Necro has basicly ALL their class passives useful for both stam and mag, what other class can brag about that, maybe only warden. The original 4 classes are riddled with useless passives and morphs.
And yet, Stam Sorc is astoundingly strong. I'm not at all against the concept of changing skills and passives so that they're more useful for Stamina builds, but a Stam version of Crystal Frag on top of the other damage (and mobility) that the class is capable of would be way too good.
The only thing that can potentially compete with a Stam Sorc for mobility is a Mag Sorc, and even then only in open terrain really. Combining Hurricane, Streak, Dodge Roll, and Sprint outstrips everyone in any area where there's a lot of LOS and/or AOE roots/snares.Crixus8000 wrote: »
Astoundingly strong in what way ? People exaggerate the speed so much, we only get 10% from hurricane, it's so small that it's not even noticable unless your stacking speed. And streak is so costly for stamsorc, also such a clunky skill, it has so many issues.
And what damage does stamsorc have ? A small dot from hurricane, that's it, we have no class ult or damage skills.
Stamsorcs only speed is hurricane and streak, but hurricane is only 10% and streak is quite costly and very clunky. It slows you down too much if you land on lower terrain and hardly moves you if you try to move over higher terrain, so the only time it actually gives you a distance advantage is on flat terrain and if they have gap closers it counters it anyway. I just think streak/bol could use some fixes to feel more reliable. I don't even use it anymore as it got me killed more often than it saved me.]
The only thing that can potentially compete with a Stam Sorc for mobility is a Mag Sorc, and even then only in open terrain really. Combining Hurricane, Streak, Dodge Roll, and Sprint outstrips everyone in any area where there's a lot of LOS and/or AOE roots/snares.
]What makes you think that Stam Sorcs "need" class-based damage outside of Hurricane? The generic Stamina toolkit is incredibly good on its own. I get that it'd be cool to have a more distinct "flavor," which would differentiate more between different Stam builds, but the lack of Stam-oriented Sorcerer skills and passives doesn't mean that the class is weak in PvP.
What does a Stam sorc do that no other class does? After the removal of Implosion why am I bringing a stamsorc over any stamina class thats not a stamblade?
Your'e not.
ZOS actually did a good job of not making Warden some sort of pay-to-win godmode class at Morrowind's release, and I'm hoping they manage the same thing with Necromancers. There obviously may be some things that are too strong or too weak, but if some of the Stamina morphs get addressed (mostly the anti-healing, along with perhaps the leashing armor buff), I think things might turn out more-or-less OK compared to existing classes.Brand new classes in mmos are always broken as *** on release. It will be utter cancer for awhile then get toned down. At least this isnt TERA where they put out a class that can juggle 10 players at once and pull the best dps while being the strongest tank in the game.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »Is Critical Surge not useful in PvP? If not, why?
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Lol stam sorc is still good, they bring high burst aoe damage, only class that competes with them in that category is Warden. If you want anyone running spin to win its the stam sorc in the group, especially with certain sets that wipe Zergs.
Crixus8000 wrote: »
Astoundingly strong in what way ? People exaggerate the speed so much, we only get 10% from hurricane, it's so small that it's not even noticable unless your stacking speed. And streak is so costly for stamsorc, also such a clunky skill, it has so many issues.
And what damage does stamsorc have ? A small dot tickle from hurricane, that's it, we have no class ult or damage skills.
Lord_Sando wrote: »I would just like to see at least one stam morph to a class offensive skill. I think the most effective change to a skill would be a stamina curse it would allow use of the daedric protection passive and add delayed burst and fall in line with other classes like Templar POLT or warden subterranean assault.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Lol stam sorc is still good, they bring high burst aoe damage, only class that competes with them in that category is Warden. If you want anyone running spin to win its the stam sorc in the group, especially with certain sets that wipe Zergs.