dtsharples wrote: »It's not really 'Outnumbered' when you hide in a tower, and funnel people through a tiny hole where they can't see what awaits them at the top or utilise half of their skills.
Tower farming is, and always has been the most basic game-play in Cyrodiil - adding siege to the mix is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Unfortunately there will always be newbies to fuel the fire by running repeatedly up those stairs.
Hey all, here's a video I made about utilizing the siege bug for outnumbered PvP!Spoilerhttps://youtu.be/Rcjtfv9mHJU
In addition to that, I must say I actually quite miss the siege bug.
Yes, it was enraging to instantly die while having a fantastic fight just to a broken mechanic, but it kept several zerg guilds at check and my performance was better than it has been for likely over two years.
If a bug makes people zerg less, perhaps it's not all bad..!
I'm convinced it wasn't a bug (What was the documented mechanic change for Wrathstone, that could possibly be attached to siege?)
It was a test run, a double blind study. Maybe it was even a precursor to the Daedric artifacts they plan on implementing. Someone at ZOS rolled the dice, made the change and didn't tell us. (And I'm okay with that.) The striking difference between how Cyrodiil operated last week, vs this week speaks volumes. I expect we'll see this come back around a little more polished.
I don't think ZOS would intentionally break siege, but it is alarming that such a gamebreaking bug made it past QA testing. I do hope that they were able to at least obtain metrics from last week which could help them balance siege in the future if deemed necessary. They have already come out and said that they are looking at possibly adjusting siege damage in the future.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
I don't have as much faith as this. For all we know sieges could be considered pets in the code and thus buffing pets to use your stats adversely affected them. Who knows at this point.
Equally using siege in smallscale isn't really something unique to this patch either. Siege has always been used as nirn shows in the video so I don't think it's a good argument for keeping the broken state personally.
Something I learned a long time ago is that the QA in this game does not cover even half of what it should.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Just because something is released with a bug doesn't mean QA didn't catch the issue or doesn't cover enough of the game.
The game was still playable with the issue and it didn't cause any item loss or database issue so I would imagine it was classed as fairly low priority. QA doesn't mean everything is perfect and they don't fix the issues they find either.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Every patch they let broken stuff go to live for the sole purpose of arbitrary deadlines. When they fix something it generally breaks something else.
dtsharples wrote: »It's not really 'Outnumbered' when you hide in a tower, and funnel people through a tiny hole where they can't see what awaits them at the top or utilise half of their skills.
Tower farming is, and always has been the most basic game-play in Cyrodiil - adding siege to the mix is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Unfortunately there will always be newbies to fuel the fire by running repeatedly up those stairs.
Hey, Rue bear.
dtsharples wrote: »Yes funnelling people through a gap, means you are only fighting a small number, likely an equal number of people at any time.
The advantage you have is knowing what you plan to achieve, and being in a position to use ground based effects, heals and ultis - which cant be used on the stairs.
So essentially you are channelling under-prepared and disadvantage people into a meat grinder. Congratulations you won PVP
I get that you couldn't do this in open field, that isnt my point - although it would be much more impressive.
My point is that you are essentially fighting on equal terms, only you have the advantage of knowing what the situation is and having a flat ground on top of the tower where all of your skills are viable. No shade, its just what it is.
dtsharples wrote: »Yes funnelling people through a gap, means you are only fighting a small number, likely an equal number of people at any time.
The advantage you have is knowing what you plan to achieve, and being in a position to use ground based effects, heals and ultis - which cant be used on the stairs.
So essentially you are channelling under-prepared and disadvantage people into a meat grinder. Congratulations you won PVP
I get that you couldn't do this in open field, that isnt my point - although it would be much more impressive.
My point is that you are essentially fighting on equal terms, only you have the advantage of knowing what the situation is and having a flat ground on top of the tower where all of your skills are viable. No shade, its just what it is.
You do understand there's no body collisions in ESO therefore every single one of those zerglings is capable of fitting in said small gap?
I'm convinced it wasn't a bug (What was the documented mechanic change for Wrathstone, that could possibly be attached to siege?)
It was a test run, a double blind study. Maybe it was even a precursor to the Daedric artifacts they plan on implementing. Someone at ZOS rolled the dice, made the change and didn't tell us. (And I'm okay with that.) The striking difference between how Cyrodiil operated last week, vs this week speaks volumes. I expect we'll see this come back around a little more polished.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
Just because something is released with a bug doesn't mean QA didn't catch the issue or doesn't cover enough of the game.
The game was still playable with the issue and it didn't cause any item loss or database issue so I would imagine it was classed as fairly low priority. QA doesn't mean everything is perfect and they don't fix the issues they find either.
You do understand there's no body collisions in ESO therefore every single one of those zerglings is capable of fitting in said small gap?
Obviously that first time is a learning experience.
I felt things were much more dynamic with the uber siege, also seemed like there was more open area pvp going on in between keeps.
LOL gg Elong. And thank god for that.
I don't agree with everything you said, but those two parts I am 100% with you.
Yes, it was annoying af instadying to siege in the middle of a great fight, but it's q learning experience and once you got used to rolling away from that damage things got a lot better.
And honestly, that "bug" or "change" reduced zergs stacking amounts, improved performance and overall made Cyrodiil a lot more fun for me. So perhaps it was worth it!
Only change that instantly forced players to change how they played in cyro and they quickly patched it lol.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »I hate to say it but overall... This accidental bug caused more good things than bad ones. Sure, it was annoying but it is not like it was unplayable or something. Also I was able to adapt to this "bug" quite fast (and I am not a top player). All you really needed was to have a purge sloted. It was a huge buff for magicka builds since stamina builds can not cast purge that often. Also fights were more stategic and you needed to plan your move correctly and watch every step (don't stay in red). It was important to time the "push" through an opening acordingly so the least posible amount of sieges could hit you. In fact I even noticed pugs (yes, random players) to have better coordination & team work becouse this sige bug kinda forced it on them.
And the most important: performance. IDK if it was because of absence of zerg ball groups or not but server performance in cyro were (compared to what we have now) god-like. It was as close to 2014 as posible (sure it was not excatly as good but still... it was awesome).
Speaking of ball groups... it is also worth mentoning that those groups also had to adapt to this "bug". I have seen some of them running some extra healers & purge bots. Also "don't stand in red" rule started to also applay to those groups and they also needed to be carefull and watch every siege pointed at them.
Overall we will have to wait for the next major update as ZOS stated that this "bug" kinda inspred them and they will do some changes in siege weaponarry next update.