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HUGE Potatoe zerg

  • tinythinker
    Ummm… why do all of these PvP threads end up on General Discusion (and why are they never moved to the appropriate place)?

    Conduit0 wrote: »
    Please remove AvA from the AvA zone.

    Yes and no to equating large groups and stacking lots of players in one place with successful AvA.


    Cyrodiil is meant for armies to clash. Sure some small-groups will want to hit targets as diversions and so on, and some gankers will pick off stragglers, but the idea is for large groups to fight each other. And no it's not fun to get run over by 40-80 people when only 2-8 of you are defending. But that's part of AvAvA. Strategy and tactics matter. if 40-60 members of one faction go to one spot, meet them with your own army or hit them where they have left themselves vulnerable.

    The 24 player strong PUG groups (some of which start second and third groups coordinated by voice chat) are a great way to get people more into Cyrodiil, both to try it and to get addicted to it. It's a nice starter option. Some will leave, some will stay but only have the time/interest for PUG groups, and some will start or join groups of more experienced players or go solo. There are also the ball groups of experienced players who run over everything for AP and because they enjoy running over everything. Both are features, not bugs, of AvAvA in Cyrodiil.

    If people are upset they can't get consistent small-group PvP exactly how they want it, it's like going to Burger King and being mad that you can't get a Big Mac. Which is why I'm in favor of something in the middle between the current 4v4v4 BGs and open PvP zones like Cyrodiil and Imperial City. Maybe a 12v12v12 scenario, like some old crumbling city Ayleid City or even Cloud Ruler Temple. Make it at least twice the size of current BGs with extended verticality.


    On the other hand, just because armies are meant to clash in Cyrodiil doesn't mean there aren't issues to be addressed.

    These issues include:
    • Game performance suffers when many players stack in one place
    • Other parts of the map feel empty/boring making the active part of the map feel small
    • Other AvAvA experiences other than giant battles and PvDoor are diminished

    Stacking takes place for many reasons such as:
    • players tend to move clockwise or counterclockwise around the ring in the middle of the map to the next objective in front of them and run into enemy groups moving the other way
    • players go to where the action already is
    • players go to join in big tactical battles (like helping to throne or dethrone an emperor)


    So I agree that the goal shouldn't be to remove large groups. More like try to work with the fact that they have a role to play in AvAvA and to make sure that large groups aren't too strong or too weak. One hindrance to this goal is the difference between large PUG group and large experienced ball groups.

    Balancing out large groups and reducing player stacking has involved actions such as:
    • adding AoE abilities like Magicka Detonation that scale up in damage based on the number of enemy players hit
    • adding sets like Leki's Focus that reduce damage taken from AoE
    • nerfs to popular AoE abilities like Impulse and Whirlwind
    • adding AoE caps
    • removing AoE caps
    • changing point values of objective to encourage players to spread out more
    • adding objectives (capturable towns, new outposts) to encourage players to spread out more
    • nerfing forward camps (limited radius to use them, cool-down on using them)
    • boosting siege damage

    Personally making siege damage (or a boost to their related status effects) a little stronger is something I would like to see, as people often seem not be bothered by it.

    I've also suggested:
    • adding "mobile flags" like supply caravans that randomly show up on the map that offer something worth going after but that require a very strong small group, an average large group, or a weak mega-group to take down in a reasonable amount of time
    • having keeps perpetually increase in AP value (or some other value) the longer they are continuously held by the same Alliance
    • adding a damage ability that works continuously by proximity until enough players separate to a minimum safe distance (imagine that tether from some dungeons only it hops from affected players to nearby players and from them to other nearby players)

    If there are multiple priority targets at once on the map and punishing features for high levels of consistent over-stacking it allows large groups to still be formidable and useful but also encourages players to spread out more often.

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  • DenMoria
    Ummm… why do all of these PvP threads end up on General Discusion (and why are they never moved to the appropriate place)?

    Conduit0 wrote: »
    Please remove AvA from the AvA zone.

    Yes and no to equating large groups and stacking lots of players in one place with successful AvA.


    Cyrodiil is meant for armies to clash. Sure some small-groups will want to hit targets as diversions and so on, and some gankers will pick off stragglers, but the idea is for large groups to fight each other. And no it's not fun to get run over by 40-80 people when only 2-8 of you are defending. But that's part of AvAvA. Strategy and tactics matter. if 40-60 members of one faction go to one spot, meet them with your own army or hit them where they have left themselves vulnerable.

    The 24 player strong PUG groups (some of which start second and third groups coordinated by voice chat) are a great way to get people more into Cyrodiil, both to try it and to get addicted to it. It's a nice starter option. Some will leave, some will stay but only have the time/interest for PUG groups, and some will start or join groups of more experienced players or go solo. There are also the ball groups of experienced players who run over everything for AP and because they enjoy running over everything. Both are features, not bugs, of AvAvA in Cyrodiil.

    If people are upset they can't get consistent small-group PvP exactly how they want it, it's like going to Burger King and being mad that you can't get a Big Mac. Which is why I'm in favor of something in the middle between the current 4v4v4 BGs and open PvP zones like Cyrodiil and Imperial City. Maybe a 12v12v12 scenario, like some old crumbling city Ayleid City or even Cloud Ruler Temple. Make it at least twice the size of current BGs with extended verticality.


    On the other hand, just because armies are meant to clash in Cyrodiil doesn't mean there aren't issues to be addressed.

    These issues include:
    • Game performance suffers when many players stack in one place
    • Other parts of the map feel empty/boring making the active part of the map feel small
    • Other AvAvA experiences other than giant battles and PvDoor are diminished

    Stacking takes place for many reasons such as:
    • players tend to move clockwise or counterclockwise around the ring in the middle of the map to the next objective in front of them and run into enemy groups moving the other way
    • players go to where the action already is
    • players go to join in big tactical battles (like helping to throne or dethrone an emperor)


    So I agree that the goal shouldn't be to remove large groups. More like try to work with the fact that they have a role to play in AvAvA and to make sure that large groups aren't too strong or too weak. One hindrance to this goal is the difference between large PUG group and large experienced ball groups.

    Balancing out large groups and reducing player stacking has involved actions such as:
    • adding AoE abilities like Magicka Detonation that scale up in damage based on the number of enemy players hit
    • adding sets like Leki's Focus that reduce damage taken from AoE
    • nerfs to popular AoE abilities like Impulse and Whirlwind
    • adding AoE caps
    • removing AoE caps
    • changing point values of objective to encourage players to spread out more
    • adding objectives (capturable towns, new outposts) to encourage players to spread out more
    • nerfing forward camps (limited radius to use them, cool-down on using them)
    • boosting siege damage

    Personally making siege damage (or a boost to their related status effects) a little stronger is something I would like to see, as people often seem not be bothered by it.

    I've also suggested:
    • adding "mobile flags" like supply caravans that randomly show up on the map that offer something worth going after but that require a very strong small group, an average large group, or a weak mega-group to take down in a reasonable amount of time
    • having keeps perpetually increase in AP value (or some other value) the longer they are continuously held by the same Alliance
    • adding a damage ability that works continuously by proximity until enough players separate to a minimum safe distance (imagine that tether from some dungeons only it hops from affected players to nearby players and from them to other nearby players)

    If there are multiple priority targets at once on the map and punishing features for high levels of consistent over-stacking it allows large groups to still be formidable and useful but also encourages players to spread out more often.

    To answer your initial question:

    Because PvPers don't actually want to talk to each other, they just want to berate and irritate the general population with their constant whining, complaining, criticism and meta attitudes.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    are there any plans to stop these massive size potatoe zergs? seriously, we have desperate strong need to get the HUGE Potatoe zergs OUT of cryodiil.
    is there any plans to help remove the zrg and massive potatoe zergs out of cryodiil?
    devs, please help.

    please remove the huge zergs and zerg mantaility away from cryodiil, because the lagg is too huge and the ping too high and the ability to play simply cant fight too many people like that, need people spread out and not in huge potatoe groups.

    thank you for taking time to read.

    You need to build more pylons
  • Calarax
    You mean.....Each side shouldnt bring a big army to the war? *Imagines a scene in 1943....German General on the phone to Berlin.."Mein Feuhrer...please call Stalin and ask him to stop sending so many soldiers against us!"*
  • Marcus684
    Calarax wrote: »
    You mean.....Each side shouldnt bring a big army to the war? *Imagines a scene in 1943....German General on the phone to Berlin.."Mein Feuhrer...please call Stalin and ask him to stop sending so many soldiers against us!"*

    Wargame =/= real-life war
  • anatole1234
    Gilvoth wrote: »

    are there any plans to stop these massive size potatoe zergs? seriously, we have desperate strong need to get the HUGE Potatoe zergs OUT of cryodiil.
    is there any plans to help remove the zrg and massive potatoe zergs out of cryodiil?
    devs, please help.

    please remove the huge zergs and zerg mantaility away from cryodiil, because the lagg is too huge and the ping too high and the ability to play simply cant fight too many people like that, need people spread out and not in huge potatoe groups.

    thank you for taking time to read.

    That's a potato post right there
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