Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Hardcore and Casuals both, quick survey

    I'm somewhere between casual and hardcore. I'd like to be hardcore but its tough due to time constraints on my playing most weeks I probably play well below 10 hours and don't have the ability to focus and refine my craft so I'm typically relegated to just solo questing rather than waiting to find a group and do the content I want.
    Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
    RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


  • Gythral
    Praying for a PC-EU server sort out...
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • SeaGtGruff
    While I'm loathe to use labels for pigeonholing people, I suppose I'm a casual, although I wouldn't say that I'm not interested in improving my gameplay or that I'm not interested in playing the harder content.

    But I'm definitely not so serious about the game that I approach it as if it were a university course that I need to study for so I can pass the tests and earn the highest possible grade I can, or as if it were a real-life contest that I must prepare diligently for so I don't get maimed or killed.

    It is a game, first and foremost, and I play it to have fun and enjoy myself. It isn't something I want to get stressed out over or take so seriously that I start to curse at other players because I think their failure to measure up to my personal standards of DPS or tanking or healing or whatever are somehow hurting my chances to reap the choicest rewards or come out on top.

    I play the game for my own benefit, and I don't feel like I need to play it a certain way for other people's benefit, or that they need to play it a certain way for my benefit.

    I play solo for the most part. I don't avoid group content, but I don't seek them out either, and I'd rather play group content with players I'm familiar with, who I know will keep trying as long as it takes instead of going ballistic, cursing at people, and kicking them out of the group if the group isn't able to breeze through the content in the shortest possible time and defeat every boss with a minimum of effort.

    In fact, when I'm soloing content, I actually enjoy using a greatsword to get "up close and personal" with MOBs and bosses, even if it means I have to stand my ground so I can whack away at them one by one, surrounded on all sides and stuck in a red circle. For me, a fight that I barely got through alive is a lot more thrilling and satisfying than a fight where I stood well away from my opponents while blasting them with a destruction staff or AoE abilities. And it kind of irritates me when I'm in the last stages of defeating a crowd of tough MOBs and bosses but then out of nowhere some other player comes along and wipes out the remaining enemies with a single blast of their staff. To me, that's like you're taking your time putting the final loving touches on a painting that you've been working on for as long as it takes when suddenly someone comes along, grabs a bucket of paint, splashes it on the canvas, and says "There, now it's finished and you can go do something else."

    Anyway, I play the game way too much, probably at least four hours every day, without missing a day. At first I felt like I had to do every quest, find every skyshard, explore every delve and dungeon, beat every boss, earn every achievement, etc. But then I started to relax into a daily routine of doing my crafting writs, crafting the occasional set of gear for other players, and then pursuing other content at my leisure. I've even found that I now play the other Elder Scrolls games in a more relaxed way, as virtual worlds that I can live in day after day, rather than feeling like I need to complete all of their content as quickly as possible.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • jainiadral
    Casual, probably about 10-15 hours a week. Or will be that again once Elsweyr releases and I can get back to my sorc.

    TBH, a lot of my play time here is influenced by how much I'm enjoying the class I'm playing and the zones I'm questing in. I'm on a break right now because I really disliked the EP storyline, I don't like magdk combat at all, and I really, really, really detest Coldharbour on my EP magdk. Getting clannfeared, kynbladed to the face, actual feared all in one mob group while trying to play a virtual melee class is infuriating.

    I'm probably a better player than I think I am. In pretty much any PvP battleground-type play, I'm right in the middle of the pack when the rankings come out. I'll push myself in most games to get better or do some of the more difficult solo content from time to time. I've taken a few shots at it here and been reasonably successful but it's just no fun in this game. Too twitchy and not strategic enough. Too stressful. At the same time, it feels slow and sludgy compared to GW2. Mechanics are even more annoying here than in other games I've enjoyed. Too many stuns, CCs.

    I really don't want to get better here. What I want is to make combat a non-factor so I can absorb myself in the stories. Right now, combat is the big factor in why I'm taking a break.
    Edited by jainiadral on May 12, 2019 9:46PM
  • Matchimus
    But frustration with my perception that we players are left unsupervised to fight each other in the playground while the teachers live it up in their room will see this lessen. How far time will tell.
  • Runkorko
    Whats the point of this survey ?
    And casuals and hardcors ? Rly?
    Its like pro and noob bs....
    There are ppl who play diferent, thats all. This not make them casuals and harcore. Because this are just words without any meaning.
    I play 20h per day/ every day. So what i`m ? Casual? Hardcore ?
    There are tryhards and ppl who play to relax, thats all.
  • 1mirg
    as a core gamer myself, I find the fact that you didn't include my side rather insulting. There is 4 types of gamers after all, not 2.
    ┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┤ ⅽ[ː̠̈ː̠̈ː̠̈] ͌ ├┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴┬┴
  • DocFrost72
    First, let me say thank you to all those that have taken the survey, responded, critiqued the survey, and given alternate views. Every bit of feedback is appreciated, and I have read every comment thus far.

    I felt it necessary to clarify two things after reading some of the comments;

    1- People have a lot of different definitions for "hardcore" and "casual". I expected there would be some ambiguity, but the amount of insightful information about the origins of these terms has actually been interesting to read in and of itself! I don't expect anyone to hold the definitions I provided as gospel "definitive" ways of using the words, certainly. There are going to be many people (9% as of my writing this) that do not closely identify with either, and that's okay! If you feel the definitions don't apply to you, feel free to leave a comment as to why, and either abstain or vote "other" to reflect this.

    2- The purpose of the original survey is purely just out of individual interest. I have no ulterior motive and no narrative. I am eager to learn, and found a topic I thought would be fun to discuss. To that end, I do not mean to look down on any style of play. Neither of these terms are meant to be derogatory, and none of these options are the "superior" choice. Simply a test of my survey making ability and a quicker, less thorough question to work through as a trial run. I genuinely am interested in information, and this has been illuminating thus far.

    One more time, thank you to all those who have replied, voted, or even just read it.
    Edited by DocFrost72 on May 12, 2019 10:43PM
  • siddique
    I suppose I'm a casual player. I have about 1200 hours of play time on my main toon since November last year. Then I have a few other toons that I occasionally hop on to.

    I do tend to learn as much as I can and strive to be the best that I can. Haven't done any vet trials yet though. I'm stuck between battlegrounds and vma.
    "Knee-jerk reactionist."
    Lost Depths, 2015-2022.
  • mattaeus01b16_ESO
    Strait up! Parsing...

    Parsing keeps me from doing endgame anything. Easy you say? Takes practice you say? Get good you say? Try doing it without marcos, and arthritic hands I say...

  • LeHarrt91
    I was a Hardcore player that would spend nearly any spare time playing, even have a Vita so i could play at lunch at work. But after being in the competitive scene for so long i grew tired of it and now i'm just a casual player, and play when i can.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • sevomd69
    I try to improve my skills and participate in mostly end game stuff...BUT NOT you put group bragging rights...
  • Tasear
    Thanks this suvery made me laugh and cry. The terms are too missed used to truly answer. I think ironically veteran player might be better term.
  • sevomd69
    1mirg wrote: »
    as a core gamer myself, I find the fact that you didn't include my side rather insulting. There is 4 types of gamers after all, not 2.

    LOL...a poll on a forum site for a video game gets you all butt wouldn't last 2 seconds with some of the "core" gamers that I know...
  • Elwendryll
    I fall under the Hardcore category according to your definition, so I voted with that in mind. However, I consider that the most important thing that differentiate casual players from Hardcore players is the commitment and the willingness to improve. Performance over Fun for Hardcore. I never considered myself a hardcore player as it has, for me, a twisted meaning of fun lost over performance, as if the game become a full time job.

    My primary goals in this game are... Looking cool... And achievements.

    I take part in vet trials regularly (HM for craglorn), and I'm actively trying to improve myself. I spend more time parsing in my home than anything else, and I theorycraft at work. However I only play what I enjoy, and that's how I ended up playing Stamsorc 2H/Bow (I'm working on a Bow/Bow build for some situations). I don't use relequen purely because I don't like this set, and I've always played a khajiit, no matter what. So I have my self own restrictions, and I try to do the best I can within these limitations. I have only 2000 hours played on my main despite having spent 95% of my time on him since march 2015. First year I played a lot, then I was forced into a casual schedule by my studies, and I never really regained the same interest and excitement I had. Some weeks I play less than 10 minutes total, just enough to get most of the daily rewards. I mostly login for trials on the weekends, and making an other outfit, again and again x')
    Edited by Elwendryll on May 13, 2019 2:12PM
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • elemag75
    What is the purpose for this vote? I also do not agree with the definitions, like others.
  • Cadbury
    I consider myself a pretty hardcore ESO player. Just got got my ninth Elder Scrolls tattoo (had just enough room next to my FO76 vault girl tat.) and am working on my Dibella shrine in my backyard. I eat sleep and breath ESO. Watch every dev stream and sleep on an official Bethesda chair.

    I don't measure my playtime in such woefully antiquated terms like "hours" or "days". Time is such a human concept and I am above such simple terms. I am ESO, and ESO is me. There is only The Game.

    ...I play casually several hours a week.
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • kathandira
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    If you'd take the time to vote and comment, I would appreciate it. Have a wonderful day. "Time played" constituting time spent playing ESO.


    Casual- A player who does not seek out the hardest content for the most part. A player who may be comfortable running vet dungeons, trials, and arenas but does not do so often or attempt to improve any more than they do through traditional gameplay.

    Hardcore-a player pushing their abilities in an effort to climb leaderboard rankings or social group bragging rights. These individuals will set apart time to hone tactics, muscle memory, and reactions in an attempt to tame the toughest challenges for rewards or personal satisfaction outside of playing through content (think practice duels or dummy parses).

    It's hard for me to answer this survey since i'm sorta both-ish. I play as a hardcore player in that I do a ton of research, and apply hardcore tactics when playing and building characters. But! I play in a casual guild. Casual-Core? I dunno what you would call me.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • probabkyravi
    25 hours lol. Need a 50+ hours category.
  • Monstermadgal
    Im currently going for the most hardcore title in the game: "Master Fisherman".... those people have seen stuff you know what Im saying ;)
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