All I read was: "I should be able to move freely and escape from groups of players using their control skills, even though I am only one player, because dying isnt fun"
A game without snares means endless running away, endless line of sighting, and basically unplayable for melee. Immunity skills are necessary but they should not be able to be spammed unless you build around it.
All I read was: "I should be able to move freely and escape from groups of players using their control skills, even though I am only one player, because dying isnt fun"
A game without snares means endless running away, endless line of sighting, and basically unplayable for melee. Immunity skills are necessary but they should not be able to be spammed unless you build around it.
All I read was: "I should be able to move freely and escape from groups of players using their control skills, even though I am only one player, because dying isnt fun"
A game without snares means endless running away, endless line of sighting, and basically unplayable for melee. Immunity skills are necessary but they should not be able to be spammed unless you build around it.
All I read was: “I’m a zergling who spams roots and snares. It’s not fair that solo players have mobility while I can’t spam roots and snares and lock them down completely”
A game with too much prevalent snares is trash. These last 2 patches have been pitiful for anyone who isn’t in a zerg full of healers. 2 seconds of immunity isn’t enough. Especially for mag classes that don’t have mobility. Not everyone in PvP stays in Zergs on root spamming tanks.
All I read was: "I should be able to move freely and escape from groups of players using their control skills, even though I am only one player, because dying isnt fun"
A game without snares means endless running away, endless line of sighting, and basically unplayable for melee. Immunity skills are necessary but they should not be able to be spammed unless you build around it.
In that case: Snares should not be able to be spammed unless you specifically build for it (and slotting one snare skill is not "investing" into snares).
Mobility > Snares in my opinion. A snare should only be a tool to slow someone down so you can with more ease stun them or root them, not stopping them from moving completely, which is more or less the case at the moment.
Small-scale and solo play need to get more love than it does at the moment, buffing snare immunity and mobility is a good way of doing so.
Sandman929 wrote: »Seems to me we used to have a way to remove snares and roots while granting immunity, as long as you (or someone in your group) built for it (sacrifice), but some folks didn't like that. Welcome to snares online.
Sandman929 wrote: »Seems to me we used to have a way to remove snares and roots while granting immunity, as long as you (or someone in your group) built for it (sacrifice), but some folks didn't like that. Welcome to snares online.
Because rapids was an overtuned method of immunity.
Allowing groups expedition and immunity to free run through everything.
Individuals should build some immunity into their toolkit and should be provided more than 2 seconds
Sandman929 wrote: »Sandman929 wrote: »Seems to me we used to have a way to remove snares and roots while granting immunity, as long as you (or someone in your group) built for it (sacrifice), but some folks didn't like that. Welcome to snares online.
Because rapids was an overtuned method of immunity.
Allowing groups expedition and immunity to free run through everything.
Individuals should build some immunity into their toolkit and should be provided more than 2 seconds
Well, maybe someday we'll get a method that doesn't seem overtuned to you. Evidently, more than a couple of seconds seems overtuned to others.
No. Roots and snares should have a meaningful impact on combat, we already got immunity introduced this patch and 2 seconds is more than enough to move out of a hot zone.
I even use psijic as my only mobility tool on live and dont really have trouble to LoS and kite. 2 seconds is about damn right to get a temporal boost and get out of the mess.
Sandman929 wrote: »Sandman929 wrote: »Seems to me we used to have a way to remove snares and roots while granting immunity, as long as you (or someone in your group) built for it (sacrifice), but some folks didn't like that. Welcome to snares online.
Because rapids was an overtuned method of immunity.
Allowing groups expedition and immunity to free run through everything.
Individuals should build some immunity into their toolkit and should be provided more than 2 seconds
Well, maybe someday we'll get a method that doesn't seem overtuned to you. Evidently, more than a couple of seconds seems overtuned to others.
There’s a clear difference but if you can’t understand it then I cant help you.
All I read was: "I should be able to move freely and escape from groups of players using their control skills, even though I am only one player, because dying isnt fun"
A game without snares means endless running away, endless line of sighting, and basically unplayable for melee. Immunity skills are necessary but they should not be able to be spammed unless you build around it.
All I read was: “I’m a zergling who spams roots and snares. It’s not fair that solo players have mobility while I can’t spam roots and snares and lock them down completely”
A game with too much prevalent snares is trash. These last 2 patches have been pitiful for anyone who isn’t in a zerg full of healers. 2 seconds of immunity isn’t enough. Especially for mag classes that don’t have mobility. Not everyone in PvP stays in Zergs on root spamming tanks.
Nice try. I never zerg. and yet I still dont want unlimited freedom of movement because I'm not entitled.
Sandman929 wrote: »Sandman929 wrote: »Sandman929 wrote: »Seems to me we used to have a way to remove snares and roots while granting immunity, as long as you (or someone in your group) built for it (sacrifice), but some folks didn't like that. Welcome to snares online.
Because rapids was an overtuned method of immunity.
Allowing groups expedition and immunity to free run through everything.
Individuals should build some immunity into their toolkit and should be provided more than 2 seconds
Well, maybe someday we'll get a method that doesn't seem overtuned to you. Evidently, more than a couple of seconds seems overtuned to others.
There’s a clear difference but if you can’t understand it then I cant help you.
I understand. You want an individual method to move freely with no sacrifice and don't want a group method with total sacrifice from one or 2 group members.
No. Roots and snares should have a meaningful impact on combat, we already got immunity introduced this patch and 2 seconds is more than enough to move out of a hot zone.
I even use psijic as my only mobility tool on live and dont really have trouble to LoS and kite. 2 seconds is about damn right to get a temporal boost and get out of the mess.
No. Roots and snares should have a meaningful impact on combat, we already got immunity introduced this patch and 2 seconds is more than enough to move out of a hot zone.
I even use psijic as my only mobility tool on live and dont really have trouble to LoS and kite. 2 seconds is about damn right to get a temporal boost and get out of the mess.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
The idea that snares and roots should have viability and their impact always felt is fine and something that shouldnt be removed from the game.
The topic isnt that roots or snares should be removed the topic is to balance the counter play options for snares and roots for all builds.
Im not sure if people are aware but forward momentum on live gives you 4 seconds of immunity. Mist form gives you 4 seconds of immunity.
Having Race against time also give 4 seconds of immunity only offers more build diversity. That change also doesnt infringe on the zerglings beloved snare/ root spam. They will be unaffected because instead of players using mist form or forward momentum to get away they will use race against time if it works better for their build.
So that would just be to bring everything to a standard. However another argument should be had for whether or not 4seconds is enough. Lets be real though roots and snares make people quit the game. There should be good counter play for them. There are probably.. 10x more sources of root and snares than there are root/ snare removal.