Nighttime players win

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    The difference is that during primetime (there is only one primetime) when EP occasionally has a large group roaming around there are the players of equal population to counter that should they be able to. During the time oceanic groups play there isn't equal population.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Ranger209
    "Playing with friends", I remember doing that when I was a kid. We'd play football, basketball, or baseball and we would take the 2 best guys and make them captains. Then they would alternate picks and we would form teams and play against one another. It was competitive and always fun, some smack talking, couple fights here and there, but we were friends and at the end of the day all was good. It never occurred to any of us way back then that we could all play on the same team and just pretend to play against another team. We could have scored touchdowns on every play, won 100 to nothing, or never make an out until the sun went down. We would have been legends in our own minds. I guess that could have been fun?

    I am a faction loyalist and believe a system in place that supports faction loyalty would be good for the game. That said faction loyalty right now isn't a thing, and it may never be. So, the only benefit of not having faction loyalty in a 3 banner war is the ability to switch to the side in need of numbers. Proponents of the current swap when you want system champion this aspect constantly. Do they all play NA prime time hours? Do none of them play Oceanic prime time hours?

    Play with your friends, nominate captains, pick teams and play with and against one another? Is it really that satisfying scoring a touchdown every play against no one?
  • Beardimus
    pkuronen wrote: »
    The faction that has a group playing at early morning hours / playing from Asia conquers every keep and wins the campaign hands down. Nothing else makes a difference. That kinda takes the game away from whole campaigning.

    But pvp is much fun anyway. Those night guys can do only pve in Cyrodiil so it must be very dull for them.

    When is nightime in a global 24/7 MMORPG?

    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Xvorg
    If you play PvP just to win, then pick another game.

    The scoring system does not favor that objective and I highly doubt it will ever do that.

    You can try BG though
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Xvorg
    Beardimus wrote: »

    When is nightime in a global 24/7 MMORPG?


    When the sun is not in the sky, obvious.

    Oh, by the way, Australian players are just a NASA invention since there's no Australia....
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Beardimus wrote: »

    When is nightime in a global 24/7 MMORPG?


    When the server's time designation is at night. There is an EU server and a NA server.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Minnesinger
    This is an old complaint mainly from the players who play on NA. We can disagree but there are players from the 7 continents and only 2 servers. Will never be possible that they play at the same time. Please check the world map for reference.


    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • dtsharples
    Making all Campaigns 7 Days would be a start.
    Start each right after the weekly maintenance, and end it just before the following weeks maintenance.

    That way the weekend scoring would represent a larger % of the total score, and go a small way to balancing out the over-represented scoring during off-peak hours.

    One of the biggest problems is, as Ranger says above, people who are active during off-peak hours do tend to stick together instead of spreading across the factions.
    I can't see how this is ever enjoyable. Having only NPC's and a few ungrouped, disorganised opponents really is a pretty sad way to 'PVP'.
    We can complain all we want about this scenario, but at present, without ZOS implementing any *working* balance, it's up to the community itself to self-regulate.
    The tools are already there, people just need to have the sense to look at the population bars and choose to join a team with lower numbers instead of 'sheeping' into the faction with the most.
    But most people will take the easiest route, it's just human nature i guess.
  • Destyran
    Uhh it’s not Asian it’s Australians. I’m one. Hey, yeah our prime time is your asleep dead time maybe we should have a oceanic server with transferable characters so we can get our ping below 400.

    And while we are at it we should make most trial gear BoE again to stop end game community dying.
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Destyran wrote: »
    Uhh it’s not Asian it’s Australians. I’m one. Hey, yeah our prime time is your asleep dead time maybe we should have a oceanic server with transferable characters so we can get our ping below 400.

    And while we are at it we should make most trial gear BoE again to stop end game community dying.

    Zos has said they won't make an AUS server because there aren't enough players.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • Theignson
    This has always been the case whoever wins.

    The only way I can think to "fix" it is to pro-rate faction alliance points based on population. So, if one faction has 300 player and the other 2 factions each have 10, then the dominant faction gets only 1/30 of the credit for keeps/captures. If all factions are equal, everyone gets equal credit. (This would imply that if the 10 players could somehow dominate the 300, they would get 30x credit! rewarding outnumbered play). Or something like this.

    You could still give individual players the same alliance points for capturing objectives, no reason to penalize them.

    The current system is stupid but I don't know if the above proposal would be any better.
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • Xvorg

    Zos has said they won't make an AUS server because there aren't enough players.

    There are not enough Players in AUS because there's no server there. That excuse is pretty bad.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Destyran

    Zos has said they won't make an AUS server because there aren't enough players.

    Well if they made a server that would mean we get below 200 ping more players would come because it means a average player could be competitive and I know maybe about 1000-1500 Australians who play. Also since the worlds internet is faster we could host the oceanic servers for New Zealand and Asia.
  • Edirt_seliv
    This is an old complaint mainly from the players who play on NA. We can disagree but there are players from the 7 continents and only 2 servers. Will never be possible that they play at the same time. Please check the world map for reference.


    They all exist yes. Do they all matter? No.
  • Minnesinger

    They all exist yes. Do they all matter? No.

    Not sure if you realized that the map shows how huge the distance is between Australia and NZ to the North America. Then you add the Japanese population and that comprises quite an essential part of the NA server population. They do matter and I think the whole point of this thread was to complain about them even if unfairly. At the same time, there is no night capping in a sense that these players would plot to take the whole map when some sleep. You see that they play on their prime time when this night capping happens.
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • VaranisArano

    Not sure if you realized that the map shows how huge the distance is between Australia and NZ to the North America. Then you add the Japanese population and that comprises quite an essential part of the NA server population. They do matter and I think the whole point of this thread was to complain about them even if unfairly. At the same time, there is no night capping in a sense that these players would plot to take the whole map when some sleep. You see that they play on their prime time when this night capping happens.

    I'd go with this map instead.

    Yeah, its a fair distance.
  • Edirt_seliv
    Destyran wrote: »

    Not sure if you realized that the map shows how huge the distance is between Australia and NZ to the North America. Then you add the Japanese population and that comprises quite an essential part of the NA server population. They do matter and I think the whole point of this thread was to complain about them even if unfairly. At the same time, there is no night capping in a sense that these players would plot to take the whole map when some sleep. You see that they play on their prime time when this night capping happens.

    I am from Aus, and i am still of the opinion that prime time matters more.

    Scoring evaluation should be faster or slower depending on population levels.

    Edited by Edirt_seliv on March 15, 2019 3:14AM
  • Lucky28

    Not sure if you realized that the map shows how huge the distance is between Australia and NZ to the North America. Then you add the Japanese population and that comprises quite an essential part of the NA server population. They do matter and I think the whole point of this thread was to complain about them even if unfairly. At the same time, there is no night capping in a sense that these players would plot to take the whole map when some sleep. You see that they play on their prime time when this night capping happens.

    They're all stacked on one *** faction. what would you call that other than night capping?, seriously, they have all the oceanic guilds, they know this, they take everything regardless, they are night capping. in fact from what i've seen this camp when i played oceanic time zone i'd hesitate to call what i observed "playing the game" all i saw was 3 stacked raids steamrolling empty keeps. can't even call that PvP.
    Edited by Lucky28 on March 15, 2019 3:46AM
  • Minnesinger
    Lucky28 wrote: »

    They're all stacked on one *** faction. what would you call that other than night capping?, seriously, they have all the oceanic guilds, they know this, they take everything regardless, they are night capping. in fact from what i've seen this camp when i played oceanic time zone i'd hesitate to call what i observed "playing the game" all i saw was 3 stacked raids steamrolling empty keeps. can't even call that PvP.

    You are right to express your opinions but apparently that is a very biased opinion. I am not sure what time frame you talk about as I see the map consistently being challenged during the day. Yes there has been times when one faction is able to take the scrolls but I am not usually playing then. The question of changing the scoring is interesting but there is already low population bonuses. Apparently there must be enough population if your alliance doesn´t get that. Lastly,l could add that one of the biggest complaints has been on NA that EP is stacking their multiple raids (AotP) and taking the map with the help of lag. Sure you know them. If your pvp is that I am very sorry but that doen´t impress me. I rather play different time.

    Edited the typos. Shouldn´t write without the coffee :hushed:
    Edited by Minnesinger on March 15, 2019 6:44AM
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • Beardimus

    When the server's time designation is at night. There is an EU server and a NA server.

    And herein lies your problem. The game is sold globally, and folks have two servers to choose from.....heck even in NA the time zones have enough variation to counter your opinion..

    There is no 'night time' globally.

    Plus if you serious about things Its an MMO get guild mates in other time zones.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Beardimus
    Xvorg wrote: »

    When the sun is not in the sky, obvious.

    Oh, by the way, Australian players are just a NASA invention since there's no Australia....

    Lol ;) but sadly we all know the folks originating night time complaints might actually not realize your sarcasm! :)
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Beardimus wrote: »

    And herein lies your problem. The game is sold globally, and folks have two servers to choose from.....heck even in NA the time zones have enough variation to counter your opinion..

    There is no 'night time' globally.

    Plus if you serious about things Its an MMO get guild mates in other time zones.

    I'm guessing you play on Sotha as EP on EU?

    Edit just saw your signature XD yep ok

    The servers are located in 2 areas. There is one timezone for the server time. Players can easily see how imbalanced the map is and balance it but instead they choose to all play in one faction per campaign and cap the map.
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on March 15, 2019 10:56AM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • pkuronen
    Time is relative so why not get scoring like this:

    - Faction end score based on individual player's scores
    - Individual score is in relation to time: total points divided by online time
    - Individual's score is included when min playing time exceeds N hours per campaign
    - Total faction score is calculated by the mean value of all players' score

    Then the faction with the best players wins due to best overall performance of each player. Isn't that exactly what it's about?
  • Theignson
    . Lastly,l could add that one of the biggest complaints has been on NA that EP is stacking their multiple raids (AotP) and taking the map with the help of lag. Sure you know them.

    It's time to stop claiming this hypocritical nonsense. Just as its time to stop claiming only one faction nightcaps.

    If you have played on PC NA in the last 60 days you would have seen absolutely massive AD zergs almost every day, up to 100 AD. Often this is 3 guilds plus pugs stacked. There have also been large DC raids (~60).

    EP is not the only faction making huge raids/blobs/zergs. Just stop with this!

    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • Defilted
    In another thread I was treated to several people saying it does not matter who wins the campaign in their opinion. I find it interesting to run across this thread in the same day with the OP caring if they win the campaign or not.

    I am with ya on trying to win. Cant stop people from logging on in their day time and playing though.
    XBOX Series X

  • Beardimus

    I'm guessing you play on Sotha as EP on EU?

    Edit just saw your signature XD yep ok

    The servers are located in 2 areas. There is one timezone for the server time. Players can easily see how imbalanced the map is and balance it but instead they choose to all play in one faction per campaign and cap the map.

    Unsure of the odd ad hominium attack there. What platform are you on? What's the suggestion regarding when i play? That Im a night capper? You are making some real jumps. Or is your issue players than run in Shor and Sotha on Xbox EU during GMT primetime? If so why. As that's where I'm at.

    What is your suggestion for people outside of a specific server time? Are US westcoast players not allowed to play in their primetime? Where do Asian players play? Hawaii? Australia? What about people that work nights?

    What if a alliance loyal guild want to PvP in Australia. Are you saying they need to be alliance hopping? How does that even work. I hate faction switchers so promoting that isn't a solution in my book. Attacking then isn't right, it asking ZOS for a Australia / Asia server might be. Constructive solutions needed.

    It's a global game, 24/7, people will play when they want and how they want. Sure that might be jumped on and used as a tactic and could be abused (like faction hopping) and that's not cool but likewise Whats the solution for legit gamers gaming in their primetime.

    Time zone comments are 99% always from American players, but honestly look up a time zone map and realize there is more to the world.
    Edited by Beardimus on March 15, 2019 1:42PM
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
    It has nothing to do with 'nighttime' or 'oceanic players'. It is how the population is balanced across the 3 factions during those times. If there was an equal amount of oceanic players on each of the three factions there wouldn't be a problem. There has been times when this was the case, but most of the time one faction has an advantage.

    There was a time that Ni, TKG, Vivace, were on DC and Queens ram was on EP... three of those somehow ended up on AD, not sure how that happened but it'll change again soon enough. I think with the release of the necromancer class people may end up leveling it on other factions etc and there could be another population shift again.
    NA | PC | Aldmeri Dominion
    Laser Eyes AR 26 Arcanist | Stalker V AR 41 Warden | I Stalker I AR 42 NB | Stalkersaurus AR 31 Templar | Stalker Ill AR 31 Sorc | Nigel the Great of Blackwater
    Former Emperor x11 campaign cycles
    Venatus Officer | RIP RÁGE | YouTube Channel
  • DisgracefulMind
    It has nothing to do with 'nighttime' or 'oceanic players'. It is how the population is balanced across the 3 factions during those times. If there was an equal amount of oceanic players on each of the three factions there wouldn't be a problem. There has been times when this was the case, but most of the time one faction has an advantage.

    There was a time that Ni, TKG, Vivace, were on DC and Queens ram was on EP... three of those somehow ended up on AD, not sure how that happened but it'll change again soon enough. I think with the release of the necromancer class people may end up leveling it on other factions etc and there could be another population shift again.

    I don't think it will change though, majority of oceanic guilds have been on AD for a very long time now. There aren't any other guilds that are on in that timeframe to stop the keep flipping. Which is fine, they can do what they want to, but they still need to at least own up to it.

    Let's hope with necro that people swap around and balance the factions out, but I don't think that will happen either.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • JamilaRaj
    I am pretty sure if ZOS opened oceanic server, oceanic players would be back on forums in no time to complain about nightcapping occurring on their new server too, because it is effective meta to achieve more or less nefarious goals.
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Beardimus wrote: »

    Unsure of the odd ad hominium attack there. What platform are you on? What's the suggestion regarding when i play? That Im a night capper? You are making some real jumps. Or is your issue players than run in Shor and Sotha on Xbox EU during GMT primetime? If so why. As that's where I'm at.

    What is your suggestion for people outside of a specific server time? Are US westcoast players not allowed to play in their primetime? Where do Asian players play? Hawaii? Australia? What about people that work nights?

    What if a alliance loyal guild want to PvP in Australia. Are you saying they need to be alliance hopping? How does that even work. I hate faction switchers so promoting that isn't a solution in my book. Attacking then isn't right, it asking ZOS for a Australia / Asia server might be. Constructive solutions needed.

    It's a global game, 24/7, people will play when they want and how they want. Sure that might be jumped on and used as a tactic and could be abused (like faction hopping) and that's not cool but likewise Whats the solution for legit gamers gaming in their primetime.

    Time zone comments are 99% always from American players, but honestly look up a time zone map and realize there is more to the world.

    I already gave my solution you can check my other replies in this thread & Dracast episode 5 for the rest.

    The interesting point would be for you to post your current campaign scoring.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
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