (referencing your comic image).

    All we can do is tell this company that we want better and the only language they understand is money. So best we can do is unsub from plus and stop buying crowns etc.
  • frostz417
    People who defend zos to no end like this guy are the problem with this game. Too delusional and ignorant to acknowledge how much of a joke this games performance is and actually have faith in these incompetent developers.
  • BigBragg
    As long as you can access the ESO+ web page and Crown Store, everything is fine and working as intended.
  • StabbityDoom
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    EHT zealot
  • twev
    Knowledge wrote: »
    MJallday wrote: »
    the guild history issue is one of about 50 things wrong right now.

    do we still say "mistakes happen" ?
    are they still working "day and night" to fix those?

    personally id have more faith if communication is forthcoming, but it isnt - so its no wonder the entire community is up in arms.

    I am certain that they are working to fix those problems. They want us to have fun and enjoy a working game.

    Actually, they want us to pay money, which we already did buying the license, and QOL stuff, which most vets already did..

    They don't need veteran players (the ones who are fed up through experience), most of us bought all the storage space and houses we need, all the DLCs we're likely to buy, and all the mounts were going to need.
    And most of us are shying away from crates, anymore.

    We vets represent money ZOS already got and spent.

    They need new sales of game licenses, and newbs buying stuff they don't have yet.

    Player retention is way down the list, because we cost more server cycles with fewer payments to ZOS than newbs do.

    Edited by twev on June 16, 2019 10:16PM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • twev
    frostz417 wrote: »
    People who defend zos to no end like this guy are the problem with this game. Too delusional and ignorant to acknowledge how much of a joke this games performance is and actually have faith in these incompetent developers.

    I don't think the devs and developers are incompetent.

    But they ARE hamstrung by a game engine that they can't rewrite, that is limited by just how many adjustments it can take without melting down under the weight of kludged 'fixes'.

    I believe they're doing the best they can to keep this wheezing cow breathing.

    It just has limitations that can't be reasoned with.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Ohtimbar
    No excuses. Criticism is a vital part of any business/customer relationship. If either side makes or takes that criticism personally, then it's on them to reassess their life choices.
    forever stuck in combat
  • sp_korshun
    Lol, just lol. It's not "mistakes happen" cause it's already few years now with endless bugs, lags, bad performance, ignoring community (especially eu), endless unexpected issues at also endless maintenances (at eu server ofc) etc. And all these QoL updates are a kind of joke, cause if they're fixing one bug, another old one returns. So yeah, we will have guild history again... Soon... At update 24... Or maybe 26.. >:)
  • Knowledge
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    But how will that help? Just saying the same thing over and over?
  • StabbityDoom
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    But how will that help? Just saying the same thing over and over?

    Well, I'm not saying the same thing over and over. Secondly, I'm not sure if you remember the recent ESO Live they had about housing. How everyone screamed about how they didn't want to talk about battle again, but housing. They acknowledged the community wasn't interested and wanted to hear about housing instead - and they got the housing guy on to talk.

    They listen, sometimes. This has to stay in the forefront, and the voice has to be more than just mine. But keeping it alive and active gets more people to weigh in, and that's my goal.
    EHT zealot
  • cyclonus11
    "Relax, turn around, and take my hand." - ZOS
  • Knowledge
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    But how will that help? Just saying the same thing over and over?

    Well, I'm not saying the same thing over and over. Secondly, I'm not sure if you remember the recent ESO Live they had about housing. How everyone screamed about how they didn't want to talk about battle again, but housing. They acknowledged the community wasn't interested and wanted to hear about housing instead - and they got the housing guy on to talk.

    They listen, sometimes. This has to stay in the forefront, and the voice has to be more than just mine. But keeping it alive and active gets more people to weigh in, and that's my goal.

    But do you believe they aren't listening? I am sure they are trying to fix this. That's what I am asking you.
  • SweepsAllClowns
    I believe I won't be having too much guild history problems whenever my account starts working again, I bet at that point I've been probably kicked from most of my guilds anyways because of inactivity so problem killed. Meanwhile I'm relaxing and enjoying the content of other games.
  • StabbityDoom
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    But how will that help? Just saying the same thing over and over?

    Well, I'm not saying the same thing over and over. Secondly, I'm not sure if you remember the recent ESO Live they had about housing. How everyone screamed about how they didn't want to talk about battle again, but housing. They acknowledged the community wasn't interested and wanted to hear about housing instead - and they got the housing guy on to talk.

    They listen, sometimes. This has to stay in the forefront, and the voice has to be more than just mine. But keeping it alive and active gets more people to weigh in, and that's my goal.

    But do you believe they aren't listening? I am sure they are trying to fix this. That's what I am asking you.

    I believe that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
    EHT zealot
  • Morgul667
    Haha nice post OP, made me smile

    Please remind me last time they solved a game breaking bug
  • Knowledge
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    But how will that help? Just saying the same thing over and over?

    Well, I'm not saying the same thing over and over. Secondly, I'm not sure if you remember the recent ESO Live they had about housing. How everyone screamed about how they didn't want to talk about battle again, but housing. They acknowledged the community wasn't interested and wanted to hear about housing instead - and they got the housing guy on to talk.

    They listen, sometimes. This has to stay in the forefront, and the voice has to be more than just mine. But keeping it alive and active gets more people to weigh in, and that's my goal.

    But do you believe they aren't listening? I am sure they are trying to fix this. That's what I am asking you.

    I believe that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    I guess, what I am saying is. Do you think that we will get the problem resolved faster by doing something on the forums?
  • StabbityDoom
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Knowledge wrote: »
    Please don't tell people it'll be fine, relax. You aren't doing a service for us by doing so - you aren't making people feel better. What we are doing is keeping ZOS aware that we want this fixed ASAP. This cannot be back burnered. If we stay 'calm' and relax about it, it's much more likely these things can stop being a priority.

    So you will continue to see me making it known until we get it back. Over and over.

    But how will that help? Just saying the same thing over and over?

    Well, I'm not saying the same thing over and over. Secondly, I'm not sure if you remember the recent ESO Live they had about housing. How everyone screamed about how they didn't want to talk about battle again, but housing. They acknowledged the community wasn't interested and wanted to hear about housing instead - and they got the housing guy on to talk.

    They listen, sometimes. This has to stay in the forefront, and the voice has to be more than just mine. But keeping it alive and active gets more people to weigh in, and that's my goal.

    But do you believe they aren't listening? I am sure they are trying to fix this. That's what I am asking you.

    I believe that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    I guess, what I am saying is. Do you think that we will get the problem resolved faster by doing something on the forums?

    I hope so.
    EHT zealot
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