Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/662078/
Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

ZOS: Please give us an update on the server upgrade roadmap

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror

Please, could you give us an update on the performance improvement roadmap for the EU and NA servers?
Consider the following:
  • The "PC-EU Server Update - April 11" thread is still pinned even though we never received further information about what has been done
  • Yesterday there were a lot of ping spikes and disconnects in Cyrodiil - and i usually never experienced those
  • You admitted by yourself that the game is surging in popularity right now
  • This will only increase as Elsweyr comes out
  • The onboarding of famous streamers will even further magnify this
If nothing changes, it is reasonable to assume the the forthcoming months will see a massive performance degradation.

Last year you said that you will try to improve your communication to the community.
It would be really appreciated if you could make good on that intention, and share with us the plans for the performance improvements.

To everyone who might reply to this thread - let's try to not get this thread locked! I suppose the following might help:
  • Keep it civil - no threats or insults (so it doesn't get locked for misbehaviour)
  • If you agree with my post, just click "Agree" on the reactions - only comment if you have something meaningful to add to the discussion (so it doesn't get locked for losing its original purpose)

Thank you all.
  • Royaji
    Do you really need to see an image with just "SOON" written on it?
  • rumple9
    They need to do it before mid-year mayhem
  • Iluvrien
    I applaud your intent though I would brace yourself for disappointment.

    The cessation of communication after the server work sends its own message.
  • Morgul667
    Good luck getting a reply from zOS
  • andreasv
    Considering that they only "announced" the EU log in queue after a thread appeard on the forum, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

    I wouldn't be surprised if ZOS works in a way like, let's make changes to our game and only inform the players when it's either been a success or if we really can't hide it at all. I'm sure they're working on their servers to some degree. But I also think that no news pretty much means no positive results yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Gnozo
    I already lost all hope that cyro Performance will get fixed ot BG Queue finnally works...
  • sionIV
    I will make use of my prophetic powers, and I will share with you my vision.

    <Insert Dramatic Music>

    ESO shalt make an appearance in this thread, but it shalt not be to enlighten you! They will arrive to cleanse the thread from legions of comments, while chanting "Just a friendly reminder...". If the hero (OP) would like to get a response, they will have to post pictures of cute kittens or something of equal irrelevance!

    <End Dramatic Music>
  • SwampDrainerGoat
    Here it is:

  • Numerikuu
  • GarnetFire17
    You are assuming the server is the problem and not the optimization of the game. To me this seems like they made a choice of graphics over performance that only slight improvements can be expected. Because otherwise would be to completely redo the game from the ground up.
  • KappaKid83
    Just bumping this to keep it closer to the top of the front page
  • JTorus
    You are assuming the server is the problem and not the optimization of the game. To me this seems like they made a choice of graphics over performance that only slight improvements can be expected. Because otherwise would be to completely redo the game from the ground up.

    Graphics are not where the bottleneck issues reside, especially since graphics are your PC's responsibility, not the servers'. Hardware upgrades are not going to solve the issue. Even if the servers are still running on their original specs. (Guessing here, but likely Xeons in the Haswell Generation) they're not the problem either. We can make some educated guesses, and play the CPU comparison game and we'll see there's not much difference. Okay sure, there's some new Super Nifty Intel Tech ® in the later CPU generations. But comparing core for core, thread for thread. It's close enough. Besides, ZOS's MegaServer ® would need to utilize the features of the new Super Nifty Intel Tech ® for it to gain any sort of performance benefit. Yeah, the newer stuff uses faster memory, and the yup the newer Xeons can do wizardy of 56 cores and 112 threads and 40 PCIE lanes.. which hey, sure that would be an upgrade, but there is such a thing as diminishing returns too.

    Consider now that every instance (home, dungeon, overworld, delve, pvp, etc) is a VM your client interacts with, and the real issue of performance starts to come to light. Software/Coding. Which is why I find some of the PTS 5.x notes interesting. (I'm looking at you whole numbers) They know where their problems are, and they're self inflicted.

    TL;DR A guy with a missing arm isn't going to drive a Porsche any better than a Ford.

  • KappaKid83
  • Royaji
    KappaKid83 wrote: »

    This, is how you get a thread locked, btw. Keep it up.
  • Mitrenga
    And we told them, we are upgrading the servers.

  • Goregrinder
    I'm pretty sure they said "Soon", so what part of that are you confused by?
  • John_Falstaff
    I'm pretty sure they said "Soon", so what part of that are you confused by?

    Pretty sure they said they'll finish upgrade of PC/EU server before Easter. The part where not much have changed (or have been additionally announced) is the confusing one.
  • Mancombe_Nosehair
    Did they say which Easter? ;)
  • DenMoria
    That's for ZoS to know and you to find out.

    It's none of your business so quit asking.

    I say ban anyone who asks.

    They're just being nosy.
  • Mancombe_Nosehair
    On a more serious note, my guess is that they have given up trying to fix it, and are just waiting for the event to finish so the numbers drop off. The silence is deafening.
  • DenMoria
    On a more serious note, my guess is that they have given up trying to fix it, and are just waiting for the event to finish so the numbers drop off. The silence is deafening.

    That actually makes sense.

    The traffic is so high right now, it might actually be prudent to wait.
  • randomkeyhits
    I'm pretty sure they said "Soon", so what part of that are you confused by?

    Dictionary "soon" or Valve "soon"?
    EU PS4
  • Gythral
    I'm pretty sure they said "Soon", so what part of that are you confused by?

    Dictionary "soon" or Valve "soon"?

    it aint the former and probably longer than the latter... :wink:
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Runkorko
    Did they say which Easter? ;)

    They did...
    "Next Easter"
  • Thoragaal
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror

    Last year you said that you will try to improve your communication to the community.
    It would be really appreciated if you could make good on that intention, and share with us the plans for the performance improvements.

    On the topic of communication, this is from the thread "The silence of zenimax" from November 2018:
    "Hi everyone. First of all, you aren't wrong. We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse." -@ZOS_GinaBruno https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/445841/the-silence-of-zenimax/p2

    And here's a follow up to that thread "So about that communication, ZOS" also from November 2018
    "As for my end, there is a plan, but we need time to get it fleshed out and implemented. I don't want to speak on behalf of Rob in regards to the vision and strategy for the game moving forward, but he has been hard at work getting this together. Again, these things take time and isn't something you'll see after just a couple days." -@ZOS_GinaBruno

    and "Seriously though, don't want to commit to anything until everything is at least down on paper. Anywhere from a few weeks to the beginning of next year?" -@ZOS_GinaBruno

    So it's now May 7th 2019 (6 months down the road) and we've heard NOTHING on the topic of "Communication".
    Should the silence from ZOS really speak for itself?
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
    "I've always wanted to kick a duck up the arse" -Karl Pilkington, on the question what he'd do if it was the last day on earth.
  • eso_lags
    How about some information on console servers. Either way i suspect the outcome will be the same.
  • DenMoria
    I keep wondering why you folks care so much?

    Just play the game.
  • Mitrenga
    DenMoria wrote: »
    I keep wondering why you folks care so much?

    Just play the game.

    You might be enjoying a faulty service/product but some of us can't enjoy.
    We like this game and would like it to succeed for years to come.
    However, we are not blind to its vital problems.
  • DenMoria
    Mitrenga wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    I keep wondering why you folks care so much?

    Just play the game.

    You might be enjoying a faulty service/product but some of us can't enjoy.
    We like this game and would like it to succeed for years to come.
    However, we are not blind to its vital problems.

    I'm an American over the age of 50.

    They're all faulty products.

    It all depends on what you consider "faulty".
  • valeriiya
    Thoragaal wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_MattFiror

    Last year you said that you will try to improve your communication to the community.
    It would be really appreciated if you could make good on that intention, and share with us the plans for the performance improvements.

    On the topic of communication, this is from the thread "The silence of zenimax" from November 2018:
    "Hi everyone. First of all, you aren't wrong. We agree we haven't been communicating as much as we should on this matter (among others) and for that, we apologize. There really is no excuse." -@ZOS_GinaBruno https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/445841/the-silence-of-zenimax/p2

    And here's a follow up to that thread "So about that communication, ZOS" also from November 2018
    "As for my end, there is a plan, but we need time to get it fleshed out and implemented. I don't want to speak on behalf of Rob in regards to the vision and strategy for the game moving forward, but he has been hard at work getting this together. Again, these things take time and isn't something you'll see after just a couple days." -@ZOS_GinaBruno

    and "Seriously though, don't want to commit to anything until everything is at least down on paper. Anywhere from a few weeks to the beginning of next year?" -@ZOS_GinaBruno

    So it's now May 7th 2019 (6 months down the road) and we've heard NOTHING on the topic of "Communication".
    Should the silence from ZOS really speak for itself?

    So we have @ZOS_MattFiror saying they knew about the issue but let it get worse. We have @ZOS_GinaBruno saying a new communication plan is coming...since November, no rush, and
    @ZOS_RobGarrett saying "a majority of the bugs and issues faced are not ones everyone encounters or are drastically halting gameplay, as such they need to continue creating content for people who want new content to play and don’t play at the higher level to notice if a skill or mechanic works a little wonky."

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