And a few hours later this is what the maps look like in spite of people having the ability to swap alliances and prevent it.
Neither faction swapping nor faction locking can account for this, but there are ways to compensate for it, multiple ways.
I expect that the biggest problem in the faction locked 30 day campaign will be that 10 days into the campaign, the population will be completely lopsided on the winning faction’s advantage because the players in the losing factions will not want to play a losing game or get zerged by the winning faction in every fight.
I could say a lot about all the points OP mentions but this one and the first one are the weakest.
I singled this one out because it is clear OP has not been around Cyrodiil all that long or did not pay attention to the politics of Cyrodiil when there was faction lock.
The reason this point is so weak and without real meaning is back in the day alliances with guilds of other factions was even more common than it is today.
Yes, Members of one faction would help members of another faction turn the map, get emperor for them and more. What makes it even more interesting is this still happens today so it is odd OP would include this. Seems OP is thinking through their ideas for this post just as good as Zos thinks through changes to this game like CP and such.
But hey, if OP really thinks this even in light of the obvious then more power to them.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Volendrung artifact will spawn their side of the map. Will encourage people to play on the losing team.
@DisgracefulMind I agree oceanic can not play anywhere but vivec. I am of the opinion that faction locks will not impact population balance between the factions.
The majority of faction flipping happens on shor but that is the one they aren't locking which is interesting.
This has only ever happened on dead campaigns. It is only possible if there is no competition. It is easy for a competitive guild to prevent people from doing this.
It's a little late to be trying to create faction loyalty now, but it is very much a thing. Look at Daoc or upcoming game CU.
Vet players are usually more than happy to attack each other as these are the most interesting fights but only when the fights are even. They aren't going to mindlessly attack each other just because they are on different alliances because that doesn't create rewarding combat. I would be thrilled to see such a fight at least more than once a month. I also bet they would not mindlessly help their faction allies as well, it would not be fair to the members of the other alliances and your friends fighting and killing your allies.
That really depends on the fight, I''m not going to jump into even fights and make them uneven just because they're on my alliance. If playing for your alliance means ruining every fight then I don't see that as healthy PvP. If I jump in and help these 4 fresh new to the game noobs killing these 2 vet players fighting and undoubtedly gonna end up killing them it would make the fight more even and not fair, so better not do it. Maybe they would even exclude me from their circle of pro vet players.
In my experience the players who are most loyal to their faction and dedicated to winning campaigns are the players who have the least interest in actual PvP. They would happily play an empty map as long as their faction owns all the keeps and will go around repairing all the walls so that when PvP actually starts they can hold the one colour map for as long as possible. If faction locking creates more drive for the campaign then I see that as a negative. If they are soo bad at pvp then why can't all the "high impact players" form your own groups more often and fight to take back the map, maybe that would actually create some truly good fights if the vet players from all alliances thought like that. It is not rewarding enough though? Maybe.
In my opinion faction loyalty creates really bad PvP where nobody is really interested in combat. That's why there are so many max rank players who lack basic understandings of PvP mechanics because they've only ever cared about playing for the campaign and not being a PvP player. I think having faction loyalty instead creates good pvp for everyone and not just the circle of vet players because it brings more reason to compete and take part for everyone. Right now vet players rarely compete with each other and that is not a good pvp environment either because again, its anyone outside of the vet players circle that takes the bill.
But “BRO!”
This is so spot on it made me tingle love watching some of these elite streamers bitching about no one to fight as they Zig Zag through a field of advisories because they are bros! But a lot have realized the problem they have created and comment on how much it sucks...
If you are not my faction please come kill me, Zerg me, xv1 me, 1vx me I am here to fight especially if you are my friend!
Yes, I'm sure posting pictures of maps is good enough evidence to stop the faction lock. Here's a picture of a cat to prove my point
vamp_emily wrote: »Since today is picture day I will post one.
Is it true majority of the players that flip go to the under populated alliance to help balance? No. I wish I still had some other pics where AD was poplocked almost all the time with all other factions at 1 bar.
From my experience players tend to flip to the side that is making moves and taking the map. I think for every 1 player that flips to the under populated side there are 3 that flip to the over populated side.
edit: question.... Is it the same players on their blue and red characters pushing into yellow territory that stole all the scrolls from red and blue to begin with? In part or in whole?? Painting the map one color and turning around and going the other direction with it is THE ONE THING that Zos says they hope to eliminate with faction locking.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Volendrung artifact will spawn their side of the map. Will encourage people to play on the losing team.
@DisgracefulMind I agree oceanic can not play anywhere but vivec. I am of the opinion that faction locks will not impact population balance between the factions.
The majority of faction flipping happens on shor but that is the one they aren't locking which is interesting.
Only for people who can't see beyond playing one character or multiple characters all in the same faction.[*] Faction lock creates faction loyalty
Faction lock prevents me from enjoying taking my different characters to Cyrodiil whenever i feel like it.
edit: question.... Is it the same players on their blue and red characters pushing into yellow territory that stole all the scrolls from red and blue to begin with? In part or in whole??
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
The mentality I've seen from players recently, on both EP and DC, when they're getting gated for the....however many times it's happened, is that defeatist attitude. Last night it was "well, thanks for coming to help but we should just let them take the scrolls so we can just get our keeps back, nothing else we can do". I've been seeing this more and more. Actually, I played DC loyally (yes, yes, I know, I'm the evil b**ch of the Pact, but I did main DC for over a year of this game) when they were literally gated in the main campaign almost entirely all day. This was the same attitude, and people played less and less. HOWEVER, that's where I met the people who I still play with now - the EP who would come over to try and help the DC. Eventually, over time, those people started to main DC. And more and more came over too. The faction did balance out, eventually. Guilds started rerolling at one time, then DC was the zerg faction, then I rerolled to main EP, and, well, here we are now. My point is that the people who faction hopped to help an almost dead faction were actually really appreciated in that time. Even if we still stayed gated.
Now, I do see that faction lock will stop Volendrung abuse. But there can be other ways to implement that. Couldn't we do a soft-lock campaign, make it so that if you're not homed (you can't home on multiple alliances) that you can't pick up the artifact?
I do agree, I think Shor should be the locked one. And I do see both sides of the fence, I just want to speak out for the people against the faction lock.
So just for fun all of the faction hoppers should join AD and take the map that much faster, help them pvdoor the whole map and not register a single pvp kill, and then see what they do with the rest of their time. Don't oppose them at all and let them see how much fun it is after the map is gold and there is no one to fight.
@DisgracefulMind how do you know how big the population is gonna be on the new 7 day campaigns though? Even though unlikely it might just as well become the new Vivec.
vamp_emily wrote: »Since today is picture day I will post one.
Is it true majority of the players that flip go to the under populated alliance to help balance? No. I wish I still had some other pics where AD was poplocked almost all the time with all other factions at 1 bar.
From my experience players tend to flip to the side that is making moves and taking the map. I think for every 1 player that flips to the under populated side there are 3 that flip to the over populated side.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Because I've played oceanic PC/NA for a long time now and nothing really has increased our population there, it just dwindles. Sure, we'll have some spikes with Necro coming, but once it settles the problem is the same.
I ask you again, how do you know how big the population is gonna be in the new 7 day CP campaign? If the new 7 day campaign would be to become as populated as Vivec is now, what would change really?
I ask you again, how do you know how big the population is gonna be in the new 7 day CP campaign? If the new 7 day campaign would be to become as populated as Vivec is now, what would change really?
There isn't enough players. This has been stated 100s of times now.
ellahellabella wrote: »