What exactly is a "zergling"?

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  • Merlight
    driosketch wrote: »
    A zerg is a massive amount of attacking players from the same alliance. How large is "massive"? It's subjective, but the general consensus is large enough to where their victory is seen as solely the result of numbers, irrespective of the skills of any members of the group (zerg).

    Victory is not the deciding factor, though. A zerg losing a battle is still a zerg.
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  • Minno

    Pretty much, 1vX ers and small group PvPers hate it when they face zergs but I love it. Used to played Warhammer online where the fights were constantly 50+vs50+ prefer the larger fights and to troll the people that hate them.

    The best is when you fight 1 AD toon and you accidentally stumble upon 15 more AD. Then they chase you across the map because you t-bagged one of them last week in a 4v1 fight lol.

    That is a zergling ;)
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Rianai
    I like zerglings. They provide lots of fun in cyrodiil. And in the forum too.
  • Gilvoth
    Sandman929 wrote: »

    It is. Even when I'm muttering it to myself. The truly annoying people will go out of their way to make sure that you share in their anger/self-consolation by whispering you.

    and often times they do that while you are unknowingly a part of their LIVE stream.
    i consider it a form of harrassment.
    even if someone plays solo and pulls others into a zerg or uses any method or means to kill another player, calling them a "zergling" actually has no real basis, and there is zreo proof that person was even a member of the zerg, and has no actual definition other than to simply insult someone and be used as a taunt in retaliation because they died and they dont want to admit they were outskilled, no matter what actually killed their character.
    as their character lay dead on the ingame ground they decide to whisper at random or even target one specific player and proclaim:


    seems to be considered by many actual value and truth, when infact there is no truth in that comment at all, and there was and is no way to actually proove that person has no skill, OR that they were even part of that zerg.

    INFACT: the person that died was killed by the hand and skill of that other player yet he/she does not and cannot admit it happened and they were killed because they were outskilled no matter how they died.
  • driosketch
    Merlight wrote: »

    Victory is not the deciding factor, though. A zerg losing a battle is still a zerg.

    Minor distinction, but I went ahead and edited to say "potential for success".

    Just to add, sometimes both high and low skill players want you dead. Writing off a loss due to numbers is sometimes just a convenient excuse. In an open world PvP zone that is Cyrodiil, no one has control over how many allies show up. Likewise, you don't need to be formally grouped to be part of a zerg. If you are attacking the same target as others, you can be classed as a zerg by proximity.
    Edited by driosketch on May 29, 2019 5:38PM
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
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  • Gilvoth
    not if they dont want to duel you or 1 v 1 you openly.
    infact: IF the fight allready took place earlier, 2 people fought, and one of them died.
    the winner is the person that did not die, yet the looser allways does not want to admit that took place.

    you have healers and tanks that need more damage to them to kill them, and you use any means available to do so including perhaps taunting them off of a High fall or even caught under some oil.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    A zergling isn’t someone who simply zergs. But it’s good so many people think that .
  • frostz417
    So, there is a role for people in Alliance War that support their side, but aren't going to win 1 on 1 fights.
    How does "skill" enter in to the picture? As mentioned above, a healer isn't going to kill anyone 1 on 1. But they can still be effective, and they can still do a lot of damage. But they need protection.

    It's the same with achers and mages. They have good AoE damage and can be very effective in group battles. But again, they need protection because they will probably die 1 on 1 with heavy infantry.

    This comment shows you don’t know much.
    There’s skill because players are better than others.
    Example. Healer A is simply more skilled of a healer than healer B
    You mention archers and mages and how they have good aoe damage, do you even play cyrodiil?
    Mages=mag sorc whom have mostly single target and are very tanky and hard to kill with shields and pets. Basically a strong ass class in 1v1
    Archer... not really sure what you mean except snipe spammers who only spam snipe and have 0 aoe. But most are extremely squishy glass cannon and die easily.
    Honestly the way you’re talking about it seems like you’re talking about a completely different game. Sorry for coming off as condescending
  • Iskiab
    I'm hearing this term a lot. Sounds vaguely derogatory. What does it mean?

    It’s a term used by people who don’t know how to pvp and want to make excuses for getting rolled.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
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    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Blinkin8r
    I'd like to add another example based on an experience I just had. Again, fake made up names here.

    Chadwell fights for the Daggerfall Covenant. Chadwell is not the brightest, nor the most skilled warrior so he has no idea what to do when his group isn't nearby. After initiating combat with Chadwell, the first thing to happen is to throw an ice wall of elements at me. This isn't a good move Chadwell. This is Cyrodiil, I can walk out of this. When Chadwell realizes this, he goes for the permafrost. Nice try Chadwell, but you're a tank, so that didn't hurt. After Chadwell realizes he can't kill me with his frosty boi, he attempts to run. But chadwell is slow, because again, he is just a tank. Chadwell died that day... a worthless tanky boi. But his legend lives on in a lorebook called Zerglings of Cyrodiil: A memior of how to be trash at PVP. Rip Chadwell.
    II Blinkin II
    Xbox 1 NA
    "A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."
  • Elong
    frostz417 wrote: »

    This comment shows you don’t know much.
    There’s skill because players are better than others.
    Example. Healer A is simply more skilled of a healer than healer B
    You mention archers and mages and how they have good aoe damage, do you even play cyrodiil?
    Mages=mag sorc whom have mostly single target and are very tanky and hard to kill with shields and pets. Basically a strong ass class in 1v1
    Archer... not really sure what you mean except snipe spammers who only spam snipe and have 0 aoe. But most are extremely squishy glass cannon and die easily.
    Honestly the way you’re talking about it seems like you’re talking about a completely different game. Sorry for coming off as condescending

    He knows exactly what a zergling is and he's trolling you frost. Don't fall for his bait.
  • worrallj
    Zerglings are a zerg warrior strain which serve as the swarm's frontline assault troops. They're a smaller type of zerg. About the size of a large dog. If you run one over with your truck, you might be under the mistaken impression that you mashed some poor fellers dog. Before their genetic code was assimilated into the swarm, they were known as dune runners and we're native to the planet Zz'gash.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Chadwell is not the brightest, nor the most skilled warrior so he has no idea what to do when his group isn't nearby.
    Interesting one-perspective story. Who exactly is Chadwell fighting?
    Blinkin8r wrote: »
    Mages=mag sorc whom have mostly single target and are very tanky and hard to kill with shields and pets. Basically a strong ass class in 1v1
    By "Mages", I am not referring to any single class, rather to anyone primarily using Magicka skills, i.e. Templars, Sorcerors or others focusing on Mages Guild skills. Most of which have AoE.
    Archer... not really sure what you mean except snipe spammers who only spam snipe and have 0 aoe. But most are extremely squishy glass cannon and die easily.
    I mean anyone using a Bow as their primary weapon. If you don't think the Bow line has an AoE skill, then you obviously don't play this game.

    So, explain to me how a heavy infantry-type defeating an archer type shows ANY skill whatsoever? They simply aren't built to go 1 on 1. If you think you are good as a frontline fighter defeating support characters, then you're the noob.

    But again, it clears up the use of the term. You can be highly effective as a ranged combatant and/or a healer, but if you die when caught 1 on 1, then somehow you are a low-skill "zergling".

    Cyrodiil is an Alliance war zone. It takes all roles to form an effective force. This isn't Street Fighter.
    Lethal zergling
  • Sandman929
    It's been at least entertaining to watch the bros start chest puffing on the forums too. Troll post or not, it's entertaining.
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    well good question. I think the answer is as complex as it is players in the fields. What is a pug? Is a pug a zergling? Do good players zerg or is zerging exclusively something bad players/inexperienced players/pugs do? Is it dependant on how many the zerglings fight? Does it depend on the time of the day? Are campaign players zerglings? What about the zerglings themself, do they consider themself zerglings or is that a label being stamped on them without their agreement? Is zerging considered bad or good teamplay? Does the zerg have any success, and if the answer is yes, it is a superior gamestyle organized by inferior players? If so are they now superior or still inferior?
  • Blinkin8r
    Interesting one-perspective story. Who exactly is Chadwell fighting?
    By "Mages", I am not referring to any single class, rather to anyone primarily using Magicka skills, i.e. Templars, Sorcerors or others focusing on Mages Guild skills. Most of which have AoE. I mean anyone using a Bow as their primary weapon. If you don't think the Bow line has an AoE skill, then you obviously don't play this game.

    So, explain to me how a heavy infantry-type defeating an archer type shows ANY skill whatsoever? They simply aren't built to go 1 on 1. If you think you are good as a frontline fighter defeating support characters, then you're the noob.

    But again, it clears up the use of the term. You can be highly effective as a ranged combatant and/or a healer, but if you die when caught 1 on 1, then somehow you are a low-skill "zergling".

    Cyrodiil is an Alliance war zone. It takes all roles to form an effective force. This isn't Street Fighter.

    You absolutely butchered those quotes just saying.
    II Blinkin II
    Xbox 1 NA
    "A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."
  • kookster
    "Zerg is a slang term for a group of low-level gamers who depend on overwhelming numbers to achieve victory, rather than relying on technique or strategy. The term is most often used in the context of online role-playing and strategy games, but it also applies to multiplayer first-person shooters."

    As noted from: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27053/zerg
    Potato Pact - PC NA
  • Bored_Owl
    I do think that the exception to the whole "Zergling" concept would be PVP healers. (I don't run any healers) But they're most likely going to be with groups wherever they go... and I don't think dedicated healers will squirrel off to fight anyone. I'd say they get a pass on the Zergling concept.

    I run a lot of healers and you would be correct there. Healers tend to have team-based builds with fewer offensive abilities slotted (or at least mine do), so they're not very effective by themselves. If I'm lucky, I can maybe solo an undefended resource, but that's about it.
  • D0RID0RI240
    Mirror, mirror, on the wall....
  • Royaji
    I'm extremly disappointed in you all. This is bait of the lowest quality. Even the guy who was trying to start an anti-AC thread by asking how to weave on necro did better than that guy.

    Do I need to remind everyone that OP is the guy who claimed that all the opponents of faction lock organised this massive conspiracy to overpopulate EP on every campaign to make faction lock look bad? Not kidding.
  • frostz417
    Interesting one-perspective story. Who exactly is Chadwell fighting?
    By "Mages", I am not referring to any single class, rather to anyone primarily using Magicka skills, i.e. Templars, Sorcerors or others focusing on Mages Guild skills. Most of which have AoE. I mean anyone using a Bow as their primary weapon. If you don't think the Bow line has an AoE skill, then you obviously don't play this game.

    So, explain to me how a heavy infantry-type defeating an archer type shows ANY skill whatsoever? They simply aren't built to go 1 on 1. If you think you are good as a frontline fighter defeating support characters, then you're the noob.

    But again, it clears up the use of the term. You can be highly effective as a ranged combatant and/or a healer, but if you die when caught 1 on 1, then somehow you are a low-skill "zergling".

    Cyrodiil is an Alliance war zone. It takes all roles to form an effective force. This isn't Street Fighter.

    You think Templars are squishy and you think archers use their AOE abilities in PvP 😂
    I’m not arguing with this
  • worrallj
    Zerglings are a zerg warrior strain which serve as the swarm's frontline assault troops. They're a smaller type of zerg. About the size of a large dog. If you run one over with your truck, you might be under the mistaken impression that you mashed some poor fellers dog. Before their genetic code was assimilated into the swarm, they were known as dune runners and were native to the planet Zz'gash.

    Edited by worrallj on May 29, 2019 11:31PM
  • CaliMade
    Yes Healers that cant solo are zerglings

    Yes tanks that Cant solo are zerglings

    Yes “Archers” *Snipe spammers* that cant solo are zerglings

    Yes you can play ranged Stam builds and kill other players solo, yes you can be a strong healer that can end a life as swiftly as you can save one, yes “tank & spank” is an actual thing.

    My personal definition of a zergling, anyone committed to a pure support role that is Incapable of handling an opposing player alone should the situation present itself.

    Not an insult, just a given title. It’s only an insult if you make it one.

    XB1 GT- Cali Made

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  • Kova
    Could've just googled it, but OP wanted to get a rise out of the community and express a personal opinion under the guise of neutral curiosity like many that came before OP.

    OP is a forum zergling.

    Edited by Kova on May 29, 2019 11:34PM
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