You are assuming here. I got a mix of new and old. Now lets back track, the issue is guild trader is basically only commidity for guilds in game...we don't have even a guild calendar.
People who want a guild trader usually just join a dedicated trading guild or two. And still have three slots left for other guilds. You should probably ask yourself why high level players do not want to join your guild instead of blaming it on lack of a guild trader.
What are you able to offer? Regular vet DLC runs? Trials? Organised PvP? Or you expect them to just join and run base game dungeons they are sick of and carry your new players? As a rule of thumb, you should never mix new and experienced player in one guild. It does not work. High level players tend to avoid asking for group in such guilds since they don't want a new player in their vFL and don't want to feel like bad guys by denying those guildies.
barney2525 wrote: »All auction houses in other games I have played always have a "buy now" option.
Seems to me this is a standard AH. Without any bidding.
Also seems like it devalues the Trade guilds. Why am I paying weekly dues so the Guild can have an actual Trader, If i can post my stuff out there for free, in a spot everyone would be coming to?
rager82b14_ESO wrote: »A global AH would be the smartest choice they made. It is the number one reason why I can't get my friends into the game, who enjoys mmos, and likes using the ah. This is the only game that tries something new, and I feel fails.
People who want a guild trader usually just join a dedicated trading guild or two. And still have three slots left for other guilds. You should probably ask yourself why high level players do not want to join your guild instead of blaming it on lack of a guild trader.
What are you able to offer? Regular vet DLC runs? Trials? Organised PvP? Or you expect them to just join and run base game dungeons they are sick of and carry your new players? As a rule of thumb, you should never mix new and experienced player in one guild. It does not work. High level players tend to avoid asking for group in such guilds since they don't want a new player in their vFL and don't want to feel like bad guys by denying those guildies.
Its very hard inviting high level players when they can't join anymore guilds.The hard part is getting people to join to do those things, because they already have 5 guilds AND/OR because those guilds are more popular, have websites, discord, facebook etc, which is pointless making if no one will join. I can only do everything that everyone else is already doing lol.
People who want a guild trader usually just join a dedicated trading guild or two. And still have three slots left for other guilds. You should probably ask yourself why high level players do not want to join your guild instead of blaming it on lack of a guild trader.
What are you able to offer? Regular vet DLC runs? Trials? Organised PvP? Or you expect them to just join and run base game dungeons they are sick of and carry your new players? As a rule of thumb, you should never mix new and experienced player in one guild. It does not work. High level players tend to avoid asking for group in such guilds since they don't want a new player in their vFL and don't want to feel like bad guys by denying those guildies.
Its very hard inviting high level players when they can't join anymore guilds.The hard part is getting people to join to do those things, because they already have 5 guilds AND/OR because those guilds are more popular, have websites, discord, facebook etc, which is pointless making if no one will join. I can only do everything that everyone else is already doing lol.
So you are saying that you can't offer anything better than other guilds and people who are full and happy with their guilds are not running to join you? Seems like you've answered your own question.
I'd love for there to be something like this, where I could list my crap for other players to buy without having to worry about selling 50k worth of stuff every 37 seconds or some fatcat guild leaders will kick me out for not filling their pockets as fast as they'd prefer.
Something as fundamental as a marketplace should not be exclusively at the mercy of other players.
Maybe.Now i think the next best thing to talk about would be a Grand Trader...
But you said it i don't want people to leave their guild to join mine at all. i just want people i invite to join so we can do all the things ingame even if i don't own a guild trader, which as a reminder seems to be the only reason people want to join your guild these days
And I think you are misunderstanding why people join trade guilds. They are not there to do content. They are there to trade. It's not common for trade guilds to actually run something together. People do not want to join you because you have nothing to offer them content-wise.Its very hard inviting high level players when they can't join anymore guilds.The hard part is getting people to join to do those things, because they already have 5 guilds AND/OR because those guilds are more popular, have websites, discord, facebook etc, which is pointless making if no one will join. I can only do everything that everyone else is already doing lol.
i just want a global auction house.
But you said it i don't want people to leave their guild to join mine at all. i just want people i invite to join so we can do all the things ingame even if i don't own a guild trader, which as a reminder seems to be the only reason people want to join your guild these daysAnd I think you are misunderstanding why people join trade guilds. They are not there to do content. They are there to trade. It's not common for trade guilds to actually run something together. People do not want to join you because you have nothing to offer them content-wise.Its very hard inviting high level players when they can't join anymore guilds.The hard part is getting people to join to do those things, because they already have 5 guilds AND/OR because those guilds are more popular, have websites, discord, facebook etc, which is pointless making if no one will join. I can only do everything that everyone else is already doing lol.
I had 150 players join my guild since elsweyr launch and haven't had a trader in years. Guild making is mini business. You got to give yourself a niche. Also ...cough ... we need guild quests in game.
But you said it i don't want people to leave their guild to join mine at all. i just want people i invite to join so we can do all the things ingame even if i don't own a guild trader, which as a reminder seems to be the only reason people want to join your guild these daysAnd I think you are misunderstanding why people join trade guilds. They are not there to do content. They are there to trade. It's not common for trade guilds to actually run something together. People do not want to join you because you have nothing to offer them content-wise.Its very hard inviting high level players when they can't join anymore guilds.The hard part is getting people to join to do those things, because they already have 5 guilds AND/OR because those guilds are more popular, have websites, discord, facebook etc, which is pointless making if no one will join. I can only do everything that everyone else is already doing lol.
what else is there after guild halls trials ove and pvp events?
Mettaricana wrote: »I had 150 players join my guild since elsweyr launch and haven't had a trader in years. Guild making is mini business. You got to give yourself a niche. Also ...cough ... we need guild quests in game.
Guild quests would be nice... kinda wish they added thoae ages ago as the way to build up guilds. Another game i played had guild points gained from playing leveling etc and gained double of grouped with guildies. The gp unlocked the games guild robes(basically tabards) it also unlocked a guild hall that could house 100 players. Gp could be used to unlock cosemetic stuff for hall and waypoints to warp etc.
Eso could have that kinda system. Add a daily guild quest per character like clear x world bosses, kill x players etc depending on guild type social, pvp, pve, trader.
Add maybe a small buff to players in that guild kinda like alliance wars did in the past make the buff paid for with a guild currency and the buff must be rebought and applied weekly with cumulative guild points. Make several buffs only one can be used like pve guild buff hp,mp,stam by 2%.
Pvp crit res buff stam mag buff. trading buff find 20% more gold doing whatever.
Use that currency to unlock a guild hall thats not a cash shop manor. Have additional gp unlock trial dummies etc.
Would definitly make guild participation little more rewarding
But you said it i don't want people to leave their guild to join mine at all. i just want people i invite to join so we can do all the things ingame even if i don't own a guild trader, which as a reminder seems to be the only reason people want to join your guild these daysAnd I think you are misunderstanding why people join trade guilds. They are not there to do content. They are there to trade. It's not common for trade guilds to actually run something together. People do not want to join you because you have nothing to offer them content-wise.Its very hard inviting high level players when they can't join anymore guilds.The hard part is getting people to join to do those things, because they already have 5 guilds AND/OR because those guilds are more popular, have websites, discord, facebook etc, which is pointless making if no one will join. I can only do everything that everyone else is already doing lol.
what else is there after guild halls trials ove and pvp events?