Feel free to debate further and ask me any questions or write arguments against all of this!
so you want to pve door with your Friends on an empty Campaign?
and what is with the People that just Play cp/ non cp if there is just ONE 7 day Campaign? one of These Groups just got left behind
So here are my comments:
- you say ' the majority of people from my experience don't switch to the losing side, but instead switch to the winning side': my experience is the contrary, the people I play with prefer playing for underdog factions because this way we can find more / better fights
- you say 'Faction lock will create faction loyalty'... no it won't, those of us who are not interested in the 'playing for a faction' aspect of the game will not suddenly become interested in it; rather people might leave and further deplete the PvP player base
Edirt_seliv wrote: »It's funny that faction loyalist players use 'swapping to the winning side' as an argument because here's whats going to happen, as did happen happen last time we had faction locks.
All the high impact pvp players are going to congregate on the no lock campain because it will be the most competitive.(typically, faction loyalists are actually the players who have the least impact on the map, despite caring about it the most)
Then, each of the locked campains will rapidly turn into buff servers for each of the factions, allowing players to come in on those factions and grind their pve desires.
Then, this will be compounded due to all the faction loyalists eventually gravitating to the campains where their faction wins by 10000 point each cycle (on account of not being able to change the tide of their prrevious campains because they are low impact).
From there, faction loyalist will all be patting themselves on the back for the marvelous victories they are amassing in their respective campains and the result will be nothing more than an even further divided pvp community.
Pm me in 3 months if this isn't the case.
[*] Faction lock creates faction loyalty and toxicity against other players and factions. Faction lock will create faction loyalty, but I think that is a good thing as it creates another drive force to fight for the campaign and that also creates another reason to win other than earning AP and simply that good feeling of winning. I also think that using the argument of faction lock creating toxicity against other players and factions is wrong because true or not the pvp environment that we have right now is NOT good. It is toxic, not healthy and a lot of that I think has to do with no faction lock existing and no faction loyalty existing. People as of today just play for the sake of earning as much kills as possible, earning as much AP as possible and to die as little as possible. The way to do that is not to fight for the campaign and your faction, not to compete with players on same skill level as you... its is simply by finding and killing as many masses of players who stand no real chance against you as possible. Because of this the majority of the vet players in Cyrodiil does not fight each other, They avoid competing against players on the same level as themselves most of the time and instead focus on killing players below their skill level, let that sink in for a moment... They do this because they like winning and earning AP, they don't care if their faction is winning or not in the end.
since these players also don't attack each other they don't help if their other allies from their own faction is getting attacked and instead just stand there and watch the "ally" die... I can tell you this must have driven at least one newbie away from pvp never to come back. If people felt a bit more faction loyalty and the will to fight to win the campaign for their faction even the top players would be forced to fight each other and compete against each other therefore creating a much healthier pvp environment.
This is simply not true. Faction loyalists are the ones who gather large groups to get stuff done. They are the ones roleplaying in zone chat trying to get people to join in taking keeps or going for scrolls.Edirt_seliv wrote: »All the high impact pvp players are going to congregate on the no lock campaign because it will be the most competitive. (typically, faction loyalists are actually the players who have the least impact on the map, despite caring about it the most)
This is simply not true. Faction loyalists are the ones who gather large groups to get stuff done. They are the ones roleplaying in zone chat trying to get people to join in taking keeps or going for scrolls.
The players who don't care about this do literally nothing but camp resources and kill noobs.
In my experience the players who are most loyal to their faction and dedicated to winning campaigns are the players who have the least interest in actual PvP. They would happily play an empty map as long as their faction owns all the keeps and will go around repairing all the walls so that when PvP actually starts they can hold the one colour map for as long as possible. If faction locking creates more drive for the campaign then I see that as a negative.
I don't believe that it will reduce any toxicity as faction loyalists are some of the most unnecessarily toxic players in this game. They will instantly despise you just for the alliance you're currently playing and even have a long list of prejudgments about you based all on alliance. End game PvPers can be just as toxic but at least their toxicity isn't just blind hate.
"Because of this the majority of the vet players in Cyrodiil does not fight each other, They avoid competing against players on the same level as themselves most of the time and instead focus on killing players below their skill level" Vet players are usually more than happy to attack each other as these are the most interesting fights but only when the fights are even. They aren't going to mindlessly attack each other just because they are on different alliances because that doesn't create rewarding combat.
"since these players also don't attack each other they don't help if their other allies from their own faction is getting attacked and instead just stand there and watch the "ally" die" That really depends on the fight, I''m not going to jump into even fights and make them uneven just because they're on my alliance. If playing for your alliance means ruining every fight then I don't see that as healthy PvP.
In my opinion faction loyalty creates really bad PvP where nobody is really interested in combat. That's why there are so many max rank players who lack basic understandings of PvP mechanics because they've only ever cared about playing for the campaign and not being a PvP player.
This ^^ @Edirt_seliv since the ones you call high and low impact players are in reality reversed it kind of destroys that argument. Also since there are 2 faction locked campaigns and 3 factions there is bound to be some real competition on at least one, if not both of them
This is simply not true. Faction loyalists are the ones who gather large groups to get stuff done. They are the ones roleplaying in zone chat trying to get people to join in taking keeps or going for scrolls.
The players who don't care about this do literally nothing but camp resources and kill noobs.
Edirt_seliv wrote: »It's funny that faction loyalist players use 'swapping to the winning side' as an argument because here's what's going to happen, as did happen last time we had faction locks.
All the high impact pvp players are going to congregate on the no lock campaign because it will be the most competitive. (typically, faction loyalists are actually the players who have the least impact on the map, despite caring about it the most)
Then, each of the locked campaigns will rapidly turn into buff servers for each of the factions, allowing players to come in on those factions and grind their pve desires.
Then, this will be compounded due to all the faction loyalists eventually gravitating to the campaigns where their faction wins by 10000 points each cycle (on account of not being able to change the tide of their previous campaigns because, as mentioned, they are low impact players).
From there, faction loyalist will all be patting themselves on the back for the marvellous victories they are amassing in their respective campaigns and the result will be nothing more than an even further divided pvp community.
Pm me 3 months after it goes live if this isn't the case.
"I can't play with my friend who is on the other faction if I want to/it will suck if action in the faction I play for is bad when in my time zone and the only time I can play. The way Zenimax did this was they left the 7 day campaign as non faction locked campaign, so you can either decide with your friend what faction you wanna play for in the locked campaigns or you can choose to play in the 7 day campaign and switch faction as freely as you want. Since this will be the only non faction locked campaign and there clearly are a lot of people who prefer non faction locked campaigns I suspect that the population of the 7 day campaign will drastically increase making it very active over all and also making it be action at oceanic times as well for example. On top of that there are two new non faction locked campaigns specifically for imperial city so you got some options to choose from."
so you want to pve door with your Friends on an empty Campaign?
and what is with the People that just Play cp/ non cp if there is just ONE 7 day Campaign? one of These Groups just got left behind
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
So the AD players who play in this timezone who don't want to faction stack and zerg should just not play?
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »
Fight the 2 bars of DC?
[/b] Faction lock will create faction loyalty, but I think that is a good thing as it creates another drive force to fight for the campaign and that also creates another reason to win other than earning AP and simply that good feeling of winning. !
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Well, this screenshot was taken after DC got their little guild group on and took back some of the map - they were being gated too. This is an every night event, there is usually only 1 bar EP and DC around the time this starts happening.
DC was 1 barred until that group got on about 45 minutes before the first screenshot, and AD was 3 bars at the time too. So, no, there wasn't anyone to fight until that DC group got on.
This isn't complaining against AD, I've seen all factions do this, the point is this is all of our population currently in this state of the game, so with this population, how is the argument to tell us to spread out to the 7-day valid in defense of faction locks?
Those AD that did hop over, they didn't have DC or EP to fight because both were gated. Opposite to faction loyalists, there are players who don't find any enjoyment in that gameplay.
If faction locks will be this unpopular, why do people still think that Shor will be empty?
Soooo. Stop crying. faction jumpers have wrecked Cyro PvP for everyone the last 2 years.
And to the guy above me. they set the HARD cap on CP 3600 as they NEVER TOUGHT someone would reach that. Get your facts straight -_-
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Well, this screenshot was taken after DC got their little guild group on and took back some of the map - they were being gated too. This is an every night event, there is usually only 1 bar EP and DC around the time this starts happening.
DC was 1 barred until that group got on about 45 minutes before the first screenshot, and AD was 3 bars at the time too. So, no, there wasn't anyone to fight until that DC group got on.
This isn't complaining against AD, I've seen all factions do this, the point is this is all of our population currently in this state of the game, so with this population, how is the argument to tell us to spread out to the 7-day valid in defense of faction locks?
Those AD that did hop over, they didn't have DC or EP to fight because both were gated. Opposite to faction loyalists, there are players who don't find any enjoyment in that gameplay.