Sorry, but that doesn't really work. Bar space is already lackluster on sorcs (it's one of our main pain points).
Shield changes were a stupid idea, but people kept crying on the forums that shields were not critable (even though shields themselves do not crit either). So ZOS eventually changed that. And b/c shields were already lackluster before, they couldn't just make them critable without giving something in return. So here we are are now. Sorcs are harder to kill than before b/c they are now not instantaneously dead once you get through their shield. On the other hand they can't kill you either b/c their damage is too low and a full burst combo that is not actively mitigated is no longer sufficient to overcome the HP bar of 99.9% of players in cyrodiil (shield changes are not the main reason for this, but they made the matter worse). Oh and sustain is also worse ... not that it has ever been good since Morrowind.
So in the end we all lost, just b/c some cry babies wanted easy sorc kills and couldn't be bothered to overcome the l2p issues.
Ironically, even though sorcs are harder to kill these days, you see significantly less threads on the forums complaining about how hard it is to kill sorcs. Shows you how simple minded these people are: "HA! Sorcs got 3k less shields they are easier to kill now" ... completely ignoring resistences reducing the damage taken and time to kill ...
Wolf_Watching wrote: »
Yea... No. gonna have to stop you there. Pen and crit wasn’t useful for any builds against just shields. Specifically with double shields as they couldn’t break. That wasn’t nearly fair to other players. Just like cloak is bs to most players.
Wolf_Watching wrote: »
Yea... No. gonna have to stop you there. Pen and crit wasn’t useful for any builds against just shields. Specifically with double shields as they couldn’t break. That wasn’t nearly fair to other players. Just like cloak is bs to most players.
The reason why people are always crying about shields being too strong is a psychological one, not factual. They deal damage, and unlike in the case of dodge they actually hit, but the health bar of the target is not moving / responding. So to brain it seems like they were not successful and as a result no sense of accomplishment / achievement manifests but they instead feel dissatisfied. Sorcs (and others using shields as main defense) experience the same. But at least they know both sides and know how close of a call it often times is, even though the HP bar is not necessarily reflecting this appropriately.
I see no reason to keep the battle spirit debuff on shields in PvP especially now sorcs don't really benefit much from shield stacking.... which is now required more then ever just to survive.
Would like to use a single shield ability for once since this whole mess started with the god damn changes to the defense of different armor types.
Canned_Apples wrote: »I don't understand this thread. Shield sorcs are nearly unkillable in nocp. Absorb Magicka+Sorc Shield+healing ward... that combo is far more common than you'd think.
Canned_Apples wrote: »I don't understand this thread. Shield sorcs are nearly unkillable in nocp. Absorb Magicka+Sorc Shield+healing ward... that combo is far more common than you'd think.
@VaranisAranoVaranisArano wrote: »Impenetrable isn't a PVP-specific trait! I wear it on my PVE farmers so I don't have to repair my armor as often!