I've been rolled by 20+ member groups in IC before. If not that, 6+ NBs when fighting a boss.
EDIT: Fixed quote
Brian please step up and do something for your pvp crowd
Zerg only is not fun but what is truely killing your peeps is the poor performance of the game in pvp
If you want a nice Zerg free/lag free experience come play in shor. If you like the Zerg experience please stay in Vivec.
None of AOE sets or AOE abilities mean anything, but.
Nerf PURGE = fix ball stacking and allow outnumbered defenders to do anything. As a bonus, it will also dismantle the ball groups. NERF PUR}GE ~
Have you ever wondered why your DOTs last for exactly 0.5 secs on a ball group? Hell yea thats the answer. Every so called 'organized' group runs at least 2-3 of those PURGE clicking bots.
And no, dont tell me anything about huge cost.
As long as they keep introducing skills and sets that heavily favor massive groups (AOE attacks, snares, heals), and provide no incentive to not do so, PvP will be like this. Only a small handful of people care to learn how to PvP and the rest just want to zerg for a couple of hours, and there’s no reason beyond personal preference to do otherwise. The Necro class shows they’re still going with the AOE damage, despite evidence that it’s not good for PvP health, and this rez ult is perfectly designed for huge groups that can run a lot of necros and still have their other classes covered. Once they get on flags they’ll just have several flesh atros waiting to one shot any attackers.
I think you got the title of thread twisted. It should be :
Weekday PVP is becoming as bad as weekend PVP.
Why? Because the latency is terrible, skills are unresponsive and it's unplayable. I could care less about a few groups pvdooring the map when most people are sleeping. What matters is the quality of life when most people are playing.
You live in Canada. The servers are in the US. What did you expect?
Haashhtaag wrote: »Well the removal of AoE caps and the addition of of earthgore negated that change imo.