Nemesis7884 wrote: »Just fyi ZOS is aware and is currently analysing a champ.p.system redesign.
mann9753b16_ESO wrote: »Nemesis7884 wrote: »Just fyi ZOS is aware and is currently analysing a champ.p.system redesign.
That is great to hear^^
I am looking forward to fighting Dragons in the next chapter, and it would be really sad when they get all this buildup, and players just come to B*tchslap them to oblivion because they have 800 CP and the Dragon stoped scaling an eternity ago...
mann9753b16_ESO wrote: »Nemesis7884 wrote: »Just fyi ZOS is aware and is currently analysing a champ.p.system redesign.
That is great to hear^^
I am looking forward to fighting Dragons in the next chapter, and it would be really sad when they get all this buildup, and players just come to B*tchslap them to oblivion because they have 800 CP and the Dragon stoped scaling an eternity ago...
well cant blame them the poor wording on top of the poor wording for the skills ingame makes it hard to know where to place your points not only that but 3k gold redistribute is excessive for new playersmann9753b16_ESO wrote: »Nemesis7884 wrote: »Just fyi ZOS is aware and is currently analysing a champ.p.system redesign.
That is great to hear^^
I am looking forward to fighting Dragons in the next chapter, and it would be really sad when they get all this buildup, and players just come to B*tchslap them to oblivion because they have 800 CP and the Dragon stoped scaling an eternity ago...
I suggest people watch this video when they say CP is the main source if power creep in this game:
...just the same as when you overlevel an area in other games, though less so!mann9753b16_ESO wrote: »When you spend some CP, you notice that you are becomeing really OP in PvE, which is...
Depends on the world boss!mann9753b16_ESO wrote: »I noticed the same with World bosses, Dark Anchors, and literally every place that should be a challenge but is public, as soon as people with a high CP level are there, it becomes laughable easy.
Just want to say, some of us were not playing since launch or have had the time to grind to the cap.
I can't speak for all players but I want to experience the power creep of being at the max assignable CP cap at some point.
You think the CP is making you overpowered, simple re-spec them and only assign 160 or 300 points. Or just play in battlegrounds or no CP campaigns in Cyrodill
Deathlord92 wrote: »I like cp and I I like being op simple 😎
I never thought I would hear someone say they are too strong in pve
First off cp is not a huge contributing factor for pve dps, it's a a factor but not as big as you think. The only people who complain about cp are pvp players with you as an exception
People who do good dps are because of skill of rotation, aka weaving, solid rotation of skills. Gear is also a huge contributing factor.
Put a max cp player with the best gear and if he doesnt have the skill to put out a good rotation, hes not gonna pull good dps. Also, high cp wont save you from one shot mechanics in dungeons and trials
mann9753b16_ESO wrote: »When you spend some CP, you notice that you are becomeing really OP in PvE, which is really a shame...I noticed that from the first time I did a Delve, I had someone with me who was level 30+, I was level 15 or 16, it was fun, nothing to hard, but it still felt like actually fighting your way through a dungeon.
Then someone with a Champion Level turned up, i think it was like 300+, and just... melted everything in his path, rushing through the dungen like nothing...
I noticed the same with World bosses, Dark Anchors, and literally every place that should be a challenge but is public, as soon as people with a high CP level are there, it becomes laughable easy.
I like the idea that there is still progress for your character after Level 50, but maybe the scaling should get a look at... because I really cant imagine that its fun when everything goes down in 2-3 hits...
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »Deathlord92 wrote: »I like cp and I I like being op simple 😎
Didn't you want to quit because NBs get brought in line? Now it makes sense.
I’m not quitting I’m cancelling my subscription and not buying anything else from them. You say removing nb damage is putting them in line ok I hope they remove shields next so mag sorcs get put line as they are also op and of course a heal like breath of life has to go because you know where putting classes in line here class balance and all that. What a moron 😂
So I had an idea, which my Guildies Hate but I think it could work perhaps with tweaks
1. Leave the concept of skill trees where it is. There are 9 trees currently and you can Asign 400 in each , so that’s 3600
2. Now in your achievements menus you get achievement points for doing certain things (VMOL hm, fg2 speed run etc) let’s just say the total amount of achievement points is 36000 (keeping it Simple for math sake)
3. 36000 / 3600 = 100 right. So my idea is that you gain a cp point for every 100 achievement points
4. This will force people to do content if they want to level and not to power to 810 plus
5. Rework the cp Points so it still allows linear progression but doesn’t make op!
I’ve not seen many other ideas and I’m sure this one will get shot down:-)
Good news though! Once you get to cp 160 and get your gear, you no longer have to pve and can just que for non cp pvp.
Makes the game actually enjoyable.
CP is a crutch for people who can’t sustain and want to be "tanky" so they aren’t immediately punished for making mistakes.