She has a russian accent and she is a kitty cat, like a russian blue I'd say
She has a russian accent and she is a kitty cat, like a russian blue I'd say
MartiniDaniels wrote: »
Professor Tolkien was far from East Europe in his thoughts, so we don't have any race equivalent to Slavic people in classic fantasy, so...
SantieClaws wrote: »
Well this one would certainly call The Witcher books classic fantasy
But on the subject of the accent yes. We all talk a little different. Depending on where we have travelled, where our parents have lived, how expensive the school we went to was or if we grew up on a sugar farm somewhere. There is no such thing as a standard Khajiiti accent no.
Indeed some have very little noticeable accent at all, as far as your lesser ears they might detect.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
*Reads first sentence* YES! Sign me up for that, too. Awesome!Cage_Lizardman wrote: »If I could get her as a furnishing, I'd make a house filled with booze just for her.
Then "accidentally" place her behind a door guarded by war dogs.
I never noticed khajiit accent could be comparable with a Russian one until my gf pointed it out while i was playing the other day. I've been playing TES games since i was like 12 so it blew my mind.
Sereyne is absolutely my favorite alfiq so far. Loved the stitches questline.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »[So Russians or other Slavs are not represented in ESO in any way, same as majority of other countries/nations. And I think this is good, fantasy should be free of damn politics.
The Stitches was absolutely fantastic in every way and Sereyne was a big reason for it for me. I rarely click on the optional "Hows life?" dialogue options when talking to NPCs, but I talked to her every chance I had and made sure to listen to everything she had to say. She's amazing.
Hallothiel wrote: »@MartiniDaniels
Actually Tolkien stated numerous times that the Shire was England. And whilst he may not have copied Europe geographically, there is a definite borrowing from old European cultures and places.
Classical fantasy refers to stories set in Classical times - Ancient Greece & Rome. Tolkien is considered High Fantasy.
Though lord knows why they have to delineate everything so!
(Yes, know off topic but on consoles so don’t have Elsweyr yet 😞)
Darios_Heliodromos wrote: »
Many Khajiit do appear to speak with a Russian accent, but Dunmer are the true Eastern Europeans in Tamrielic fantasy. It's really hard to explain if you don't live in the region (I live in Romania), but the way dark elves are obnoxiously proud of themselves and their culture/history combined with maintaining a certain disdain for "others" fits the bill for Romanians, Russians, Serbians, etc. At the same time, you have a culture that is sorta prone to misfortune (cursed by Azura, the Red Year, etc) and struggles to properly develop due to geographical and political reasons (frequent wars/invasions).
She may be my favorite NPC of all time. If you haven't done the quest line in the Stitches you have to do it to meet this little lady.
Redguards are middle east this dates back to Daggerfall.Hallothiel wrote: »@MartiniDaniels
Interesting - I see Khajiits as a combination of North Africa, Middle Eastern & an odd bit of Far Eastern / Indonesian just for good measure.
Yes I know this is similar to Redguards, but hey.