This developer’s comment proves once more that nerfs are born from PvP issues, and that PvE inevitably suffers for it.
Similar to the other changes, this pass was done to ensure the Nightblade has less moments of redundancy within its own kit. Since Mark Target exists primarily as the class' way to gain access to Major Fracture or Breach, having a morph of your main ability grant the same thing heavily reduced the value of having Mark Target. Note that this effect will not stack per caster, similar to the Crusher enchantment for weapons.
Who even uses Mark Target in PvE, besides niche scenarios… the ‘primarily’ in the statement boggles the mind. Stamblades always used surprise attack for fracture, and ZOS' way of dealing with the redundancy is nerfing the skill that's used mostly in PVE, rather than the more PvP-oriented skill.
Wolf_Watching wrote: »Don't start. It was b/c stamblade was parsing too high on dummies also. 2-3k easy above all other classes even in their best iterations. SO DON'T START. Say goodbye to the dawn of the blades. Welcome the dawn of the necrowardens!
Wolf_Watching wrote: »Don't start. It was b/c stamblade was parsing too high on dummies also. 2-3k easy above all other classes even in their best iterations. SO DON'T START. Say goodbye to the dawn of the blades. Welcome the dawn of the necrowardens!
You know that nightblade has dominated the end game pve scene for over a year and have been dominate in dps. Right?
Doesn’t matter if the rotation is easy or not
You know that nightblade has dominated the end game pve scene for over a year and have been dominate in dps. Right?
Doesn’t matter if the rotation is easy or not
GazHilarant wrote: »
You know that nightblade has dominated the end game pve scene for over a year and have been dominate in dps. Right?
Doesn’t matter if the rotation is easy or not
Wow, this guy is super anti-nightblade, has commented on every nightblade post for the last 20 minutes.
Frankly I found the Magic Nightblade rotations fun for PVE, since last patch the other Magic damage dealers have been in very close proximity, dps wise with considerably easier rotations.
Stamblades always used surprise attack for fracture, and ZOS' way of dealing with the redundancy is nerfing the skill that's used mostly in PVE, rather than the more PvP-oriented skill.
chetter_hummin wrote: »@OP pls list other spammables that have major fracture/breech (roughtly 8% more damage) build in. U cant because there is none. all other classes must use other skill to get acces to that. so must stam NB now, perfect balance imo (PVP)
pve is the same, u will have tank to apply major fracture anyway and parsing less on dummy, well to bad game is not build around dummies
Nope it is not overHopefully its over
If you have a good rotation, you can keep high fracture uptimes with SA, it's not a spammable per se, but you cast it ideally 3 times on your front bar, so it's pretty similar.
Losing minor berserk and major fracture is irrelevant in most group PvE content where tanks and healers already provide you with the same buffs. If you're crying about the fact that you'll be doing slightly less DPS on a dummy then... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sanguinor2 wrote: »
This developer’s comment proves once more that nerfs are born from PvP issues, and that PvE inevitably suffers for it.
Similar to the other changes, this pass was done to ensure the Nightblade has less moments of redundancy within its own kit. Since Mark Target exists primarily as the class' way to gain access to Major Fracture or Breach, having a morph of your main ability grant the same thing heavily reduced the value of having Mark Target. Note that this effect will not stack per caster, similar to the Crusher enchantment for weapons.
Who even uses Mark Target in PvE, besides niche scenarios… the ‘primarily’ in the statement boggles the mind. Stamblades always used surprise attack for fracture, and ZOS' way of dealing with the redundancy is nerfing the skill that's used mostly in PVE, rather than the more PvP-oriented skill.
This developer’s comment proves once more that nerfs are born from PvP issues, and that PvE inevitably suffers for it.
Similar to the other changes, this pass was done to ensure the Nightblade has less moments of redundancy within its own kit. Since Mark Target exists primarily as the class' way to gain access to Major Fracture or Breach, having a morph of your main ability grant the same thing heavily reduced the value of having Mark Target. Note that this effect will not stack per caster, similar to the Crusher enchantment for weapons.
Who even uses Mark Target in PvE, besides niche scenarios… the ‘primarily’ in the statement boggles the mind. Stamblades always used surprise attack for fracture, and ZOS' way of dealing with the redundancy is nerfing the skill that's used mostly in PVE, rather than the more PvP-oriented skill.
I used mark target a lot in PVE when soloed. It is a nice self-healing and debuffing skill. Afaik nigblades currently are in top of PVE dps...a slight nerf was needed there imo.
Looks like you are putting it on the paper here from a niche scenario perspective.
kathandira wrote: »The only thing I see that can hurt MagNBs in PvE is the loss of Minor Berserk. But you can get that 8% back by using Lotus Fan which applies minor vulnerability.
kathandira wrote: »The only thing I see that can hurt MagNBs in PvE is the loss of Minor Berserk. But you can get that 8% back by using Lotus Fan which applies minor vulnerability.
It will fall on healers to make good use of combat prayer, though that's irrelevant for DD/Tank combos in 4-person groups. There's also Slimecraw, I guess.