The faction that has a group playing at early morning hours / playing from Asia conquers every keep and wins the campaign hands down. Nothing else makes a difference. That kinda takes the game away from whole campaigning.
But pvp is much fun anyway. Those night guys can do only pve in Cyrodiil so it must be very dull for them.
Minnesinger wrote: »
Yup the Asian players should sleep when it is night time. The flat Earth theory confirmed.
No they should spread out among all factions and fight each other rather than fighting npcs
No they should spread out among all factions and fight each other rather than fighting npcs
Minnesinger wrote: »
They do so what is the problem? Just because your prime time pvp is formed around 80 same alliance players who play in the lagfest, doesn´t mean it is somehow superior form of pvp. You can find good small/ medium scale fights during the whole day.
This not to mention how there’s 0 incentive to actually wanna win the campaign besides role playing reasons.
Google "timezones" and be prepared to be educated ...The faction that has a group playing at early morning hours / playing from Asia conquers every keep and wins the campaign hands down. Nothing else makes a difference. That kinda takes the game away from whole campaigning.
But pvp is much fun anyway. Those night guys can do only pve in Cyrodiil so it must be very dull for them.
Randomized assigned alliances at the start of every campaign that you are locked into account wide. That will put an end to night capping and all other forms of tom foolery.
Merging EU/NA servers would solve this problem, at least for most part. I think it would be pretty healthy for the most hardcore PVP players as well.
And create a whole new problem of mega lag in a game where people already have issues, there is a reason each region has their own servers.
Agree in a way- But there's a way to always see problems where other's see opportunities. "Mega lag" shouldn't be an issue (I mean, it's not meant to be like that), yet of course it is - it's not impossible to solve though, this game really shouldn't be that demanding on modern hardware. If they do solve it before this game is put to rest, no one knows.
It baffles me however, that so many complain of Cyrodiil being empty, about "mega lag" at the same time. If we had "mega lag" being at least improved, then a merge of servers would make the whole game a lot better. A lot more players, a lot more activity around the clock. But sure, let's rule out a server merge because it might mean lag. ;-)
Eventually, when player numbers really start to dwindle, I think this might happen anyway.
VaranisArano wrote: »What time would you like ZOS to turn off the Cyrodiil servers to preserve the sanctity of the campaign score? Just curious.
Well first off, anytime there's a patch. Scores should NEVER be ticking away while no one can defend or change it. Probably the biggest factor in score right there. Off peak hours players doing the PV'door thing right up until the server goes down. It keeps ticking all the way thru. I'd say that's a good place to start, and one of the most fustrating things about Cyrodiil.
I'll also mention that as much as I love playing with and speaking to our Aussie friends (I really do love chatting with them)...they need their own freakin server =(
VaranisArano wrote: »
I'm sure they'd love their own server, for their own sakes. Until then, they get to play on the same campaigns we do.
And I don't have a problem with turning off the score when no one can possibly be playing because maintenance.
Still, I'll ask again. What time do people want Cyrodiil score turned off to prevent "night capping"? What timezone gets told "Sorry, your contributions don't count" because we value the campaign score over you having fun playing?
ZOS has chosen (wisely, IMO) to value rewarding the contributions of players at all times more than creating a totally fair scoring system that values the times with more players over times when there are fewer.
VaranisArano wrote: »Still, I'll ask again. What time do people want Cyrodiil score turned off to prevent "night capping"? What timezone gets told "Sorry, your contributions don't count" because we value the campaign score over you having fun playing?