Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »They did nerf the damage potential of both pets by lowering the percentage boost from deadric prey, from 55% to 40%>
See that is again the completly wrong approach, since the pets are actually performing fine (that is, the atro and the scamp). Its just the matriach itself that has this absurd damage scaling, so it doesnt make sense to blanked nerf all pets...
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
Atro always was 40%. This is just bringing the scamp and twilight to the same percentage.
On the scamp vs twilight thing, the scamp ought to be weaker single target simply because it is an AOE
I do on my multi-pet-sorc, as probably all Sorcs with multi-pets do.the high matriach light attack damage of 3-5k was not even amplified by deadric prey since noone runs this morph in pvp.
BalticBlues wrote: »I do on my multi-pet-sorc, as probably all Sorcs with multi-pets do.
Please do not claim to know something ("nobod runs this morph") YOU DO NOT KNOW.
Lord_Dexter wrote: »Issue is not just matriarch,
Healing is too much in this game.
Lord_Dexter wrote: »Twilight healing is very strong in PVP, it also heals your ally and simply overkill!
Mag Sorcerers in organized groups are unkillable,
If they start takign damage simply streak out, 1 click (amazing twilight) and again full health
Mag Sorceres are back in game, simply replace one set with Plague Doctor to stack health and have an amazing large shield.
Their shields are now much stronger and unkillable.
Wow this is actually plain wrong by all aspects lol xD. Shield stacking still requires way more max mag than max hp, using plague doctor will give tiny overall shield sizes. The matriach heal is by no means op, I actually find it subpar and insufficient to burstheal myself up. The shield's total strength might be better for those who stack armor, but I wouldn't say they are stronger than pre wrathstone.
Only thing I want to see is stupid 4k light attacks gone, at least on the healing morph.
Lord_Dexter wrote: »
Well what is wrong?
can you shed more light? if Matriach heal is not OP then definitely you know nothing ot running sorc and kidding all around forum!
Why now every sorc is running matriach in PVP?
Jesus did you even read my post?! Because the damage this bird dishes out is broken! The healing component is completly fine, but the added pressure of the matriach is ludicrous. 3-5k attacks every few seconds is way beyond comparison to any other pet existing in the game
I believe i should myself take healing screenshot from CM and post here, currently its one click and healing back you to almost full can activate the twilight's special ability to heal the matriarch and up to 2 other friendly targets.
It's not right that the Matriarch does as much damage as the Tormentor. But I actually think, the Matriarch is quite balanced if you see the bigger picture. It's so easy to destroy and kite in pvp, that it should have some impact while active and it also has a cast time, which summons of other classes do not have, on top of being unkillable.
If you consider how easy the Twilight is to counter, then it should have impact as long as it is allowed to function.
If they nerf it too much, then I really don't see a reason for it to cost 2 ability slots. Right now, I think it's justified.
It's the only balanced pet in my opinion. All other Sorcerer Pets + the Warden bear are underperforming and not worth 2 slots.
Actually I agree with you as running pets for two bar slots is hardly justified taking their strenght into account. However this still doesn't justify why the Matriach itself stands out so much compared to all other pets. I'd definitly sign an overall buff to pet damage, especially the ones you have to double slot, but right now Matriach's power creep is just too high.
Tuning the damage down by 30% would still leave it as one of the strongest dots in the game. This buff was not even intended by zos (not included in patchnotes) and just resulted as a side effect with the changes in wrathstone.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus