Lol, dude. You might just worry less about campaign scores, and enjoy the fights. You’ll end up having a more relaxing, enjoyable experience.
Yo, I play at that time and I can say there’s almost always an even 2 bars across on Vivec so there’s really not much PvDoor happening in terms of unbalanced pops. Relax. Just one faction usually cares more or there’s an AD guild that runs a pretty big group at that time that really like the hit tri keeps and scrolls. But honestly who cares.
And if you get into Japan times, DC has 3-4 active guilds. AD has 1-2. EP has 1-2. The power shifts throughout the night. But regardless, there are tons of fights and never a boring moment. Campaign scores are largely beyond any one time zones control. I think most of us log on after a day’s work, and just happy to be entertained. Cheers.
Of course, after logging in early today (6pm Japan time / 5AM EST), and seeing 3 bars red to 1 bar blue and 1 bar yellow. Red just got Emp and now taking AD scrolls....I see partly what the OP is getting at. I'll play later if my friends do. But history has shown that behavior like this just ends up killing the map for the entire evening. We shall see if pops balance out. Blue should have Japanese guilds on in 4 hours time. AD may or may not. Might stay 1 bar pop tonight.
But to the OP, see we can't really get to upset about the score. EP will gain another 200-300 pts over the next 4 hours. So just try to have fun. Or do bgs in the meantime like me.
If night capping is such a big issue, find people in your faction who play from different time zones, add them to your pvp guild and set them up as a counter force to the night cap.
Sounds good on paper. But it isn't as easy as you'd think. While population makes a difference, it's organization, which requires leaders and ones who will actually follow the lead. Organized guilds also can make a big, big difference. We shall see what happens when faction locks kick in.
I didn't say anything about how easy or difficult it would be. I'm just being serious. The fighting doesn't stop when people go to sleep, so if it's a big issue, take responsibility for it and do something about it in a realistic way.
So the people who don't play during that time should take responsibility for it rather than the people who do play during that time? I see.
If it matters that much to them, yes, they should.
Cyrodiil is a 24/7 battle zone. It doesn't stop.
Companies that operate 24/7 have to roster people to work all around the clock. It would be the same here. If you care that much about night capping, roster people in your guild to keep the fight going while other people are taking a break.
If you don't want to do that, then get over it.
fullheartcontainer wrote: »
What I'm arguing for would strictly speaking give more even and better fights across the board. If you are enjoying fights, whether you want to win for the factions or not it should be appealing.
On top of that, Oceanic megaservers would give oceanic players a MUCH better experience instead of having to play the game with 500 ping minimum.
80% of the people in organised guilds "night capping" are actually in America and Canada playing at 3am, trust me.
fullheartcontainer wrote: »Look, I know this gets brought up a lot, but seriously it's absolutely ridiculous that on a NORTH AMERICA megaserver, the non-Americans are the ones who get to swing the campaign so hard by capping the map every. single. night..
The nameNorth American Server relates purely to the physical location of the server, nothing else. Both the NA and EU servers are open to the world, 24 hours a day.
Wars don’t stop just because certain soldiers want to get their beauty sleep.
killimandrosb16_ESO wrote: »
Thats true, but wars stops when theres noone left to fight. I hope ep is enjoying a campaign with less and less players (SS NA). I have an idea; what about spreading out through the 3 factions instead of poplocking one and fighting 2 factions with a handful of players combined? Cowardism is also something typical for war and theres a lot of that on sotha.