StabbityDoom wrote: »Don’t forget *non crown* medium.
Not trying to be a Negative Nancy, but three out of the four inn room windows are bugged because they don't light up properly. The palace windows have the same issue, and the middle wing of the house doesn't even have windows so the whole thing is extremely dark, especially when that is made worse by the high ceilings that can't possibly hold any chandelier that would even remotely illuminate the room.I think they've done a nice job of the free Inn room, and a great job of the palace for those who like massive estates.
Not trying to be a Negative Nancy, but three out of the four inn room windows are bugged because they don't light up properly. The palace windows have the same issue, and the middle wing of the house doesn't even have windows so the whole thing is extremely dark, especially when that is made worse by the high ceilings that can't possibly hold any chandelier that would even remotely illuminate the room.I do actually like massive estates and have six manors, so that's not why the interior design of Jode's Embrace is some of the worst compared to other homes - it has an impressive exterior but only three large halls to show for it and the removal of the actual back rooms that exist in the Rimmen palace hugely reduced the utility and potential of the player home.
That said, yes, I'm also hopeful that they manage to come up with some nice house for the rest-of-the-year DLCs, as I've been hoping that the housing system would manage to reawaken my interest, so let's hope there will be a better designed more consistent home for sale next patch!Fingers crossed!
I know, I totally agree.
A medium, or large (but not huge) house would have been so much better.
Put a medium size house somewhere with a view like in the stitches at least. Such awesome landscapes, but bad housing I agree.
Put a medium size house somewhere with a view like in the stitches at least. Such awesome landscapes, but bad housing I agree.
This is from the patch notes...General
Improved window lighting for homes in Elsweyr.
So, do you think the lighting was improved in the Sugar Bowl Suite? I was in there last night and didn't really notice a difference. It still looks like no light is coming in from the three windows on the far wall. But maybe there is a subtle difference?
Sorry, but I have to speak my mind and try to get this off my chest.
From my perspective, Elsweyr has been a HUGE disappointment, housing-wise.
The inn room is really nice, but there is no townhouse (or any other house) in that style available, anywhere.
Elsweyr gives every player a free manor - nice - and at least the bits we've seen of that look good.
I think they've also been clever with styling. The Elsweyr style is potentially very busy / blingy for western tastes but the only element of that built into housing is minimal, eg. the doors in Jode's Embrace. They could have eg. gotten carried with intricate detailing on the wood but didn't.
Based on discussions and polls we've seen here, there's much greater demand for big homes.
I've not bothered buying any smaller ones unless they're super handy to teleport to because of nearby amenities. I'm not likely to bother either until I've finished decorating all of the bigger homes that I like, which could take a while.
Well clearly Sugar Bowl Suite missed out. What about the other two 'homes'?
It's not a manor (it's not even called a manor!), it's a "hall".
A square, ruined room, with a giant buzzing laserball, with blinding blue laser beams shooting out of it and immovable stone plinths.
The outside (first room) is reasonably pleasant, but you have to tolerate the buzzing laser-room ruin to even get to it.
The door in the inn room is very nice (think it's the same as the Jode's one?) - the entire inn room is quite nice, in fact.
That is why I'm disappointed they didn't give us a gold-purchasable townhouse in that style.
The interior of Jode's Embrace, however, is awful.
It is a cut and paste Rimmen palace, with entire rooms removed, basically.
It doesn't make any kind of logical sense.
The two totally square rooms, on either side of the front of the house, only extend roughly half the depth of the external dimensions of the house.
However, where the palace in Rimmen has locked doors to those back rooms, that we know simply must exist to justify ithe external dimensions, they have just removed them, with no explanation, in this cut and paste abomination.
Then, the entire upstairs is just a corridor, with no rooms off it (even the palace has one, and a hallway!), the outer walls of which are both about 20 feet from the exterior walls of the house, yet they still have windows in them?*
Why would anyone want an illogical corridor as the entire upstairs of their "house"?