I mean.. When you're in a deathmatch in the middle of the map for example, with not many group support or anything, you're kinda ***, I have much less issue with it on stamden than stamdk with that skill, stamden can really be tanky and i have sword & board on it, which i don't on stamDK, blocking it will just destroy my stamina (assuming it's not the only source of damage) and i will be oom after that. On redguard all my sustain is from heavy attacks with two handed/hitting targets, i can't really be on a deffensive setup as i can be on stamden, which is orc and have lot of sustain, my dk's survivability is on rolldodging. There's some phase where i know that my mmr got lowered a bit and I see it once every 3-4 game, some phase i know that i'm in high mmr and I never see it, or really rare, but it does close to nothing.I agree on most points, but soul assault is an antinoob garbage ult. If you are getting constantly killed by it, I have doubt about your experience in “high MMR bg”. It is easily blocked, outhealed, interrupted by line of sight.
There's some really good NBs that are hitting high mmr in deathmatch, because there's an huge skill gap between high & non high mmr bg, it jump from total chaos bg where nobody group to player that are all the time grouped with group support etc, those nb manage to stomp game with total chaos but will eventually reach high mmr & go down just after.You aren’t high MMR if you’re still seeing NBs
Waffennacht wrote: »1 MMr is account based, not character, so you can see any class at any mmr,
2 MMr is mostly representative of time playing
Conclusion: anyone with any class can eventually find themselves in the top mmr
Waffennacht wrote: »1 MMr is account based, not character, so you can see any class at any mmr,
2 MMr is mostly representative of time playing
Conclusion: anyone with any class can eventually find themselves in the top mmr
Sup, lemme give you my feelings about PvP as a BG player (Mid/High MMR) after few hundreds of games in battleground, on Stamina Dragonknight and Stamina Warden. I've tried a lot of different setups on those two classes, (maybe 20 in total?)
I will mostly talk about Deathmatch, since there's almost no competition in the other game mode.
Those are the worse issues about balance:
-ZOO Sorc everywhere, you almost can't hit them because they have their pets all around them, if you stun them somehow the matriarch go over them so you can't execute them for example (even with tab target, it's a pain). Not gonna talk about unkillable pets too.
-Heavy Nightblade that are unkillable and has really good damage (execute & spectral bow), if somehow you manage to get them to execute, they cloack away, even if I manage to find them with an aoe (Carve/Noxious breath) they can still escape really easily, even if I do it 4-5times.
-Heavy armor in general; everybody is tanky as hell, 25/30k+ HP, I mean... Seriously???
-Soul assault, it deals 17k damage on med armors for 100ultimate and you have no counter play??Blocking will just drain all your stamina if you're not sword and board and will still hit for 8k. If you don't have that (if there's an ice blockade and you're not a sorc you're ***).
-Solo heals/Shields that gives more than you can deal with executioner, ending up seeing some players staying alive for 6-7seconds with ~30% hp even if in 2v1. (also shields give them ressource back? gimme that *** on stam please)
-Medium armor just get destroyed if they're in the melee without dedicated healer/efficient group heal, even if you rolldodge, spin2win will destroy your ass.
-there are also classes that are much more impact and i'm pretty sure that have much better win rate than other classes, for example Warden with their permafrost, really cheap for what it does, they also have really good group heal if they want to do that, magsorc that can auto execute, which help them having lots of kills, they can also survive fairly easily if they're playing safely, resulting they will lose a bit of kills but still on the top average and almost no deaths. Nightblade have little to no impact in high mmr BG if they aren't tanky (except if they're godlike obv :^) ) they can get some kills etc but if the 3 teams are really packed it can get pretty hard for them.
Those are the worse issues about game system or whatever you wanna call it:
-Sometimes, your health jump from 50 to 0, you don't really know why, (The Sniker shows something similar on his latest video "Let's Talk about Elsweyr Patch and the Tank Meta" at 0:45)
-when someone has a stun, and apply it to you, you can't use pots or anything before the hit land (it happened a lot with PRE-Elsweyr patch with Incap, it still happen with skills like DK leap, sometimes your character will freeze himself before the DK even hit the ground), something similar with Fossilize and Cloack from nightblade, if I fossilize a nb at the same time as he cast cloack, the nightblade will be fossilized but he will still go invisible.
There are also some issues that i won't tile like MMR balance that give really unbalanced games and lags (players teleporting around) but there's already a lot of discussion about that & those won't aknowledge them so what's the point talking about that?
I agree on most points, but soul assault is an antinoob garbage ult. If you are getting constantly killed by it, I have doubt about your experience in “high MMR bg”. It is easily blocked, outhealed, interrupted by line of sight.
Waffennacht wrote: »1 MMr is account based, not character, so you can see any class at any mmr,
2 MMr is mostly representative of time playing
Conclusion: anyone with any class can eventually find themselves in the top mmr
Yeah well that will teach you. Heavily nerf our shields, we'll use pets as shields.
Waffennacht wrote: »1 MMr is account based, not character, so you can see any class at any mmr,
2 MMr is mostly representative of time playing
Conclusion: anyone with any class can eventually find themselves in the top mmr
Hey in my opinion, that is incorrect, MMR is character based !.-Waffennacht wrote: »1 MMr is account based, not character, so you can see any class at any mmr,
2 MMr is mostly representative of time playing
Conclusion: anyone with any class can eventually find themselves in the top mmr
brandonv516 wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »1 MMr is account based, not character, so you can see any class at any mmr,
2 MMr is mostly representative of time playing
Conclusion: anyone with any class can eventually find themselves in the top mmr
Did this change recently?
Because the last character I made and took into Battlegrounds took a few weeks to start seeing the names I see in high MMR.
You aren’t high MMR if you’re still seeing NBs
I’m not sure how the system works either for MMR. I think the way it works is it matches the total MMR on a team by team basis.
That’s the new “queue to queue” system they recently implement to help with the overloaded queue system not working during prime time.vamp_emily wrote: »Did Zeni add a new feature to BG? I'm constantly getting the message "Battlegrounds is not available at this time".
Sup, lemme give you my feelings about PvP as a BG player (Mid/High MMR) after few hundreds of games in battleground, on Stamina Dragonknight and Stamina Warden. I've tried a lot of different setups on those two classes, (maybe 20 in total?)
I will mostly talk about Deathmatch, since there's almost no competition in the other game mode.
wow, somebody's need L2p *AND* bitter... lolissues with this game:
1. mag sorcs
2. coordinated groups que'd into BG's vs pugs
3. healing efficiency
4. werewolves in sub 50 bg's
5. bashnecro
6. Crutch Points and the stalemate garbage pvp and baby seal clubbing experience they produce.
8. server performance
9. volendrung spawning and useable by the zerg faction on cyrodiil
10. faction locks which cripple the ability for underdog factions to recruit brave soldiers from overpopulated factions and thereby level the playing field
11. criminal extortion of dues owed to access basic functions of the game (i.e. craft bag behind a paywall and race change tokens at $25 a pop)
12. non deathmatch bg's promoting non-pvp. All game modes should still reward points for kills. you can cap a flag all day, but if your team is getting farmed while doing it, you can also still lose.
Deathmatch is the silliest game mode ever and should be never introduced to any MMORPG.