Bring back faction locks, faction loyalty, faction pride!
@Kikke Faction locks will not increase faction pride: those of us who are not interested in playing for a faction will not suddenly become interested in it because there is faction lock. Most players with whom I play will still, even if we cannot swap to another faction (if this really goes live), pick our fights not based on what will benefit the score (I for example never even look at the score) but based on where we expect to find good fights.
Just lock leaderboards. EZ.
Faction lock is WACK.
@Kikke Faction locks will not increase faction pride: those of us who are not interested in playing for a faction will not suddenly become interested in it because there is faction lock. Most players with whom I play will still, even if we cannot swap to another faction (if this really goes live), pick our fights not based on what will benefit the score (I for example never even look at the score) but based on where we expect to find good fights.
It amuses me how creative are people to make such polls to prove they are right and yet no matter what, outcome is the same. I guess majority wants faction locks, deal with it.
I wanna see how faction lock would actually play out in practice. After all, if such a change results in rather undesirable outcomes, it can be simply reverted again.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
It’s already been played out.
200+ queues to main campaign that people wait in, off camps turn to buff camps for one faction.
Honestly we will have to monitor sotha after these changes and see how it plays out. It could be a server that takes a hit due to this.
Sotha is far from a buff server.