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procsets damage

  • JusticeSouldier
    Noctus wrote: »
    to get hit by caluurion means u didnt have stamina to break out of stun

    as usual breakfree isn't instant with lags, on EU server huge delay even with good ping is a reality. your next action after breakfree with all this gcd trash can take more than second in the most of cases. I can't remember any time I avoided it with dodge. only reduced it's damage with block or absorbed with shields, overhealed. But it's really hard even to notice that someone used in on u at all.
    Just boom -7k health from someone.
    Very bad notify for attacked person. Almost invisible animation, especially from nightblade. Too easy to use. Too big damage for instant proc.
    I'm sure caluurion set should not exist in such form in the game. Same as Viper in it's old instant form.
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler nope?
    Edited by JusticeSouldier on June 3, 2019 9:59AM
    all classes. pc platform, dissapointed.
  • LordTareq
    Problem sets are Caluurion, Auroran's Thunder and Overwhelming Surge. For Monster sets its Zaan and perhaps Valkyn Skoria.

    All of these should be reduced in their burst damage potential.
    Edited by LordTareq on June 3, 2019 10:20AM
  • WoppaBoem
    All these sets are fine, as was pointed out before they bring a lot of fun. I mainly run Magdk or Magwarden and have no proc version builds and proc version builds. I switch regulary and sometimes it feels great to have high tool tips for damage and healing and use all my skills and something is it great to drop tool tip values but tailor my gameplay on a specific proc.

    There is much that kills, why aks for nerfs and look at your own setup first. I use caluurion's with a 20K tooltip, yes it hurts and works really well. But 9K damage as OP mentioned, that means no resist at all. On a tanky spec is hits like 4K on the average build it hits around 6K. It is very much the same a using a delayed skill like curse.

    If these sets should be nerfed, well healing should be nerfed big time. Sustained damage against a team with a healbot takes forever, burst damage with a proc in between can finally break the healer strong hold on the fights.
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • Noctus
    evoniee wrote: »
    damaging proc set indeed a cheese, but either easy to avoid or counterable. in example zaan can be countered with stun and mobility, skoria and selene just side step LUL.

    dots damage set like viper, sheer, skoria just anticipate, mitigate, shield and heal.
    the one that need to be adressed is 7th and fury,
    both are non damaging proc sets, being the only viable set for stamina to duel and can only be used for physical based build is not healthy.
    bloodspawn is still fair, low proc chance, being a monster set that used for both stam and magicka with its resistance + stam regen.

    ^this guy knows his stuff^
  • Noctus
    Noctus wrote: »
    to get hit by caluurion means u didnt have stamina to break out of stun

    as usual breakfree isn't instant with lags, on EU server huge delay even with good ping is a reality. your next action after breakfree with all this gcd trash can take more than second in the most of cases. I can't remember any time I avoided it with dodge. only reduced it's damage with block or absorbed with shields, overhealed. But it's really hard even to notice that someone used in on u at all.

    i play eu too and allmost never get bursted down by a nightblade. you can ask my buddy @Mat0n hes with me in the pvp guild MythicalPlayground. when we met in bg i was in light armor and i didnt get burst down at all hes a nightblade that knows what hes doing.....

    if u have such a big problem with this i can only advice u to use's+Wind+Set <--- saw this in action its a pretty long lasting stun if they didnt change it's+Retribution+Set <--- this one i prefer tho

    both sets have usefull stats and both will hinder that u will ever get bursted down again + they are craftable sets and easy to obtain.
    Edited by Noctus on June 3, 2019 11:04AM
  • killahsin
    Noctus wrote: »
    evoniee wrote: »
    damaging proc set indeed a cheese, but either easy to avoid or counterable. in example zaan can be countered with stun and mobility, skoria and selene just side step LUL.

    dots damage set like viper, sheer, skoria just anticipate, mitigate, shield and heal.
    the one that need to be adressed is 7th and fury,
    both are non damaging proc sets, being the only viable set for stamina to duel and can only be used for physical based build is not healthy.
    bloodspawn is still fair, low proc chance, being a monster set that used for both stam and magicka with its resistance + stam regen.

    ^this guy knows his stuff^

    correct and even 7th and fury have to be built to use and then can also easily be mitigated against in someone elses build although that creates some factors for players not at cp cap that cant currently be built against outside of very one dimensional specs in cp which is why there are issues with that set that facilitate the widespread usage of it. But these issues were reached because of zenimax's consistent design philosophy of nerfing everything into the ground to make certain things feel more op in meta cycles, rather than articulating more diverse gameplay and expanding the system and tools available to players.
  • Rianai
    Noctus wrote: »

    i deal that ammount of dmg when someone is wearing lightarmor. i made my example with no resistance in mind isnt that obvious ? caluurions also wouldnt hit for 12900. ur pretty ignorant.

    No you don't. Burst maybe, but DPS certainly not. Not against an actual player in an actual fight.
    Noctus wrote: »
    most nonproc sets dont increase ur dmg becouse they are not ment to increase ur dmg giving u defense or regenration.

    however those that are ment to increase it do it by atleast 10 % most of the time. we are talking about 500 spelldmg or more than 5 k penetration from night mothers gaze. more than 650 spelldmg from clever alchemist and 2k from kvatch gladiator for example(last one beeing situational).

    Many non proc sets are meant to increase the dmg, and most of the time that dmg increase is lower than 10%.
    NMG increases dmg by ~ 10% IF the armor debuff isn't already on the target from another source, in which case the sets does absolutely nothing. 500 Spell/Weapon dmg is same or slightly lower on a build that is build for dealing dmg, and there is no set that grants that much stats with 100% uptime. CA has very low uptime. Spell Strat is single target only and can be wasted against multiple players. Kvatch is absolute trash, idk why you even mention it. 7th/Fury are obviously strong if used by good players, however even those won't have 100% uptime, especially when your target doesn't fight back. The main benefit of those sets over stuff like Spell Strat/NMG or procs is that they also increase healing.

    The thing with % dmg increase is, that it is only good if the dmg is high to begin with. This does not apply to flat additional dmg from procs.
    Noctus wrote: »

    thats what increased stats from 5th set bonus do for u.... your getting 5k pen or 500 spelldmg by doing nothing. atleast on procset u need to crit or use dmg over time ability or a finisher...... lol.

    also u clearly have an agenda here ur not mentioning seventh legion even tho its the most used procset in pvp cp and noncp alike.

    Actually NMG or Spell Strat do require you to hit the target in order to "proc" their benefits. But even in case of sets that grant permanent stats, those do absolutely nothing if the players does nothing. Doesn't matter how great your stats are, if you don't use your skills properly. Only if the players is able to deal high dmg/burst via skills, those sets are valuable.
    This is different with procs. They can add thousands of dmg just for landing a single skill/attack, that doesn't even need to deal a lot of dmg on its own and it won't cost any additional resources. Stat sets can't do this.
    Noctus wrote: »
    evoniee wrote: »
    damaging proc set indeed a cheese, but either easy to avoid or counterable. in example zaan can be countered with stun and mobility, skoria and selene just side step LUL.

    dots damage set like viper, sheer, skoria just anticipate, mitigate, shield and heal.
    the one that need to be adressed is 7th and fury,
    both are non damaging proc sets, being the only viable set for stamina to duel and can only be used for physical based build is not healthy.
    bloodspawn is still fair, low proc chance, being a monster set that used for both stam and magicka with its resistance + stam regen.

    ^this guy knows his stuff^

    No he doesn't. Sidestepping Skoria, gl with that.
  • Noctus
    Rianai wrote: »
    Noctus wrote: »

    i deal that ammount of dmg when someone is wearing lightarmor. i made my example with no resistance in mind isnt that obvious ? caluurions also wouldnt hit for 12900. ur pretty ignorant.

    No you don't. Burst maybe, but DPS certainly not. Not against an actual player in an actual fight.

    not in an actual fight as i stated these are ideal numbers its theorycrafting. in an actual fight u can reach 4-10 k depending on if ur bursting or using an ult (werewolf, necro, dawnbreaker) etc. in an actual fight caluurion also dont hit for that amount it hits for 4-8 k depending on what armor.
    the result is the same. u will deal the same ammount of dmg over 10 seconds with spellstrat and callurion.

    u also forget that the procset we talking about is single target too.

    7th legion gives hp and weapon dmg as proc and can be used for aoe and healing (the extra spelldmg of spell strategist cant be used for aoe dmg or healing)

    if u wanna talk about a set that might be to good that is one but caluurion, skoria for example are rly not one of those. these sets are barely alive in nocp pvp and dead in the rest of the game.

    many ppl like those procsets despite them beeing not meta. so why asking for a nerf ?
    Edited by Noctus on June 3, 2019 6:27PM
  • JusticeSouldier
    Noctus wrote: »
    Noctus wrote: »
    to get hit by caluurion means u didnt have stamina to break out of stun

    as usual breakfree isn't instant with lags, on EU server huge delay even with good ping is a reality. your next action after breakfree with all this gcd trash can take more than second in the most of cases. I can't remember any time I avoided it with dodge. only reduced it's damage with block or absorbed with shields, overhealed. But it's really hard even to notice that someone used in on u at all.

    i play eu too and allmost never get bursted down by a nightblade. you can ask my buddy @Mat0n hes with me in the pvp guild MythicalPlayground. when we met in bg i was in light armor and i didnt get burst down at all hes a nightblade that knows what hes doing.....

    if u have such a big problem with this i can only advice u to use's+Wind+Set <--- saw this in action its a pretty long lasting stun if they didnt change it's+Retribution+Set <--- this one i prefer tho

    both sets have usefull stats and both will hinder that u will ever get bursted down again + they are craftable sets and easy to obtain.

    I have no problems.
    I talk about gameplay and things which doesn't fit with another things.
    Caluurion is good example of very bad notification for target that instant high damage proc set was applyed to him.
    Please don't push it down to personal "counterplay" vs this set.
    Which is actually not effective way of counteplay (both of your sets are total trash in current system), but it's a topic for another thread and will just steal attention here as a flood.
    all classes. pc platform, dissapointed.
  • khajiitNPC
    Nothing wrong with proc sets. I know a lot of skilled players that use Troll King and Blood Spawn.

    If you use a more well rounded build instead of investing everything into damage — well then you get proc’d on and it probably doesn’t end too well for you because you’re not as skilled as you think you are.

  • Kadoin
    It's more important for ZOS to nerf classes instead of sets. Haven't you learned that the last twelve patches?
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