BejaProphet wrote: »Here at ESO we understand how important it is that players feel like each and every time they log in, something must urgently be done or they will forever miss out.
To that end we are proud to introduce Tamriel: Limited time, all the time!
We are working hard to make sure you know that every minute of every day something is there to be obtained which is forever lost if you aren’t playing right now.
However, we know that many of you have jobs, families, and responsibilities. So to make sure you don’t miss out, we are absolutely committed to putting everything into crown crates 6 months later and making you pay through your nose for it, because reasons.
We hope you love it for years to come! And we hope you love it every minute and second of every nervous waking moment.
Welcome to Tamriel limited time, all the time!
Ever been to a grocery store that wasn't having a clearance or a circular with coupons that expire if you don't use them within a set time period?
Ever seen a movie in a thetre during its limited release?
Ever bought a limited edition widget because it said limited?
Its sales and marketing first day stuff, you have the freedom to ignore the events wholeshot and have 0 affect on your gameplay experience. Same way a closeout on kale for 90% off has 0 affect on me.
Gorguzkhalrwb17_ESO wrote: »The artificial scarcity tactic in selling their digital content is utterly disgusting.
Baltar: There's never enough you know. Never enough money, fame, women... The more you want the more you need the more you want, there's always a hunger for more money, greater fame, different women.
Calvin: Oh yeah? It's a tragedy, your life.
Baltar: The point I'm trying to make Calvin, the point you're missing, is that there's a certain futility in centering one's entire life around trying to satisfy appetites that can truly never be sated.
Darkstorne wrote: »Play YOUR Way!
Except this week, where you must do dailies if you want the limited time mount.
*Sorry, I cut the crap*
BejaProphet wrote: »Here at ESO we understand how important it is that players feel like each and every time they log in, something must urgently be done or they will forever miss out.
To that end we are proud to introduce Tamriel: Limited time, all the time!
We are working hard to make sure you know that every minute of every day something is there to be obtained which is forever lost if you aren’t playing right now.
However, we know that many of you have jobs, families, and responsibilities. So to make sure you don’t miss out, we are absolutely committed to making sure every time a limited-time opportunity ends, another one immediately begins. That’s right! We have prepared a lifetime of once in a lifetime opportunities! You will never again be troubled by logging on and being overwhelmed by freedom. Each time you will know exactly what you must do so you won’t miss out on a limited time opportunity!
We hope you love it for years to come! And we hope you love it every minute and second of every nervous waking moment.
Welcome to Tamriel limited time, all the time!
WhyMustItBe wrote: »Gorguzkhalrwb17_ESO wrote: »The artificial scarcity tactic in selling their digital content is utterly disgusting.
The only thing more disgusting than predatory marketing tactics is the inevitable legions of desperate enablers who show up to defend it at every turn.
Over the years I have heard all the arguments and they are invariably the same: "Businesses exist to make money." As if somehow making money at any cost were morally and ethically acceptable so long as money is made, the ends justifying ANY means.
It is like saying "wars exist to kill the enemy" and then rationalizing the use of biological weapons because they do in fact kill millions of people, none could deny. But there are always lines that we draw as sane and civilized beings which should not be crossed just for the sake of a quicker, easier outcome.
Quicker and easier outcomes are rarely the best, and desperately grasping at acquisition and comparison in the short term YOLO mindset is the sign of a deeply afflicted mind and a truly diseased culture we have created.
Modern capitalist is so busy figuring out whether it CAN push that next boundary just for the sake of extracting more value in the short term that it never stops to ask if it SHOULD. That is why regulations are necessary to limit the ravenous greed of lesser men and women who make acquisition and comparison with others the defining value of their life.
Modern capitalism pushes addiction marketing because it is itself addicted. It is a mindless runaway ends justifying any means of acquiring more more more for the sake of it, never enough, a desperation and hunger without end that without responsible oversight absolutely will consume itself, because it has no concept of right and wrong or the consequences of it's own shortsighted actions.
Modern capitalism itself should be treated like the desperate mental patient that it is.
Consider the following from the Battlestar Galactica season 4 finale, Daybreak:Baltar: There's never enough you know. Never enough money, fame, women... The more you want the more you need the more you want, there's always a hunger for more money, greater fame, different women.
Calvin: Oh yeah? It's a tragedy, your life.
Baltar: The point I'm trying to make Calvin, the point you're missing, is that there's a certain futility in centering one's entire life around trying to satisfy appetites that can truly never be sated.
First of all Zos thanks you for being hooked on getting the latest offering and spending such large amounts of your money in the crown store.
Second, how important is that new mount, new pet, etc., that’s only available for a few days? . . . Exactly, it’s not. We already have lots of pets and mounts
Turn the tables and don’t strive to get the next pets and mounts. (Or customs) Teach Zos a lesson.
Darkstorne wrote: »Play YOUR Way!
Except this week, where you must do dailies if you want the limited time mount.
And next week, where you must do world bosses and delves.
And the week after that, where you must PVP.
And the week after that, where you must do group dungeons.
ZOS!!! Are you for real!? Take a step back and look at what your game is becoming. Is this really the vision you had for ESO? It’s becoming less and less of an enjoyable open world game, and more and more of a never-ending barrage of pop-up messages at log-in making you aware that you MUST do X for Y period of time or you’ll miss out on EXCLUSIVE Z.
I was reading this and suddenly, I realised that I have forgoten the luxury vendor this weekend !
Can someone tell me what were the furnitures this week ? I usually spend a lot of money (in game money) to buy funiture and it's very ennoying for me to forget this vendor...
People are talking about two different things in this thread: limited-time events and limited-time CS/crates.
Not entirely certain which one the OP was referring to, but it sure pushed a few people's buttons.
This event, while seemingly exhausting, is still about personal choice. You can do all the specific types of dailies every week for the companion pages and other goodies from the Anniversary boxes, or just eat the cake for the tickets for the Indriks, or you can choose to do both.
I've done all crafting dailies on 2 platforms Thursday-Saturday, then only on one platform yesterday. I've got all the Prophet pages, which are pretty much worthless now and certainly will be trash by week 5. I'm taking it easy on dailies the next few weeks, even skipping week 3. But, I'll log in as I usually do for the daily log-in reward and to eat my cake for the tickets. Week 5, I'll go all out for a while, but will probably tire of it and just buy any remaining pages I need.
As far as the crown store, I don't like the crates or excessive limited-time stuff, but I also have a responsibility to set my own limits. I don't need to be greedy and want everything that's on offer. I pick what I like most and, if I can afford it, I'll get it. Simple. The only reason such tactics work is that is how people work. Start with changing yourself. Speak out about your dislike of it, certainly, as I have, and then actually follow up with moderation or closing your wallet entirely. In the end, it's all digital stuff that is entirely unnecessary to playing and succeeding in the game.
jainiadral wrote: »LOL, OP
All I know is with this constant parade of FOMO crap everywhere you turn, this game is turning into an MMMO*. I've taken four or five days off in the last two weeks, when I used to log in daily. Just feeling the event pressure is starting to make me dread pushing the PLAY button, and all I'm doing are a couple crafty things on my main and eating cake
*Making Me Miss Out