factions locks; the tool zos added so they can accurately track the playerbase. My tin-foil hat says changes to cyro incoming, if the numbers support it (or negative changes if the numbers prove they should). But in reality, I bet its to track the use of the artifact weapons.
They will remove it once they get the right data lol. This isn't about you nor about fair gameplay in cyro
factions locks; the tool zos added so they can accurately track the playerbase. My tin-foil hat says changes to cyro incoming, if the numbers support it (or negative changes if the numbers prove they should). But in reality, I bet its to track the use of the artifact weapons.
They will remove it once they get the right data lol. This isn't about you nor about fair gameplay in cyro
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
Yep. Said it myself in a few of these threads. Major changes are on the horizon and zos needs either data, or they need a clear victor for the three banners war.
My crazy theory is that the alliances will fail soon, and open world PVP will be morphed into something completely different than cyro and IC.
Go on ......
The most difficult part of adapting to the faction lock will be the players rebelling against it. They were bored anyway, so their new game will be shtting on the map and doing their best to make sure one side dominates.. which has already lead to tats for those tits, it seems.
ZOS underestimated the petulance of its players -- which truly shows how out of touch they are.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »@J18696
Well, we know the AD eventually breaks up, iirc after the death of Queen Aryenn, High King Emeric fails to keep the Covenant unified, and the Pact just has too much tension to stay cohesive. I can't remember all the lore exactly but it's on the UESP site.
We still have quite a ways to go in terms of the timeline before Tiber Septim, but at some point various warlords take control of the IC and Cyrodiil, culminating with Cuhlecain claiming the throne in 2e854 only to be assassinated within days and Tiber Septim taking his place.
Now, I can't imagine that the three banners war would continue for 500 years, especially since we know the alliances eventually fail. We know of no outside interventions ie invasions from other continents, so at some point, Cyrodiil becomes relatively peaceful again.
On to my PVP theory: it will become more amorphous, maybe a nation vs. nation free for all so instead of picking an alliance, you potentially are at war with everyone. I imagine this as "hotspots" around the unfilled portions of the map, almost like large scale battlegrounds, but with siege and objectives just like current cyro.
And that's the short version.
If i recall the lore right, dosent the Dominion actually survive ?
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Well, if they're THAT basic, then even I should be able to understand. Why don't you try?
Siohwenoeht wrote: »
Yep. Said it myself in a few of these threads. Major changes are on the horizon and zos needs either data, or they need a clear victor for the three banners war.
My crazy theory is that the alliances will fail soon, and open world PVP will be morphed into something completely different than cyro and IC.
The reason why this is not relevant is because this option is available to any faction. Anybody can mount a consistent off-hours offensive. And there is nothing wrong with that; more power to them.If one group of 20 players decide to play together, say from one guild, then that population shifts to say 40/20/20, so one faction then has a 100% numbers advantage.
I agree on both counts. But the participation numbers we're now seeing are higher than what they should be according to the population stats.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »EP has always had the most players, I’m sure the percentage is higher for pvp since they have always been first or second when it comes to dominating a campaign.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »I would be fine with faction locks if they offered alliance changes. Making One Tamriel and encouraging cross faction play only to later lock down factions again is just sending mixed messages at best...
Siohwenoeht wrote: »On to my PVP theory: it will become more amorphous, maybe a nation vs. nation free for all so instead of picking an alliance, you potentially are at war with everyone. I imagine this as "hotspots" around the unfilled portions of the map, almost like large scale battlegrounds, but with siege and objectives just like current cyro.
Khajiit is finding it most amusing at all the new excuses the blobbers and newb farmers are inventing. Especially now that it is harder to feed themselves free points, and or call in extra backup.
This one is especially tickled by the latest act of comedy they have seen some attempt. Specifically the one where it's all about 'punishing' other players for not letting them do as they will. Which is definitely not code for them being enraged over having their reliance on exploitative tactics revealed.
However this one is seeing that they are also continuing to telling the big joke of all. The one that ends in a proclamation of greatness over 'lesser' mortals. A claim that has yet to be proven by actual actions. Especially since such actions could easily be proven in the area provided for them to do so.
But alas they choose to go to where they claim they do not wish to be, and hiss and spit at everyone in front of them. Which they do from behind a wall formed by massed bodies of course. A wall they will remain,safely behind until they find things becoming moderately difficult.
They'll then flee somewhere else while screeching out cries declaring how they don't really care about the campaign anyways.
Which just makes khajiit laugh, and laugh, and laugh as they continue to regurgiate all those hilarious jokes , and tall TALL tales.
Though khajiit can understand their need for the latter. After all, if one has spent so much time sinking so low it's only inevitable that they'd welcome even the illusion of heights.
Khajiit is finding it most amusing at all the new excuses the blobbers and newb farmers are inventing. Especially now that it is harder to feed themselves free points, and or call in extra backup.
This one is especially tickled by the latest act of comedy they have seen some attempt. Specifically the one where it's all about 'punishing' other players for not letting them do as they will. Which is definitely not code for them being enraged over having their reliance on exploitative tactics revealed.
However this one is seeing that they are also continuing to telling the big joke of all. The one that ends in a proclamation of greatness over 'lesser' mortals. A claim that has yet to be proven by actual actions. Especially since such actions could easily be proven in the area provided for them to do so.
But alas they choose to go to where they claim they do not wish to be, and hiss and spit at everyone in front of them. Which they do from behind a wall formed by massed bodies of course. A wall they will remain,safely behind until they find things becoming moderately difficult.
They'll then flee somewhere else while screeching out cries declaring how they don't really care about the campaign anyways.
Which just makes khajiit laugh, and laugh, and laugh as they continue to regurgiate all those hilarious jokes , and tall TALL tales.
Though khajiit can understand their need for the latter. After all, if one has spent so much time sinking so low it's only inevitable that they'd welcome even the illusion of heights.
I mean, if you're happy losing by 5k points, that's all good, cos we don't care about the campaign right?
I do agree with you there. Those opposed to faction lock are quite obviously "bad" players that don't understand this game; frankly if they drop from attrition, we're all better off.I’ve never seen an issue more cleanly delineate good players from bad. Even earthgore had a few organized ball groups that loved it.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »I thought you gave up.