russelmmendoza wrote: »
MojaveHeld wrote: »
Her picture has already been posted multiple times in this thread before you even commented...
That actually is not entirely correct.MartiniDaniels wrote: »
Professor Tolkien was far from East Europe in his thoughts, so we don't have any race equivalent to Slavic people in classic fantasy, so...
TheShadowScout wrote: »<snipped>
In any case, in TES the "slavic" niche is mostly covered by the reachmen... while the khajiiti are more trending towards "india" and "gypsy" styles...
SantieClaws wrote: »
Well this one would certainly call The Witcher books classic fantasy
But on the subject of the accent yes. We all talk a little different. Depending on where we have travelled, where our parents have lived, how expensive the school we went to was or if we grew up on a sugar farm somewhere. There is no such thing as a standard Khajiiti accent no.
Indeed some have very little noticeable accent at all, as far as your lesser ears they might detect.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Here she is.bongtokin420insd16 wrote: »FYI after the quest shes under the couch thing around the other NPC's.
And she is really awesome, as are all the characters from the stitches quest line IMO.
Funny, i have a Russian Blue named Stash, and i was told they were a quiet breed. No one told Stash that, or Sereyne I guess
I never noticed khajiit accent could be comparable with a Russian one until my gf pointed it out while i was playing the other day.
Stonegrave wrote: »I think I would have enjoyed her more if you had a dialogue option to help her sober up at the end.
Over in the crown store forum I suggested an alfiq non-combat pet (er, companion) that makes comments as they follow you around, and she's the character that gave me the idea.
She does stand out, where so many other NPCs in this game and others tend to be cookie-cutter. So props for that, to the writers, artists, and voice actor who brought her to life.
MojaveHeld wrote: »I certainly like her as a character, but unfortunately she never even had a chance at being the best NPC in this chapter. ZOS ensured that by putting Rigurt the Brash, greatest of all Nord cultural ambassadors, in Elsweyr.
russelmmendoza wrote: »