Not particularly necromantic-- more anti-vampiric perhaps? But I thought of it a few months ago while trying to brainstorm punny names, and wanted to claim it before anyone else thought of it. Originally it was to be Not My Blood, Fiend but I decided against the comma.
NA server
Rhiannamator, Breton mNecro
Morticia Addems, Nord sNecro
Emmatine Hellcat, Orc Tankcro
EU server
Corpsey Haim, Breton mNecro
Corpsey Feldman, Nord sNecro
My necromancer's character-name is Lloryn Galen, but his full and formal name would be Serjo Telvanni Lloryn Galen. He's named after Tel Galen, which I of course RP to have been named after his family.
The Exclusionary Mandates of Maruhkite Selection: All Are Equal
1: That the Supreme Spirit Akatosh is of unitary essence, as proven by the monolinearity of Time.
1: That Shezarr the missing sibling is Singularly Misplaced and therefore Doubly Venerated.
1: That the protean substrate that informs all denial of (1) is the Aldmeri Taint.
1: That the Prophet Most Simian demonstrated that monothought begets Proper-Life.
1: That the purpose of Proper-Life is the Expungement of the Taint.
1: That the Arc of Time provides the mortal theater for the Sacred Expungement.
1: That Akatosh is Time is Proper-Life is Taint-Death.
I've always preferred melee to pure finger wigglers so created a shadowknight type. Still leveling but happy so far. Khajiit(didn't have one and well, it's elsweyr) named Synister