I think they made this change so that you can no longer use a dot skill as a spammable. Previously you could use this repeatedly while weaving light attacks and get both the initial damage plus the first tick. Now you won't get any ticks if you use this several times in a row with just la weaves. So it's a nerf for classes like stamDK that use this or claw for spammable, even though the actual damage of the skill if used as a dot goes up.
Maybe. That's what it looks like to me, anyway.
CleymenZero wrote: »I think they made this change so that you can no longer use a dot skill as a spammable. Previously you could use this repeatedly while weaving light attacks and get both the initial damage plus the first tick. Now you won't get any ticks if you use this several times in a row with just la weaves. So it's a nerf for classes like stamDK that use this or claw for spammable, even though the actual damage of the skill if used as a dot goes up.
Maybe. That's what it looks like to me, anyway.
That's exactly it! You could also weave venomous claw for decent DPS and you'll no longer be able to. I liked the option so that's a RIP for me!
just spam OP flurry and call it a day -_-
Nail in what coffin? For PvE or something? Bleeds are still overpowered in PvP, and probably even moreso now with Carve's up front damage hitting so hard (as I mentioned in another thread, I've seen ~4.3k on the initial hit even with solid resists, which is more than any other instant cast spammable I've been hit with, and that's not counting the followup DOT portion). DW/2h is still going to be everywhere except a coffin.CleymenZero wrote: »Mind you they had already nerfed rending slash by reducing the strength of 1H enchants, that's just the nail in the coffin.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
ZOS need to make the last hit of flurry scale like it seems it ought to, tooltip*4, but it doesn't work like that. Read about it more here-. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/441718/flurry-and-morphs-300-final-hit-not-scaling-correctly-from-percent-amps
As for the op, it is a lateral shift if you are using the skill as just a dot in pve or PvP, it is a straight nerf if you are using the skill as a spammable.