Erm I would like to clarify, that there is no actual representative for each class and what you demand is already part of the program. Many of the reps are more specialized towards a role than one class, also do we all play several classes and roles. For PvE such a distribution into roles makes sense, but in the end comes down to the differents between classes again. Why is this class better at tanking than another one? Why is class B the only class accepted in end content as dd, etc....
Your idea is already implemented in the current program. We talk about classes and roles (which btw is very difficult, when we start talking about PvP tough) all the time, also specific issues with some classes are discussed among the reps too. Maybe it seems like one rep is more responsible for one class and another rep for another class, but in the end every rep talks about every class and role.
all day long in zone chat every day i have seen over and over again class representatives claiming their opinion and belittlement of other peoples opinion and how their opinion is stronger and they know better.
we hear their opinions here on the forum and many other places how they think and many of us disagree with their opinions and i have heard from my guild mates in trading guilds that they do the same on redit and many other places on the internet.
they represent us, yet they disagree with our opinions.
they ask for nerfs where we do not agree with the need for nerfs.
they ask for buffs where we do not think needs buffs.
the ability for a person to inject their own opinion to developers, and claim it is the wishes of the community, encourages me to believe that the program shouldn't exist.
we need a different way for each of us "@account name entire eso database" all of us, not just forum users, no, all of us.
all of the accounts on eso community for our voices to be heard on what we think and want rather than the current situation.
it's bias.
they claim we "must come to them" when that is not only impractical, but it is also impossible as MANY people do not even know about the program.
Many people have never even come to the forum, their certainly not going to go to a rep.
and i don't blame them.
Erm I would like to clarify, that there is no actual representative for each class and what you demand is already part of the program. Many of the reps are more specialized towards a role than one class, also do we all play several classes and roles. For PvE such a distribution into roles makes sense, but in the end comes down to the differents between classes again. Why is this class better at tanking than another one? Why is class B the only class accepted in end content as dd, etc....
Your idea is already implemented in the current program. We talk about classes and roles (which btw is very difficult, when we start talking about PvP tough) all the time, also specific issues with some classes are discussed among the reps too. Maybe it seems like one rep is more responsible for one class and another rep for another class, but in the end every rep talks about every class and role.
I didn't expect to have to prove that the class rep program is, in fact, focused on classes.
First, there's the name. "Class Rep". Seems sorta obvi that's class-based.
Second, there's Gina's post about accepting class rep applications. Also seems sorta based on character classes.
Third, there's the application itself. The first requirement is stated "Knowledge of all classes and roles, with a focus on one or two classes" Emphasis mine.
Of course many of the existing CLASS reps are more specialized toward a role than one class, as you say. It's human nature to do more of what is enjoyed, so a CLASS rep that enjoys tanking will be more specialized toward the role even though the program expects them to focus more on a CLASS.
And a person who is more specialized at their enjoyed role of tanking will be more capable of diagnosing why one class is having more trouble tanking than another class. But under the current program where the dividing lines are between classes, and thus there being a dividing line between the representatives of the classes, that tanking expert has to coordinate the answer to that diagnosis through the other representative. Adding a layer of complications.
I really didn't expect to have to show that the eso class representative program was primarily based on class. But, there you go.
lol @ people thinking ZOS would have ANY idea how to balance this game without class rep input
Erm I would like to clarify, that there is no actual representative for each class and what you demand is already part of the program. Many of the reps are more specialized towards a role than one class, also do we all play several classes and roles. For PvE such a distribution into roles makes sense, but in the end comes down to the differents between classes again. Why is this class better at tanking than another one? Why is class B the only class accepted in end content as dd, etc....
Your idea is already implemented in the current program. We talk about classes and roles (which btw is very difficult, when we start talking about PvP tough) all the time, also specific issues with some classes are discussed among the reps too. Maybe it seems like one rep is more responsible for one class and another rep for another class, but in the end every rep talks about every class and role.
I didn't expect to have to prove that the class rep program is, in fact, focused on classes.
First, there's the name. "Class Rep". Seems sorta obvi that's class-based.
Second, there's Gina's post about accepting class rep applications. Also seems sorta based on character classes.
Third, there's the application itself. The first requirement is stated "Knowledge of all classes and roles, with a focus on one or two classes" Emphasis mine.
Of course many of the existing CLASS reps are more specialized toward a role than one class, as you say. It's human nature to do more of what is enjoyed, so a CLASS rep that enjoys tanking will be more specialized toward the role even though the program expects them to focus more on a CLASS.
And a person who is more specialized at their enjoyed role of tanking will be more capable of diagnosing why one class is having more trouble tanking than another class. But under the current program where the dividing lines are between classes, and thus there being a dividing line between the representatives of the classes, that tanking expert has to coordinate the answer to that diagnosis through the other representative. Adding a layer of complications.
I really didn't expect to have to show that the eso class representative program was primarily based on class. But, there you go.
Seems to me you are hung up on the job title and ignoring the function.
1) Class Rep name: The game is built around classes -class skills, class passives, class advantages, class disadvantages. 'Class Representative' is a name that everyone can understand. It's the best semantic choice.
2) Gina is accepting 'Class Representative applications' because that is the name of the job for which applicants are applying. Semantics again.
3) I'm correcting your boldface: " The first requirement is stated "Knowledge of all classes and roles, with a focus on one or two classes". Once the actual first requirement is boldfaced, rather than the second requirement, then the true meaning is revealed.
I'll throw one more thing to consider: The game is bigger than Group Finder. Outside of Dungeons and Trials, role is irrelevant, and Class is king.
im not a class representative.
i dont speak to the devs.
i do not represent the the community.
so "no"
what you just said "is not true"
Such a group based on classes inherently places the advocates into adversarial positions with each other. Example - as the nightblade representative pushes for buffs that the sorc representative seeks to 'match' in order to 'keep up', with the templar class representative making points about mobility (stuck in their 'house') as compared to the NB, as the DK representative watches their class get the shaft.
The game demands people choose a role for their character. The stated intent of the balancing is for all characters to be able to fill that role.
im not a class representative.
i dont speak to the devs.
i do not represent the the community.
so "no"
what you just said "is not true"
A complete separation of PvE and PvP solves many woes. Let the PvP reps go on and on and on about balance and nerf this and buff that. Let the PvE ones deal with quests and such. The wants, needs, and desires of these two disparate and antagonistic groups are just not compatible.
VaranisArano wrote: »A complete separation of PvE and PvP solves many woes. Let the PvP reps go on and on and on about balance and nerf this and buff that. Let the PvE ones deal with quests and such. The wants, needs, and desires of these two disparate and antagonistic groups are just not compatible.
And yet the Devs remain committed to that idea, continuing to balance PVE and PVP together, including many reasons for PVE players to try out PVP and for PVP players to play PVE content.
Unless ZOS throws out their committment to balancing them together, any Class Rep program - and especially if the focus is leaning more towards a combat rep program - has to work for both PVE and PVP.
As a player who does both PVE and PVP, I've been fairly pleased with the Class Rep program so far.
lol @ people thinking ZOS would have ANY idea how to balance this game without class rep input
the class rep program only started around 2 years ago, eso was created many years long before that.
the devs know what they are doing with class balance, the current class rep program is not working, myself and others, believe it never has.
it should be performed by a "bot"
someone that is not involved and not have the opportunity to be bias.
a bot program in this situation would be perfect, because he would "not have an opinion that could be used to thwart outcomes"
A complete separation of PvE and PvP solves many woes. Let the PvP reps go on and on and on about balance and nerf this and buff that. Let the PvE ones deal with quests and such. The wants, needs, and desires of these two disparate and antagonistic groups are just not compatible.
send questionnaires to ALL the@names asking questions and letting us ALL have a voice the same exact way they did for us in the closed beta.
it harms nothing and does not open doors for biased opinions.
the only problem with it would be if someone has more than one account but even in that case it is not as much of a problem because at most the person would be limited on how many they actually bought. so his voice would not be big compared to the entire population.