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Are Resellers Considered OK?

  • Mr_Walker
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Reselling, what we call flipping, is an essential part of trading in every single MMO.

    They're not essential, flippers are nothing but ticket clippers, a leech on any economy, be it in-game or IRL.

    Edited by Mr_Walker on May 17, 2019 3:15AM
  • lbattros_ESO
    OK, I get it, I've NEVER seen a game with a hundredth of as many millionaires, weekly raffles in the weekly dues guilds have million gold winners. This has turned into primarily a merchant game, guilds are more for raising money than play, some trader guilds have enormous weekly dues and such, many of which die when they don't get their trader in the weekly auction, Basically just don't advise any friends to join a game this old, where some players have dozens of dozens of millions to ruin progression. Probably why so many join and disappear after a few weeks. Great game in most ways, beautiful, great animations, awesome quests, ..... just the most ridiculous economic system I've ever seen.... buying something at a reasonable price is an all day lesson in futility.
  • VaranisArano
    OK, I get it, I've NEVER seen a game with a hundredth of as many millionaires, weekly raffles in the weekly dues guilds have million gold winners. This has turned into primarily a merchant game, guilds are more for raising money than play, some trader guilds have enormous weekly dues and such, many of which die when they don't get their trader in the weekly auction, Basically just don't advise any friends to join a game this old, where some players have dozens of dozens of millions to ruin progression. Probably why so many join and disappear after a few weeks. Great game in most ways, beautiful, great animations, awesome quests, ..... just the most ridiculous economic system I've ever seen.... buying something at a reasonable price is an all day lesson in futility.

    New players who join and leave in a few weeks haven't even begun to explore the game. With the exception of maybe crafted food, they don't even have anything they need to use Guild stores to buy in those first weeks. They are usually too busy leveling!

    Nor do they have to join guilds...but a new player who leaves after a few weeks hasn't really begun to explore the alternatives, like stealing to make money or investing in crafting to make their own improvement mats and consumables.

    In short, I don't think new players who leave after a few weeks - if this is really the cause of that, and not many other possibilities - bothered to explore the alternatives that ESO does give them.

    My personal experience has been that I found several viable trading guilds with requirements that suited me (free, 5k, and 25k, in my case). Elsweyr will make that easier To find suitable guilds. Moreover, without using TTC, I don't find guild store shopping to be an "all day lesson in futility". I typically go shopping for a set of items like motifs, furnishings, or mats where I know the approx. prices and then search multiple guild stores looking for items that match my price point. Usually I find most of what I want, for about the price I wanted to pay. If I don't, well, I can afford to be patient and wait for it to become available or at a good price, or I can farm for it myself.
    Edited by VaranisArano on May 17, 2019 4:16AM
  • Riejael
    OK, I get it, I've NEVER seen a game with a hundredth of as many millionaires, weekly raffles in the weekly dues guilds have million gold winners. This has turned into primarily a merchant game, guilds are more for raising money than play, some trader guilds have enormous weekly dues and such, many of which die when they don't get their trader in the weekly auction, Basically just don't advise any friends to join a game this old, where some players have dozens of dozens of millions to ruin progression. Probably why so many join and disappear after a few weeks. Great game in most ways, beautiful, great animations, awesome quests, ..... just the most ridiculous economic system I've ever seen.... buying something at a reasonable price is an all day lesson in futility.

    I'm just going to say this is an outright lie.

    In one or two dungeon runs, the loot I vendor gives me enough money to purchase a motif or set of potions or whatever. Since I came back to the game about 2 months ago, I've spent a total of 10k gold. An amount you can get from a few nights questing or dungeon runs.

    But you knew this. I don't believe for a second that you're naive on this. So why are you lying about this? What are you trying to achieve here? Are you trolling?
  • Jhalin
    ESO is the only game where the items obtained by a lvl1 toon can actually be valuable. Raw fish, any raw material at any level tier, and alchemy reagents are all accessible from the very moment you start the game, and all over them will sell consistently at decent prices

    At least here it’s much harder to flip items, and it can’t be efficiently automated
  • Casdha
    Whats worse the Flipper or the person like me who knows they exist so I purposefully undercut prices by a large margin so either flippers can buy them up or someone gets a great deal?

    Either way it is a fast sale and quick gold for me. I consider myself a wholesaler. I expect folks to make a profit off of many of the items I put up for sale.

    Some folks get angry at this tactic because the perceive it as driving down prices but I usually do my sales in lots as not to hurt the folks making single item sales. If I do sell a single items they are hot items and can be turned for a profit by others.

    Edit: example - I sold all of my spare Sai pages in week 5 for 5k to 6k a piece.
    Edited by Casdha on May 17, 2019 5:09AM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Androconium
    Sylosi wrote: »
    Sylosi wrote: »
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    Trading is a legit way to make money in ESO and using your economical power to take influence on prices is a common behaviour in a free market. So unless ZOS calls out socialism for tamriel there's nothing wrong with it.

    A market where a single entity (Zenimax) has vast control over both demand and supply is so far away from being a free market it is laughable.

    And that's without going into all the other things like fixed number of spots to sell (and most of those are basically worthless), that markets in the real world regulate against things like cartels, price fixing, etc, because they break the free market and so on.

    Anyone who thinks ESO is a free market needs to go get lessons on economics from Smith, Friedman, Keynes, etc.

    What I see is that players decide, by their behaviour, what the prime trading locations are; what guilds they support; and support cartel activity by actively donating gold to retain a prime location. ZOS have set some basic parameters for the market operation and players have adapted to it.

    I don't have any background in economics, but that suggest 'free market' to me...

    You think an economy where Zenimax have more control over supply, demand, innovation, behaviour, etc than the government of some communist state has over their economy, is the "free" market rather than a highly controlled one, interesting...

    As I wrote above, but you appear to have misinterpreted:
    • ZOS set some basic parameters.
    • Players decide how valuable any item is
    • Players are not forced to choose any specific behaviour.
    If you really want to single out any one issue that affects player decision making, that would be Merchant Master (MM). Specifically, MM's colour-coded "deal" system. Most items that fall into the red, 'overpriced' class never sell quickly.

    If you want to sell quickly, you discount your pricing to at least the Blue level and víola! It sells.

    If you know the market well enough, you can place that green Inferno Staff of Mother's Sorrow up for sale at 75 000, regardless of trait. It will still sell within 24 hours as someone, somewhere, will pay anything to get one; even if that have to re-trait and improve it themselves. no-one forces this player's behaviour; they are FREE to use the MARKET as they find it.

    Players are free to choose what they purchase. the only time ZOS are involved is when they modify the values relating to 'drop rates'. An observational example of this is the current lack (from my perspective) of Epic (purple) level materials.

    If this is a real change, and not just my perception of a change, then the purpose is not affect 'the market'; it's to affect (reduce) any players' progression rate.

    Your continued reference to communist states is irrelevant. There are no Communists states. Whilst China purports to be communist; it plays capitalism well enough for other countries to introduce trade barriers in a supposedly 'free trade' market.

    Resellers exist in the real-world trade, after distributors and wholesalers.
    All these traders rely on volume, rather than high profit margins on items.

    Again. I have proved this by selling alchemy reagents in lots of 3 at highly inflated prices. People still by them. Maybe they can't afford a stack of 200; however reduced the individual price may be.

    Whatever point you are trying to make here, you aren't doing it very well. My guess is that "auction house" will appear shortly..
  • Tigerseye
    This is, indeed, an ongoing issue.

    There should be a centralised selling place (or maybe places, plural - but, not many of them) for selling/buying materials.

    They could refer to it as a warehouse, or a wholesale auction house, or something.

    Spreading stuff out, around the world (whether via guildstores, or some other platform) makes perfect sense for crafted goods.

    As it replicates the (pre-internet) real world, where people wouldn't not buy something, like a piece of furniture, just because it was a dollar more than another store had priced it at, as;

    a) They often wouldn't know that another store had it slightly cheaper.

    b) The time, hassle and/or cost of travelling further, to try to find it cheaper, would often negate any possible saving.

    Raw materials (to be used by manufacturers/crafters to make things) are a different matter, however and this is why there have pretty much always been wholesalers for those.

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.

    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild; but, it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).
    Edited by Tigerseye on May 17, 2019 9:54AM
  • Tigerseye
    Casdha wrote: »
    Whats worse the Flipper or the person like me who knows they exist so I purposefully undercut prices by a large margin so either flippers can buy them up or someone gets a great deal?

    The flipper is worse, obviously.

    You are only a, temporary, thorn in the foot of the person trying to get a decent price for their stuff.

    The flippers are wrecking the economy and making finding things to buy, in an already awkward system, virtually impossible.

  • Androconium
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

  • Tigerseye
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

    No, it is not.

    When you get to the guild store and the Decorative Wax, you saw on TTC at the half reasonable price, is already sold out and the only ones left are 1300g each, that is not a "choice".

    This happens to me a lot (on PC EU) and the only reason it doesn't happen to me more, is because I have pretty much given up trying to buy mats.

    I now rely mainly on farming (here and there) and the kindness of friends (who don't furnish) to obtain furnishing mats.

    That is an, objectively, terrible system.
    Edited by Tigerseye on May 17, 2019 10:19AM
  • Tigerseye
    I made millions of gold by undercutting everyone just so that the investors would buy my stuff first. It works both ways.

    Yeah and you could have made many more millions by not doing that and selling it for the going price.

    So, what is your point?
  • WolfingHour
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

    No, it is not.

    When you get to the guild store and the Decorative Wax, you saw on TTC at the half reasonable price, is already sold out and the only ones left are 1300g each, that is not a "choice".

    This happens to me a lot (on PC EU) and the only reason it doesn't happen to me more, is because I have pretty much given up trying to buy mats.

    I now rely mainly on farming (here and there) and the kindness of friends (who don't furnish) to obtain furnishing mats.

    What happens with TTC is just a reflection of what would happen with a global AH. Or do you think that with a global AH that undercut wax would wait for you?

    Remember that TTC might as well BE a global auction house, considering that all you need is ONE player within each guild with a trader to have the add on and synch information so that the whole stock for that guild becomes visible in the website. I mean, just look at some of the locations that show up. It's not uncommon to find those singular Guild Trades that are in the middle of nowhere there.
  • Tigerseye
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

    No, it is not.

    When you get to the guild store and the Decorative Wax, you saw on TTC at the half reasonable price, is already sold out and the only ones left are 1300g each, that is not a "choice".

    This happens to me a lot (on PC EU) and the only reason it doesn't happen to me more, is because I have pretty much given up trying to buy mats.

    I now rely mainly on farming (here and there) and the kindness of friends (who don't furnish) to obtain furnishing mats.

    What happens with TTC is just a reflection of what would happen with a global AH. Or do you think that with a global AH that undercut wax would wait for you?

    Remember that TTC might as well BE a global auction house, considering that all you need is ONE player within each guild with a trader to have the add on and synch information so that the whole stock for that guild becomes visible in the website. I mean, just look at some of the locations that show up. It's not uncommon to find those singular Guild Trades that are in the middle of nowhere there.

    No, but I would only have to go to one place to find what I need.

    When I described going to a guild store and finding everything sold out, apart from a few laughably overpriced (single) items, I'm not just talking about that happening once.

    I'm talking about porting from wayshrine to wayshrine and it (or something similar) happening, over and over again.

    ...and that happening practically every time I try to buy mats.

    It never used to be this bad.

    I used to make and sell furniture and to do that, I would have to buy mats.

    It wasn't easy, or fun (even then), but I enjoyed the idea of selling furnishings, so I did it.

    So, I'm not someone who has never done it.

    Now, however, it's impossible and has been for about a year.

    ...and it is completely different from a global auction house, as things aren't sold out, by the time you see them, on a global auction house and you don't have to keep porting and running around like a total idiot, just to find out they are.

    You talk like a (re)seller; not a buyer of specific things.

    Apparently, you have no idea what that is like.
    Edited by Tigerseye on May 17, 2019 11:03AM
  • Minyassa
    They are jerks, but they are not doing anything against the rules.
  • VaranisArano
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

    No, it is not.

    When you get to the guild store and the Decorative Wax, you saw on TTC at the half reasonable price, is already sold out and the only ones left are 1300g each, that is not a "choice".

    This happens to me a lot (on PC EU) and the only reason it doesn't happen to me more, is because I have pretty much given up trying to buy mats.

    I now rely mainly on farming (here and there) and the kindness of friends (who don't furnish) to obtain furnishing mats.

    That is an, objectively, terrible system.


    I don't use TTC, so I'm not interested in hunting for bargains or running to specific guild stores hoping stuff is still there. I typically shop by going to several major guild stores and seeing what the going price for an item is, and then deciding whether I want to pay that price. If I don't, I farm it myself. That's worked very well for me when I need to refill my craft bag with regular crafting mats, but I haven't bought housing mata for a long time.

    Personally, I have the time to farm, and so I gather housing mats as I farm. I'll also remind you that housing is designed to be a long-term grind, so farming for mats fits in perfectly with ZOS' design.
    Edited by VaranisArano on May 17, 2019 12:29PM
  • Tigerseye
    ^ I'm well aware of that, thanks.

    I have 35 houses and waited about 5 months, to do the latest one (Topal), after doing the previous one (Townhouse).
  • VaranisArano
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    ^ I'm well aware of that, thanks.

    I have 35 houses and waited about 5 months, to do the latest one (Topal), after doing the previous one (Townhouse).

    Cool! Topal is a pretty house.

    I've never used TTC, so its interesting to me how much that seems to have shaped your perception of using the guild traders system.

    TTC does seem like the worst of both worlds - all the information of an auction house but none of the accuracy or convenience by the time you finally go to get the item.
  • Androconium
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

    No, it is not.

    When you get to the guild store and the Decorative Wax, you saw on TTC at the half reasonable price, is already sold out and the only ones left are 1300g each, that is not a "choice".

    This happens to me a lot (on PC EU) and the only reason it doesn't happen to me more, is because I have pretty much given up trying to buy mats.

    I now rely mainly on farming (here and there) and the kindness of friends (who don't furnish) to obtain furnishing mats.

    That is an, objectively, terrible system.

    It might not be a choice, it is still a valid marketplace.

    i used to make furniture, but not much of it sold. I put that down to market saturation.

    Decorative Wax has always been hard to farm. The lack of bulk wax now is evidence that either the power farmers that collected it have now left the game; or ZOS have been successful in removing the bots that were harvesting it.

    Yes, I have scoured outlying traders and collected Deco Wax to subsequently sell in bulk.
    If that makes it more expensive for you, we get back to what I said before (using different words)
    • You pay me to do something that you don't want to do yourself.
    • You do it yourself.
    Acting as a reseller, I offer you the choice of avoiding the farming, or doing the farming yourself - these are still free market principles. Flipper, scalper, whatever. If i buy discounted items and then sell them at the MM suggested price, this is all still reasonable gameplay. I can't wait a month for something that is overpriced by 20-30% to sell.

  • Tigerseye
    ^ As I already said, I'll do it myself, thanks.

    Doesn't change the fact that it's a cr*p system and becoming more so, by the day.

    I sold plenty of furniture, by the way - until it became cost prohibitive and/or too much work to buy the raw mats.

    I think, if I was starting to play/returning to the game now, rather than a couple of years ago, I would seriously consider just giving up and leaving.

    Fortunately, from a purely selfish perspective, I have my 35 houses, now, so don't really care, anymore.

    If I were ZoS, I would care, though, if it meant newer/returning players might leave.
    Edited by Tigerseye on May 17, 2019 2:07PM
  • Luckylancer
    Earning money from reselling is bad. Player to player trade system is there for players so we can have more fun easly. We wont have to do things we hate, we will do stuff we like then trade with others. Reselling adds a middleman that leech from system. They dont contribute anything.
    Edit: even bot farmers contribute to the game. Resellers are %100 parasites.

    Dota 2 had this problem. Steam put 1 week resell delay to fix it. It is not very good fix but beter than nothing. In eso, this can help with equipment reselling. Resellers will have to wait a week (or month) to resell items.
    Edited by Luckylancer on May 17, 2019 2:27PM
  • Riejael
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    If I were ZoS, I would care, though, if it meant newer/returning players might leave.

    There is little reason for newer players to use the trading system, and more likely they won't even know it exists.

    What I don't understand is why people think an AH will prevent reselling. It just makes it easier and causes inflation to go up higher. I would know, I've participated in such in every game I've played that's had a AH. I actually personally like the system because it restricts inflation more than a central AH would.

    If this is turning away new players, then let it turn them away. This is ESO, not Eve Online. The player that is going to stay and play ESO isn't going to give two cares about the trade system. They want to romp around in an action fantasy MMO. The trade system doesn't affect gameplay at all. Its a little minigame people get to play with each other using the 'points' I mentioned earlier.
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    I made millions of gold by undercutting everyone just so that the investors would buy my stuff first. It works both ways.

    Yeah and you could have made many more millions by not doing that and selling it for the going price.

    So, what is your point?

    I’m on console so, well, you’re wrong. Time is money. I have no interest in waiting for up to 30 days when discounting something 10 to 25% will get me my money in minutes. And then I can just post the next thing that sells in its place. I sell about 10 items a day on average and have enough gold to buy everything I ever wanted. Being an ESO millionaire was plenty for me. I never needed to have anything more.

    For someone who sounds quite greedy you really need to understand the concept of time is money better.
  • Tigerseye
    ^ It does affect people who want to do housing/furnishing, though.

    Which is also a legitimate form of "gameplay".

    We are, already, by far the most financially exploited and least rewarded players, in the game.

    Head over to the housing forum if you want to see how angry people are there...

    I will seem positively laid back, in comparison, I can assure you. :smile:

    The very few people who do trials are now getting this mount (albeit with just a recoloured tack) and two furnishing pieces, which cannot (so far) be obtained via any other means and yet, they still whine.

    Despite the fact that most of these players put very little back into the game, financially speaking.

    Not my opinion, by the way - statistical fact.

    Meanwhile, housing/furnishing people - some of the biggest financial contributors - just get a big, fat "Nope" on everything they have been requesting, for years and are further nickelled and dimed.

    Both in terms of real money/Crown purchases and now also ingame, via the lack of supply of furnishing mats, combined with the guild store system and a seeming increase of resellers/reselling.

    If you don't do housing/furnishing, or don't do it seriously, you probably don't really encounter these issues very much and can just, basically, ignore the trading system if you want to; but, some people do and it affects them.
    Edited by Tigerseye on May 17, 2019 2:47PM
  • Mitrenga
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Reselling, what we call flipping, is an essential part of trading in every single MMO.

    They're not essential, flippers are nothing but ticket clippers, a leech on any economy, be it in-game or IRL.

    Welcome to the real world, when you cry and say it is not fair, yet no one holds your hand.
    Flipping is no different than buying a house when a neighborhood is in early development and sell the house when the neighborhood is fully developed.
    If you are asking for opportunity equality in an MMO or in RL, that is not going to happen.
  • sevomd69
    People will complain about anything...
  • Riejael
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    Welcome to the real world, when you cry and say it is not fair, yet no one holds your hand.

    They don't even have the real world to relate to. Scalpers upselling tickets to a stadium or concert are a problem because there is a limited number of seats. In ESO these people can simply make their own seats (sometimes literally). They can obtain the materials they desire and make the items they wish.

    Tigerseye goes on this tangent about how housing players feel it the most. I'm going to call BS on what he said because IF it was true that the system was as bad as he claims. The housing players would simply band together and offer each other solutions. So either the problem isn't bad enough for them to do that. Or they are too selfish to do so, in which case, lets profit off them.

    In either case, if housing players have an issue, they have a method to fix it through group effort. It'd be the same as if someone complaining they can't get a DLC veteran dungeon completed in a PUG. Most would tell them to get some guildies or friends to help.

    Housing players, if you need rare mats, get your guildies and friends to help you. And by the way, I've done this in Everquest 2, my main was a carpenter that made rare furniture. The community there for housing helps each other even across servers to get mats. This is a MMO, this means when community solutions are possible, you need to explore them.

    If you want to be considered a valid playstyle, then just like there's raids in PVE and PVP, there can be crafting raids too. Get a dozen folks together to help each other out.
  • Tigerseye
    Riejael wrote: »

    Tigerseye goes on this tangent about how housing players feel it the most. I'm going to call BS on what he said because IF it was true that the system was as bad as he claims. The housing players would simply band together and offer each other solutions. So either the problem isn't bad enough for them to do that. Or they are too selfish to do so, in which case, lets profit off them.

    Oh, don't be ridiculous, lol.

    Because they're not "banding together" enough, in your opinion, there can't be a problem, here?

    Stop clutching at straws.

    I'm a woman, by the way - not that it matters.

    Edited by Tigerseye on May 17, 2019 4:09PM
  • WolfingHour
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    No one wants to spend all day running from guild store to guild store trying to find Decorative Wax at a half decent price.
    It should never be quicker to go and farm it in the wild, but it often is, with the current system (and it's free!).

    "All day" is an exaggeration. Again, it is the player's choice to shop at all the traders; or just focus on one location.

    You are more likely to spend all day farming Decorative Wax, to get a usable amount. This makes purchase a simpler option. Sadly, if if I buy a stack of 200, I automatically assume that the seller uses bot-harvesting. Especially if they are selling more than one stack...

    No, it is not.

    When you get to the guild store and the Decorative Wax, you saw on TTC at the half reasonable price, is already sold out and the only ones left are 1300g each, that is not a "choice".

    This happens to me a lot (on PC EU) and the only reason it doesn't happen to me more, is because I have pretty much given up trying to buy mats.

    I now rely mainly on farming (here and there) and the kindness of friends (who don't furnish) to obtain furnishing mats.

    What happens with TTC is just a reflection of what would happen with a global AH. Or do you think that with a global AH that undercut wax would wait for you?

    Remember that TTC might as well BE a global auction house, considering that all you need is ONE player within each guild with a trader to have the add on and synch information so that the whole stock for that guild becomes visible in the website. I mean, just look at some of the locations that show up. It's not uncommon to find those singular Guild Trades that are in the middle of nowhere there.

    No, but I would only have to go to one place to find what I need.

    When I described going to a guild store and finding everything sold out, apart from a few laughably overpriced (single) items, I'm not just talking about that happening once.

    I'm talking about porting from wayshrine to wayshrine and it (or something similar) happening, over and over again.

    ...and that happening practically every time I try to buy mats.

    It never used to be this bad.

    I used to make and sell furniture and to do that, I would have to buy mats.

    It wasn't easy, or fun (even then), but I enjoyed the idea of selling furnishings, so I did it.

    So, I'm not someone who has never done it.

    Now, however, it's impossible and has been for about a year.

    ...and it is completely different from a global auction house, as things aren't sold out, by the time you see them, on a global auction house and you don't have to keep porting and running around like a total idiot, just to find out they are.

    You talk like a (re)seller; not a buyer of specific things.

    Apparently, you have no idea what that is like.

    I'm not in a single trading guild nor does my game time revolve around going from guild store to guild store. I do that on occasion but it is very rare.

    So apparently you are just making wild assumption about what I do and your whole argument is not for the sake of economy but rather for your convenience, because you don't feel like porting from a to b, AND because you live on the delusion that with global AH all prices would auto-magicaly adjust to the lowest in the market and stay there.

    They wouldn't.

    Edit: not only they wouldn't, but since you would only have one point of entry of goods to the players (the global AH), the whole economy would become much more susceptible to market manipulation considering that are people sitting on literal tens of millions of gold. To that effect, guilds stores and the actual limit of guilds per account act as a deterrent for people to tip the market.
    Edited by WolfingHour on May 17, 2019 4:28PM
  • Riejael
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    Because they're not "banding together" enough, in your opinion, there can't be a problem, here?

    I'm saying you're manufacturing a problem, and you haven't explored all the solutions available. And you've stated that housing is a viable playstyle that needs to be recognized. So I have.

    I will say to you the same thing that I would to a PVE'r who can't get a Veteran Trial done because he can't afford the rates people charge to do it for them. Get a group together and run it. Or to the PVP'r who wants to knock out Cyrodil achievements. Get a group together and run it.

    Fortunately soloing IS an option for you. You may solo, group, or raid, or do nothing. That's up to you.
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