Unfortunately, as of the latest version, that is incorrect. EHT now depends on EHT community. You cannot just enable EHT. You are forced to enable the community. This, in turn, enables that annoying in-game Guest Journal scroll, which follows you around wherever you go. It would be OK, if you could turn that off, but that requires you to sign the journal. When you try to do that, it prompts you to install / run the .exe. That is what my complaint is. Even though this thread is from 2019, forcing you to turn on the community is a very recent change, so forum moderators please take note and please do not close this thread.StabbityDoom wrote: »Running community is not required to run EHT.
Where is that option? As far as I can see there is no such option. There is an option called "Hide Guest Journals that you have signed.". Not "hide them altogether". Clicking on the journal prompted me to install / run the .exe and to watch a video. I was on a house tour. I did not have time to deal with the stupid addon at that point, but I needed it to keep track of the @names of the houses I was visiting. I couldn't just turn it off either.StabbityDoom wrote: »If there is still a sign in sheet, which there shouldn't be if you aren't running the exe, just select "hide sign in sheet."
I'm sorry, you put in so much work into your post, but you missed the point. The "lighter" eperience I'm looking for is exactly the opposite of this. I want EHT. I do not want the EHT community or the housing hub. In fact when I enable the latter, that not only causes the annoying journal, which as far as I can see you have to sign one way or another in game (even if the .exe does not run), it also completely screwed up the last house I was visiting, because it loaded additional visual effects that didn't work properly and basically made everything disappear, the who surroundings, everything. I don't care for that bug-ridden and obnoxious community / hub nonsense. I just want EHT without it. I think the option should be provided to use just that.StabbityDoom wrote: »2 For a lighter experience, if you don't use EHT for building, only select EHT community and Housing hub to run at the character log in page. You don't need the full thing going to just visit other homes.
I'm sorry, you put in so much work into your post, but you missed the point. The "lighter" eperience I'm looking for is exactly the opposite of this. I want EHT. I do not want the EHT community or the housing hub. In fact when I enable the latter, that not only causes the annoying journal, which as far as I can see you have to sign one way or another in game (even if the .exe does not run), it also completely screwed up the last house I was visiting, because it loaded additional visual effects that didn't work properly and basically made everything disappear, the who surroundings, everything. I don't care for that bug-ridden and obnoxious community / hub nonsense. I just want EHT without it. I think the option should be provided to use just that.
Please let me repeat: I never ran the .exe. That's not my real problem as far as my personal privacy / security goes. My real problem is the dependency of EHT on the community. Once I enable the community addon, things go to s. Not only is there the annoying scroll, which you can't truly disable. Secondly I've had one house now, where the community addon completely screwed up the screen, overlaying some sort of blue fog and not allowing you to see the house at all (not even the ZOS parts of the house). I think the addon is a piece of garbage, doesn't work properly, and I want it off. However I am relying on EHT. I, therefore, just want the community off. Maybe it works for you. Maybe it can work reliably, if you put troubleshooting efforts in. Maybe it will simply work, if you allow it to change the video settings, like it was asking, which I will never do, not even temporarily, having just carefully tuned my display settings for PvP performance. I find that another overreach of that addon, which indicates to me the developers don't have their minds in the right headspace, as far as I'm concerned. If it works for you, that's fine. I, however, have no time for it and I just want it to be unbundled. Is that too much to ask?Sir Tanks a lot wrote: »It was my understanding from one of the patch notes that EHT was separated from the Hub in order to offer those who just want the Favorites / Open Houses / Guest Journal features a light weight add-on option. It sounded like the community features needed to be separate so that both EHT and Housing Hub could offer those same features which is why both require the community add-on.
But @StabbityDoom is right. You don't need to install the program. EHT will still work without it. The community add-on just needs to be enabled for that reason. Personally, I couldn't imagine housing without open houses now though. I build homes in ESO so that people can find and see them and EHT / Housing Hub is far and away the best way to let people find my homes on their own schedule.
If this was more discrete and ZOS had built it directly into the game, I would be all for it. However, the following is what actually happens: A guild organises a house tour. The guild leader finds houses, then everyone ports to them. I asked around. Most people in our group didn't even know what EHT was. In other words, only a fraction had it installed and only that fraction would see the guest journal. The developers of EHT seem to be making the feature as obnoxious as possible in an effort to force everyone of that fraction to sign the journal. This includes forced bundling of the community addon with the main EHT addon. Please understand that this will put some people off EHT as a whole, like me.Lady_Lindel wrote: »I just installed EHT today. I actually like the guest book. If I visit someone else's house it just feels like good manners to let them know I popped inHaving just put up my very 1st open house, I really hope people can sign the book, makes the game and housing feel very much more like a community
I am sorry, when I see detestable practices, I will call them out and I wanted it to be crystal clear how aggravating it is to have all the good work they put into EHT undermined by something like this. This is a deal breaker for me, not a "nice to have" request. When an addon wants to mess with my screen resolution, when they include an annoying nag feature that will go off every time you revisit a house, when they nag me to install a .exe, all sorts of red flags go off. I am aware I'm blowing off steam and nothing is likely to change. If I asked nicely, would the chances for them changing it be any better? I doubt it. Would it be clear to them how serious their misteps are, if only in the mind of a single user? I doubt that too. In the meantime I have at least pointed out the implications of installing a .exe to one potentially oblivious user in this forum.fred4, if you ask for a change at an addon, you should not describe that addon in the same sentence with the words "usless", "garbage", "nonsense" etc.
It's rude and offensive in any language i know. It's also kinda funny and weird at the same time, that this has to be explained to someone. lol
I am sorry, when I see detestable practices, I will call them out and I wanted it to be crystal clear how aggravating it is to have all the good work they put into EHT undermined by something like this. This is a deal breaker for me, not a "nice to have" request. When an addon wants to mess with my screen resolution, when they include an annoying nag feature that will go off every time you revisit a house, when they nag me to install a .exe, all sorts of red flags go off. I am aware I'm blowing off steam and nothing is likely to change. If I asked nicely, would the chances for them changing it be any better? I doubt it. Would it be clear to them how serious their misteps are, if only in the mind of a single user? I doubt that too. In the meantime I have at least pointed out the implications of installing a .exe to one potentially oblivious user in this forum.
On another note, I am aware there are people who view things as you do. Call me politically incorrect, not using proper etiquette or just plain rude and offensive. The latter. Fine. I will take that under advisement and I promise to improve. However, please do not use this to detract from the substance of what I'm saying. Incidentally I called the community addon garbage, not EHT itself. More specifically what is one man's garbage is another man's treasure. I am aware of that too. What I object to is the enforced bundling of the two addons. When you only want EHT, you are forced into dealing with the community addon. It's issues are real. It currently has display bugs in addition to what may only be one man's issues with the journal (given how small the userbase probably is). These may not be big issues in the mind of other users and perhaps even the display issues are easily worked around, if you only know how. That, however, is not the point. I never asked for the community features. I previously had EHT enabled on it's own. Now it is bundled with the community addon. It's the same issue as people have with Windows 10. That software forces you into feature updates every 6 months and inevitably something breaks for a sizeable enough fraction of the userbase that it regularly makes the news. This is why I object. I am calling the community addon garbage not so much because of what it objectively is, but because it is thrust upon me when I never asked for it.fred4, if you ask for a change at an addon, you should not describe that addon in the same sentence with the words "usless", "garbage", "nonsense" etc.
It's rude and offensive in any language i know. It's also kinda funny and weird at the same time, that this has to be explained to someone. lol
Yes, I am looking a gift horse in the mouth. The frustration comes from using EHT for a long time and becoming dependent on it, then finding it bundled with something you did not want, which is causing in-game issues as well as privacy and security concerns. I think it would be much better to have the use of the .exe as a once-off opt-in screen that explains the risks, rather than having that journal scroll follow you in game, nagging you. On the one hand I admire the lengths to which the developers went to provide solutions for a feature that, apparently, many people wanted. On the other hand they implemented nagware and they bundled it. Even if they had the best of intentions, that's poor judgement. The addon behaves the same as many a questionable software you shouldn't download from the Internet - or you wish you hadn't.StabbityDoom wrote: »
Speaking as someone who works directly with the creator, yes, if you asked nicely they would take it seriously. Being rude is just cruel to both the creator and those who work with him to help solve problems people have. I wasn't going to address your style of communication as I figured you were just frustrated. But since you've explained it, I must say I've found honey is better than vinegar to start, usually. This isn't a company that ignores people endlessly, this is an individual (two, now) who volunteers their time to give us things FOR FREE to make our experiences better. They are generously not only coding this for us, but paying for certain aspects and refuse to take money for it. They do this for us. They aren't predators, quite the opposite. Just so you know.
Kindness goes a long way. Also, Cardi is LITERALLY the nicest person I've ever met in my life. 1000% true. Just keep that in mind, please.
Yes, I am looking a gift horse in the mouth. The frustration comes from using EHT for a long time and becoming dependent on it, then finding it bundled with something you did not want, which is causing in-game issues as well as privacy and security concerns. I think it would be much better to have the use of the .exe as a once-off opt-in screen that explains the risks, rather than having that journal scroll follow you in game, nagging you. On the one hand I admire the lengths to which the developers went to provide solutions for a feature that, apparently, many people wanted. On the other hand they implemented nagware and they bundled it. Even if they had the best of intentions, that's poor judgement. The addon behaves the same as many a questionable software you shouldn't download from the Internet - or you wish you hadn't.
Thank you, that would be great!StabbityDoom wrote: »
For whatever it’s worth, I agree with you about the sign in sheets. He should consider making them turn-off-able totally. I will certainly pass that along, along with your other concerns - who knows, maybe they will both unbundle. I understand frustration and figured that’s all your communication style was about. Bugs can be annoying. However, I’d love to know whose house it was that got messed up. I’d like to see if they put intentional fog in there (there’s blurry they can do, too).