The necromancer seems like its going to be a class you can make and have alot of fun on but I do have some concerns.
- Siphon seems like its going to be a hard skill to use. There are alot of bosses in game that switch location, alot of adds that pop up that need to be prioritized quickly. Vma last round this isnt going to be viable with how much that boss moves or when you need to lay dots down on crem guard and kite fire breath.
- Boneyard is also going to have a slow start up for full dmg out of it with the same problem as above but at least you can cast it.
- Death Gleaning, I have the same problem with this as i do destruction expert. Is usefulness varies extremely depending on the situation and when you need it most its entirely useless, this is almost unnoticeable in some trials fights.
Bone Goliath, This is so ungodly broken for pvp Im almost wondering is your screwing with us zos. That is an UNKILLABLE opponent doing full dmg with its both its bars. Thats literally the most disgustingly broken thing i have ever seen. Unless im missing something from all of the places ive seen this skill and your likes swapping put both there bars and replacing them with tanking skills this is insane. If you your going to add this ult and even half of that health you need to make the ultimate give the user major maim and hell minor maim too. That is 30k health for 30s (20s? i saw both) a dps with this has more health than most tanks with with and can have 15-20k resist? And your guys are the ones that though a 9k damage shield with no resistance in pvp was broken. Hell this is even broken on tanks. 300 ultimate??? On a nord with blood spawn and dragon? there going to have this back to back in fight. Healer are gunna be unkillable too. A dps emp with this will be at like 96k health and they will have this back to back too.
- Bitter Harvest, using this is going to be very hard as it can take all of your corpses including the ones you need for dps
- Unnerving Boneyard, aoe major breech and fracture seems over the top
- Ultimate – Reanimate, also seems a but over the top
- Animate Blastbones: I dont see why this added effect would be helpful to a healer
- Restoring Tether, Life amid Death, Idk how much i would trust healers with these if there out of corpses
Skyshard unlocks in store.
I dont have a problem with this itself. But the fact that is going to be a lot harder to say no to this on console. We dont have addons for skyshards, going skyshard hunting on console requires you to pull your attention away from game. Get on a second device and site, manually figure out each skyshard we have collected through the achievement menu or go to all the ones in zone regardless if you have collected them or not. And constantly having your attention taken away from the game to a second device every single skyshard. Just adding this to the crown store is the way a shady company milks its users. Adding this to the crown store and letting console players have to put the same effort as pc to say no to buying that is the right way a company does this.
Cyrodil changes.
@ZOS_BrianWheeler Thank you, thank you, thank you for adding faction locked campaigns. I have a very excited pvp guild facebook and discord with friends I havent played with in over a year wanting to come back and pvp for ad now that fighting for your alliance and not just the winning one means something.
- Still on the fence about artifact weapons. I think it will be fun but im worried it will detract from the fun that is sieging and defending keeps
- Very excited to put out trader guild in the new guild finder.
- equally excited that you guys are aware of the burner trader guild issue and also think it needs fixing.
Over all im hyped. Want to see more about the next update and am looking forwards to seeing the the pts notes for it ( dont nerf sorc so i regret saying this)