“Great Odin’s Ravens” is an adult social guild that is putting together a “focused” but casual team for vet content & trials. Main Trials team will be running on Thursday nights @ reasonable hours for those who have to work early in the morning, final time TBD (leaning towards 8pm-10pm EST).
Socially the guild has a wide range of ages & walks of life (ages 20-50+). It’s growing at a controlled deliberate pace to keep it as a community instead of 200+ members who you don’t know. If you enjoy learning mechanics and pushing content with an online group where you recognize teammates by their voice, give us a try.
We’ll be running Trials this weekend with room for others to join. Feel free to drop a message and join for any of the groups. No need to join the guild, give us a test-drive and see if we might be a good fit.
• 1 Tank
• Heals (we’re set, but can adjust if you prefer this role).
Reply here with GT or message any of the following in game or Xbox message:
Life Sentencer
Sir Nibbleswick