My modest feedback is written about Sunspire Skin (can't add anything else about trial itself for now).
It is the ugliest and worst skin I've ever seen. Basically, it is The New Life festival skin (which I think is taken from Direfrost Keep, you can see frozen statues there), with orange-colored arms and legs.
First one is The New Life festival skin (aka Direfrost), second - Sunspire (taken from Alkast website).
They are
I fully realize this part of content wouldn't be changed even with enough time to design a new skin from zero.
To complete my feedback with constructive and absolutely fair critique:
- Sunspire Skin was not designed from scratch and was quickly made of the same textures as The New Life skin.
- This skin is a reward for completing Sunspire trial in veteran mode, which is insane for a copy-paste skin.
- Unlike MoL, HoF/AS (basically the same) or CR it is not unique, gives no motivation to complete this trial for a unique and well-looking reward (like vMoL for example).
- Looking back for recent skins I believe it is correct to say the quality of this kind of reward (skins) has dropped.
Sunspire skin is a lazy-"designed" copy-past The New Life festival skin.
Edited by Ruinhorn on May 1, 2019 9:05PM