Hello everyone, today I'd like to bring up the topic of walking in ESO PvP. I strongly believe that the game is not punishing it's players for making bad decisions, hence the idea of topic - in my opinion we, as players, ought to be punished for choosing where we decide to place our characters. The reasoning behind is that in current state you're free to walk wherever, and whilist it is a good thing, it causes some harm in PvP scenario, most importantly in Cyrodiil in my opinion.
We very often see those so called 1vX and smallscale players wandering in the PvP zone, I have nothing against that, however, the problem begins when they are using positioning well, and while making mistakes, still performing very well since movement mistakes are very forgiving. Quite frankly, this does not matter as much to players that play in larger groups - aka zergs - due to being guarded by other members of the group. That said, it's extremely easy to walk out of line of sight when the X player makes mistake by walking up too close the enemy which results in lack of punishment for mistakes commited.
A very simple and common example that occurs from the other part of community, as opposed to the so called zerglings, are 1vX and smallscale players. This group utilizes walking mechanic very well. Often we can see a single player walking around a rock or other obstacle, using them as line of sight object to protect themselves from the other players - usually to turn around at one point and try to catch them by suprise and unbuffed with intention of killing. That makes it nearly impossible for a large group of unexperienced players to win against someone more experienced. I'm not endorsing mentality that people should die if they are outnumbered, I do believe that changes to walking should be implemented as a QoL aspect, especially for less experienced players. What's more, I believe PC players would start using more movement abilities in order to make their moves more valuable, since they would have to be more careful and pay more attention what direction are they heading. Such an example would be gap closers, on console where people don't have much mobility - caused by controler not being as responsive as keyboard & mouse - use gap closers to help with moving around. On PC, where it is significantly easier to walk in direction A and in a blink of an eye change direction to points B or C, not so many players are keen on using such skills, which I totally understand and I agree with. There just is no reason to use those skills, neither major expedition ones hence the ability to walk/sprint is so extremely good and movement is very strong in Cyrodiil. There are exceptions however, such as Streak or Shade from Sorcerer and Nightblade skill lines. Those skills are used frequently because they don't have any major disadvantages when used and can help us move quickly. Obviously snares exist and they are huge part of taking people down by slowing them down and not letting opponent use line of sight, but it can be countered easily as well if snare removals, purging and else.
Idea behind this all is to make walking cost stamina, simple fatigue like in other games. I believe points I've given are valid reasons to create this option. Not to mention all people that hate jumping in fights and want it to cost stamina, cause this should satisfy them as well due to jumping while walking giving player velocity and helps to kite around, however those who like to jump will still be able to, and walking itself, will have a cost, and so indirectly will jumping in fights. The main idea is that we can increase skill ceiling for PvP players that enjoy challenge and try to 1vX, make less experienced players learn a bit more about movement and help them catch those who make mistakes with their positioning.
Walking should have a stamina cost to improve health of PvP, it won't affect PvE much, extremely small hidrance but in my opinion improvement for all PvP players out there. If you're wondering why I think so, please read the thread

Thank you for reading & you're welcome to discuss, I hope I didn't miss anything
-Swiftfox Bouncyface
Pronoun: They
Former Saltminer
A kawaii furry (^w^)
Leader of Furry Squad PvP Guild
Swiftfox Bouncyface
A random furry
I Fur You
i have anxiety
i love children
Hewwo my fursona is Swiftfox Bouncyface I'm 37 years old and I love furries OwO, i'm also a little bit shy but I'll have you know that's because i was *** at furcon >/ / /<