I was wondering if and when there will be any performance and stability improvements on the Mac client. ESO is notoriously bad on macOS, from head scratching low FPS, to the occasional crashing (although mitigated subtly the past few months), stupendously outdated 32-bit Launcher and a packaged eso.app from 2013 with all the UI inconsistencies and mouse glitches you can ask for.
I get that there's lots of checks and balances regarding the development process for every aspect of the client (ranging from PvP adjustments to the new class and even the new in-game books), but macOS users are being marketed a game they're currently unable to experience
in the most basic sense.
ZoS, some engagement with us on the matter please?

P.S.: I will not "get a PC", or even use Boot Camp. Let's talk solutions, not preferences.
- Arien Larethian (High Elf Templar)
- Relus Demerdecan (Redguard Dragonknight)
- Elisia Bonaire (Breton Nightblade)
Proudly playing and producing content on a 2018 15" MacBook Pro.